I got one of those as an early christmas gift and played a couple hours of mario odyssey. I don't like it...

I got one of those as an early christmas gift and played a couple hours of mario odyssey. I don't like it. Is there anything else I can do with it or do I just sell it?

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Sell it. It you don't like, you don't have too.

What a strange question. What could you do with any game you don't like besides sell it?

What sort of answers are you looking for?

Try eating it

I'm looking for more games to play, not what I can do with the mario game. It was a digital download voucher.

Have tried looking at the eShop? That's where all the games are.


Look up the games yourself, we don't know what you like.

Make a video of you smashing it

I tried finding a few things I liked back when I was a kid like fzero or metroid, but those are apparently not on the system. That's why I'm asking, I'm not sure if I'm missing something. Wasn't there a new smash?

Fast Rmx is a great futuristic racing game and my choice of modern f zero, Redout is also coming out soon.

The new Metroid is likely far off. Are you talking about virtual console games exclusively? There isn't really a system in place for old games yet besides the arcade games.

Are you coming back to gaming or something?

my last nintendo console I owned was a gamecube. I fucking hated it because I had like 5 games in total for it. It were the good old days where your parents took you to a video rental store, you rented a ps2 game and burned yourself a disc at home.

Splatoon 2 is great if you want a fun shooter. BotW if you like open world games.

The system JUST came out and only has a few games. On top of sounding like a clueless moron you could have found all your info you wanted with ten seconds in google

This is probably another console war bait thread

Well if it's an 'old fashioned' console you want, you'd be best sticking with the Switch. The other two are just glorified skinner boxes at this point with all the lootbox and 'games as a service' shenanigans going on.
If you want a good idea of where the Switch library is going, have a look at the games on the 3DS.

Breath of the Wild is great, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 seems pretty well received though I haven't played it. Fast RMX is a solid F-Zero/Wipeout Clone. There are also a handful of great indie games on the Switch if you haven't played them yet like Binding of Isaac an Cave Story.

how shove that bait straight up your loose asshole.


Can you stop trying to derail this thread now?

>No date/timestamp

How old are you OP?


>played a couple of hours
>didn't like it
>wearing the King clothes you get for beating the extra world after you've beaten the entire game and collected many extra moons

>OH hey, let's get Billy that new gaming console, the 'Switch', he likes video games right Nana?
>Yea...sure...I think so...just buy him whatever

I got it for beating some boss rush mode which wasn't too bad. That's like what, 10-15 hours?

Oh, OP is a fucking troll. Who would have thought?

And you still get consoles for christmas? Kind of jelly 2bh.


My grandma is like 80 and I haven't seen her in 10 years since she lives in another country.

>played a couple hours of mario, didnt like it
>oh actually i beat the game and tackled one of the hardest challenges in the game because i found it so boring

What hardest challenge? There's like what, 10 levels you have to beat? And the fucking 4 retarded bunnies can't do anything, even less if you just buy one of those 6 HP thingies from the shop.

I don't know, I think if someone is beating Mario in a "couple of hour", they aren't playing video games correctly, in my opinion, but maybe I'm being a jerk here. Or I guess these types of games just aren't for you. What kind of games do you like anyways?

The fuck are you talking about? PS4 has plenty of games without loot boxes and game services. Stop buy EA shit.

Why don't you like Mario? It's easy and shirt, but it was pretty fun.

Play Zelda. Legitimately the best game I've played in 10 years.

>really shitty doom
>more ports to come.

I like rhythm games and RPGs. Sometimes I play tekken or SFV, other than that the only thing I play are f2p card games.

>Sword Art Online
No accounting for taste, clearly.

How do you get this far in a game you don't like? Whether you say it was short or easy or whatever, the credits already rolled for the game, and yet you did extra stuff after them.

Because I occasionally take it with me when I have to go on the shitter and play for about 10 minutes.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 just came out, there's Disgaea 5 and it seems like there will be plenty more RPG to come.
Some rhyhtm games out too I believe, or coming

You really didn't enjoy playing it, though? Enjoy doesn't necessarily mean "like" in the context I'm using here. Was it not entertaining during the many hours you played it? I sometimes play a game all the way through and in retrospect say "Actually, that wasn't very good" but it's strange to me that your Switch just didn't collect dust. Even taking a shit, surprised you didn't just leave it in the dock and start playing with your phone on the crapper again or something.

There's too much downtime in the game for me to enjoy it. Some of the pipes you find lead into interesting courses that last for about 3-5 minutes and that's it. 99% of the time I played I was exploring the levels with so little challenge that it felt trivial and more like a grind to get enough moons to progress. I don't have a good enough wifi connection in my bathroom to play shitty mobile games either and I clean my shit, if you let your things get dusty then dust is everywhere, not just on a particular thing.


Keep the Switch you fag. It's a gift. Also, Metroid is coming.

>glossy screen
Why ?

I bought a cheap screen protector, was some chinese shit.

SMTV is coming.
