Usually not into RPG's because I hate micro managing things. Will I be able to enjoy this?

Usually not into RPG's because I hate micro managing things. Will I be able to enjoy this?

If you're playing on PC get the no weapon degrade mod. I personally hate micromanaging weapon degrading. Everything else is pretty standard and doesn't take micromanaging

You don't really need to micromanage much, just ride your horse around a huge world doing quests and killing shit.

I was expecting a simple hack & slash game, what I got was one of my most favourite games ever!!

How hard is it to go to a blacksmith and repair it? It just costs a little gold and lasts a good while.

or you can use a kit on the fly
i guess it's tedious and doesn't provide any gameplay, it's just there to stroke the immersion dick and nothing else

just play it, it's great.

if you like riding slowly from point A to point B and then watching a 5 minute cutscene about bullshit you're supposed to know/remember from the previous games, then you might really love it.

Or if you like being forced to play a shit card game you don't wana play.

Or if you like stories so poorly written it'l make you blind from rolling your eyes so hard.

I could go on but you get the point. It's a shitty dialog simulator and the combat is clunky and tedious.

wasted my money on this one.

Probably, because it isn't an RPG. If you liked Skyrim you'll probably like TW3.


This game is made for braindead people. You don't have to think about anything. Just select your active quest, follow the red line through the boring open world or one of the three towns the game has, and then beat the enemy with the god awful combat to pick up your randomized loot reward. Check out Skyrim and Fallout 4 too if you want a similar experience.

>being wrong on every single point
>reddit spacing
>reply 2 times to the same post to show your frustration
5/8 quite okay bait

There's nothing to micro manage in TW3 because it isn't an RPG; there's only one class (spellsword), there's only two responses for each dialogue choice (sometimes only one), and there's no stat management, just perks. If you want an "RPG" with absolutely no substance besides nice graphics and a decent story, play TW3

It's not a RPG so you might like it, there's hardly any management or depth whatsoever, it's basically an action game with story branches.

Get ready to drink potions every 10 seconds

no u can tame the game in any way u want i personally just go killing the strong bad guys and wearing the stuff from their dead bodies

It's not a RPG. It's a story driven single player action-adventure game. A mixture of Assasin Creed and Telltale games in essence.
Witcher fanboys will rage at this notion because they are pretentious plebs who consider RPG's to be intelectually superior to other genres despite most of them never actually having a played a real one.

it's an RPG
everyone saying otherwise is a retard

my favorite part is when you play dress up at the castle before watching 5 minutes of pointless and boring dialog

Have fun playing your gay fantasy simulator I guess lol

>Witcher fanboys will rage
no it is retards like u who rage spamming "pls add customization plsss plsss pls!!!!!" all around but no one fucking cares idiot

"b-b-b-but that isnt RPG" who the fuck cares what it is, i dont even care enough to discuss definitions

People like me who like actual RPG's care. The WIcther 3 isn't an RPG plain and simple. Just because a game has quests and player choice doesn't turn it into a RPG by this reasoning GTA and Telltale games are RPG's aswell.

oh oh right I almost forgot, the incredible writing that involves lots of very stupid but explicitly mentioned little details like "oh the witchers are sterile, because" which is just a lazy and convenient way of hand waving away any questions from non-retarded players wondering how so much sex leads to so few children.

Gota have the sex to sell copies to the teens, can't have babies fuckin up the story/gameplay though right

don't get me wrong, your response was basically, "na, you're wrong" which was inspiring and almost changed my mind, lmao I bet you're 15

It's pretty streamlined yeah

then dont play and stfu

Why is it pointless and boring

Never try to discuss this game on Sup Forums, it's way too popular for its own good

There's no real rpgs made anymore so you might as well just play fallout and baldurs gate for eternity

Should be important to note, the reason the game gets such massive praise is because of it's heavy emphasis on plot narrative. It's the same reason why so many people put The Last of Us on a pedestal. The Last of Us still has somewhat solid mechanics beside it's plot though. The card minigame is probably better than the obviously horrid combat and movement mechanics.

good "real" rpg's are boring as fuck

yo it's ok if you like watching him take baths and pick his outfit, I aint judgin you dawg, it's just not for me, that's my opinion, brah, lmao

Are you retarded or merely pretending?


What about Witcher 2? I'm about to start a game, any advice?

dang you burned me again with those lethal high school insults, watch out!

I'm not even the same guy you were replying to, your reply just caught my attention because you type like an absolute retard.

I criticized the game and you said I'm retarded, brilliant! I'm waiting for you to mention your IQ or some shit lol

Play The Witcher 1 and 2 first you fucking dolt.

>There are actually people who will skip the prequels and then proceed to complain about how the story is meh


fuck you got me again lol, it's like your brain is trying, but failing lmao

r u ok?

>if you like riding slowly from point A to point B and then watching a 5 minute cutscene about bullshit you're supposed to know/remember from the previous games, then you might really love it.

Riding isn't slow and you can use the travel posts as for cutscenes they're definetly not 5 minutes long, If you're not interested in the story why play rpgs?

>Or if you like being forced to play a shit card game you don't wana play.

You're not forced to play gwent.

>Or if you like stories so poorly written it'l make you blind from rolling your eyes so hard.

No proof just opinion..

You're just baiting.

I was so fucking glad that by the time I got round to playing the game, people had found an exploit to not have to play fucking gwent to save the guys life instead you can just fight the guys.

Fuck gwent

go back

witcher is shit deal with it dumb fuckhead