Because of all these XBC2 threads lets have a thread dedicated to Japanese character designs

Because of all these XBC2 threads lets have a thread dedicated to Japanese character designs.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Saber Alter but as a maid but also in a bikini
Nu-TM is cancer.


How can the west compete?!

I love me some bikini armor, but put some effort into it.
99% of the reason most costumes are just "She's in her underwear" is because it's really easy to draw. Clothes are harder than just bare skin. That's the lazy way out.
Good bikini armor should be just as detailed as any clothing.

who likes bara

Not my cup of tea but hey if that is what you like.

Nu-Type Moon forever ruined Fate.

That's not bikini armor, that's literally just fan art of a girl in a bikini because boners run the internet.



Kill this meme already.

But we always had these kinda threads...
What's so special about this time around?

>saber is so perfect she's literally cloned several times over

>not posting best kusoge

I would not be surprised if they made Eve the original saber face.

Are Senrans welcome?

The only acceptable Saber clone is MHX alter.


Fish tities

Why does the shit that comes out of FGO get a free pass with all this design shitposting

Stop it, I'm on day 5 of nofap.

They are the only thing keeping Sony music in business.

I don't care how retarded some of them are, grand order designs make my dick hard

I dont even get why anons do a no fap marathon

You should start Day 1 of Ending Your Miserable Life, bitch niggaaaaa

What games should I be playing? I've really only into Senran Kagura and Neptunia right now.

and then its straight up upgraded to lingerie

Dragons Dogma, good game and you can make a waifu.

Is it worth getting the gatcha game just for the designs? I've never played/watched anything fate but I love the designs

>smashes through a wall 4 areas later

Might as well just look for fanart and there're collections of the art from the app

Depends on your luck, you can get a 5* you really wanted with just a ticked, a free summon item, or waste everything you saved and get nothing but at least out side of Merlin the game is mostly balanced even with 3 stars and welfares only.

Is there any way to cheat like turning airplane mode on when rolling?

can you make he wear skimpy clothing?

It has a solid mix of bikini armor and full armor.

Is the ps4 port good?

No as soon as you accept rolling that is it.

Just play on PC.

Sorry can't say, i only played the PS3 version.

I cant

this fucking guy!

>hey is this specific version of a game any good
>lol just play on PC bro

I don't have or want a PC

Faggots are not allowed here

Even my 3 year old laptop plays it fine, don't tell me you're a dirty phone poster

Hahaha very nice my friendo

Because I'm taking control of my life. I don't even know why I haven't blocked this website with a random password yet.

>it's really easy to draw.

No it's not.

Eve will be a Saberface and so will Adam.
So will Jesus, for that matter.

>torturing yourself for no valid reason

>But it increases your test levels!
It's just soyboys trying to be reverse the damage from years of being a low test

>not acting like a flesh-unit soyslave is torture

It's hard to quit an addiction man. Two years ago it was pretty hard to quit eating sugary stuff, but I've been feeling a lot better ever since I got used to a proper diet, now I'm stopping masturbation. I only ever really masturbated because I was bored, so I'm trying to fill my time more and I got some dumbbells to lift if I've got energy but nothing to do.

My emperor

>Tfw everyone is posting boobs when you only want a badass mercenary made by japs.

>calling anyone else a soyboy

>Posting Lost planet 2 when you have the superior E.X Troopers

Pleb taste.


doing it less is ok but not doing it at all is autistic


How? There's no panties, do you just cut a hole through the fabric?

It was doomed from the beginning, ever since Heaven's Feel introduced bad girl versions of saberface


Who dis?

Penthesilea, a amazon queen killed by Achilles.



Abigail Williams/Dunwich Horror, the new Foreigner class in fate.

Does fate gatcha have one designer?

They have a shit tons of artists and a a bunch of famous artists come in for like 1-3 servants

He also fell in love with her after he mortally wounded her when he took her helmet off.

unfortunately no.

No, a crap ton of artists.

Little to late to Doushiou there Achillies

I want to kiss and rub my face into saber's cute flat sexy tummy

This also drove her insane in fate making her a berserker that goes full rip and tear at the mention of him.


Abigail Williams

This is ice saber, she's voiced by Saber.

Trully perfect!

Does it at least have a nice Artbook that collects all them?

When is she coming to NA? She's like the only Berserker I really want apart from maybe Ibaraki.

Over a year and a half, she is part of Epic of Remnant second chapter.

I like big girls like Altera.

Damn. Guess I'll just have to try and roll her on JP, she's part of the story pool, right?
Also, what about the oni girls?

>ladies in lingerie
sure is underage in here

Drunk is limited but banana and Tomoe are non limited.

Cool, thanks. Is Rashoumon hitting NA any time soon, or is that miles off too?


Underage spotted.

We've got a bit

Fair enough. Cheers.

If it keeps pace with JP, about June.

Well at least I've got time to stock up on quartz and tickets.

Is Rance going to rape that cute demon?

It's just these two pictures alone

don't bother with NA, you won't get anyone if you try to reroll since game gives you absolutely nothing after tutorial

>room with lots of teddie bears

well not exactly bears but

It's not my problem your taste is waifus is complete garbage. I'm not going to tolerate bad taste here just because that bad taste is better than a random western nigress.

>you won't get anyone if you try to reroll since game gives you absolutely nothing after tutorial
How do you mean? I've gotten Scat and Jack from Thanksgiving and Christmas and I only started a week ago.

I don't care about any of these games, I just fap to all the girls. Wales are financing my dick. Many thanks.

Once again Sup Forums proves it has shit taste.
My nigger.