Why do americans love nintendo games so much again


Because they grew up in the 90's when Nintendo were still decent.

Modern Nintendo are just embarrassing.

Who gave you that impression?

They used to, but don't any more. Small children enjoy it for a few years, then become gangbangers and shit.

Also Nintendo neglected european market while sega and sony didn't.

yeah your right about ninty and sony
who the fuck is sega though

Seems like Nintendo had a little cult following within us children in the 90s, much bigger than in the other countries. Now the grownups feeding their nostalgia and maybe even making their children to follow with the legacy.

why do humans like video games so much?

They won't. Nintendo doesn't push any envelopes like Mortal Kombat or Grand Theft Auto, so Nintendo is pretty much irrelevant to retarded, violent American children.

what are you implying




Maybe it's because I'm an oldfag but I remember SEGA being a big deal from 1990 to ...1994?

Preference for hyperreality to actual reality. Escapism.

>anti nintendo people hate women
>anti nintendo people hate americans
crossing the data together makes it more and more obvious the whole anti nintendo djihad is literally orchestrated by mudslimes. remember the pinoy kid.

americans are weebs

It wasn't little and it wasn't a cult following. Adults were playing Mario too. But the SNES and Gameboy seemed to specifically target children. Thats why I wanted Genesis. Nintendo is for children. They are very corporate and profit driven. Zelda games made after Windwaker are cuck games.

because the gaming crash in America and Nintendo saved gaming over there with their NES, thus creating generations of Americans to grow up playing Nintendo in their suburban houses detached from any community

>nintendo make games that appeal to (man)children
>murrica is a country full of manchildren
>nintendo is popular on america


Just like disney products, safe choice for kids


dude, mario is like, for kids, lmao

Numales have lost the election if you haven't heard so they're going for escapism

what do you mean, i'm american and i haven't played a nintendo game in almost 15 years. i'm sure they're still big with the kids, as they always were.

>nintendo games
Does not compute. Did you mean: Movies AKA Sony games?

I need friends on super mario run
It’s was worth waiting for a price drop

What's the Super Mario Odyssey of Europe/Australia?
I mean what's their 2017 GOTY? Because in America (inc. Leaf and all of Latin America) and Japan, it's all about the plumber this year.


That's Europe

What is there not to love? Nintendo games always have a strong sense of quality and creativity to them. When you see Mario, Pokemon, Kirby, Link, or any of the other great video game icons you think Nintendo. This is what separates our brand from Sony, I mean, does Playstation even have a mascot? These things matter, and the real gamers know it.

why do europeans only play fifa

Because their games appeal to our audience, plus they're actual video games, unlike Sony.

the f2p mobile game?