>Shitch has no game-
Shitch has no game-
>jrpg shit
>indie port to 5 system shit
>first party ports
>Games no one plays
>punchan and wiggalan the game
I like the system and I think it's pretty good.
I had no idea namco museum was on the switch. Why didn't they advertise it better?
Other game
trying way too hard to fit in
I know OP literally has autism
>X on Pokken, Arms and MK Deluxe
>Only O's are on le open world meme games
Fucking casual
>mario+rabbids kingdom battle is crossed out
listen user I know its easy 2 hate it but
Shitty games and ports dont count as games, just ask a soynyboy. Theres exactly 1 game in that picture (bing bing wahoo)
Mario oddesy, BotW and octopath ((((soon))) plus whatever else floats your boat. Get the switch if you like the stuff on it
>x on octopath
When will you faggots learn that people don't mean it literally has zero games? There's just only a select few games worth buying the system for, which isn't really worth it to most people. Otherwise, most of the Switch's games are ancient multiplats and Wii U ports
Yup I agree with OP that the Switch has games. Just look at the image, its the entire library of the Nintendo Switch!
I didn't like breath of the wild, not interested in mario, so far my favorite Switch exclusive was Fire emblem warriors.
Bought Xenoverse 2, we'll see, but I kinda got tired of all the exploration grinding in X.
Wait, Pac-Man Vs. is back!?
>no one who bought this console would ever enjoy any of these!
I guess if I were eleven again this would be the coolest thing since motherfucking pop tarts
This. We like mature games like Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty.
>There's just only a select few games worth buying the system for, which isn't really worth it to most people.
The reason people said it in the first place was solely because of exclusives, even enhanced ports would be considered exclusive to that system back in the past.
However now things have changed and no games means "I don't like these".
I agree 100%, and so do 99% of consumers. Although MK deluxe is good if you never had the wii u version.
>Namco Museum
>4 demos
>Meme Story
Golf Story is fun, M+R is fun even though rabbids are minions tier garbage, and the Octopath demo was the most time i've spent on a demo in a decade
Yeah it's on there.
But if I remember right there's a separate app for someone to control Pacman.
>and so do 99% of consumers.
If they did then the games on there that are currently out wouldn't have sold well.
But there is only two games there worth playing
Why do people keep making these threads? they're kind of expensive to be jokes
Believe it or not there are literally anons here who purchase systems literally to shitpost.
babbys first srpg
Let's see here
>Would play, first one felt a bit like playing an MMO but no one was allowed on the server
>eh, I still haven't finished the steam ports
>would probably play a fair bit
>tekken is not better if you re-skin it to pokemans
>emulate nigga
>Stamina bars can fuck off
>rest is demos
I mean there is some stuff there.. Just the asking price for the console + accessories + games is way too outlandesh, specially when I compare it with what I already have on PC.
it simulates chores
The only good game on it is Odyssey. This is only my opinion though.
Is Golf Story that good?
Oh I guess its not a good game anymore.