What are some good atheist games?

What are some good atheist games?

Post some good games where the story doesn't have stuff like:
-Religious people

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>Extremist Atheist

Wouldnt a good picture for extremist atheist be that guy who shot up a church recently?

Minecraft my good gentlesir! *tips fedora*

REALlLY activates muh almonds

Reminder that the crusades were a response to two centuries of muslim incursions into europe

shut up you dumb nigger

go rape your goat abdul

>extremist jew
>controls the entire world from the shadows


>atheists go on a ideology push war that makes vegetarians look reserved
>buddhist at least has decency to asks other buddhists to clean up after his mess when he's gone
I dunno, man...

>when you get so mad at muslims you burn down constantinople after not getting paid, causing a schism between orthodox and catholic christianity that lasted for the better part of a millenium
based crusaders

>Jewish brain same size as white
Sorry boys, but you just don't have the PHENOTYPE.

>extremist nigger
>makes millions spitting on a mic or playing basketball

Or Stalin.


Replace the knights with Hitler as well. May as well point out the muslim genocide being committed by the "monks" in Burma as well

He was a marxist first, atheism was just a tool to him for an ideology that couldn't allow any power to exists above the state.

he wasnt atheist

Jughashvili was raised religiously, I bet he privately practiced what he forbade in public like all the top brass in Communist Russia did.

>extreme atheist

Did he value communism more or power?

He recently became an atheist before the shooting.

right on schedule

so he was radicalized in a small amount of time and didn't have any other problems and his atheist belifes are entirely to blame for him doing this?

What's funny is that I was at the inauguration with a trump hat and no one bothered me about it. I really wanted an excuse to punch someone but they never came for me.

What's wrong, soyboy? Can't handle that atheists are violent too? *tips fedora*

well where's the proof that he was?


Why would a leftist soyboy instigate violence when his flight response is so overpowering?

top kek


post ignored.


You're going to hell one day, user.


Hard to say. Nobody really knew the guy. The worst you can say is that he was psychopathic by every possible standard, the best you can say is he followed Communism to the letter. His dictatorship and tyranny were the only logical conclusion of an ideology imposed on a reality that wasn't compatible with it.
If you want to force a square peg in a round hole you need both power and ruthlessness.

Heidi Beirich, the director of the Intelligence Project for the Southern Poverty Law Center, a non-profit that maintains an online list of its designated American hate groups, said the gunman's reported self-declared motivation reflected a major topic on white supremacist websites, which are preoccupied with the idea that "whites are being hugely victimized by blacks and no one is paying attention." In particular, the shooter's reported claim that "you rape our women" ties into a long history of violence against blacks in the name of white womanhood.


Shin Megami Tensei

he shot a church full of white people you dumb nigger

Any games about this?

>Southern Poverty Law Center
>the guys that call the "OK" sign into a hate symbol
Stopped reading right there.

But I believe that not believing in God is the key to eternal joy in the afterlife.

I got some great pictures of it, drove 7 hours to be there. I'll remember it until I die, as it was a momentous moment in human history and a turning point for the world.

>a turning point for the world

That's the hope, not the reality.

If there's a god and he gives you eternal suffering because you've been brought up to only believe in things with hard evidence, then he's not worth worshipping to begin with.

Well if you're going to be like that then put hitler over the extremist christain

wtf i'm a muslim now

there are no gods in most racing games, may I suggest Track Mania, Hydro Thunder, San Francisco Rush or Re-Volt

Nobody can even make up their mind as to whether Hitler wasn't a pagan.

I can't choose to be retarded, I'd love to believe in heaven if I could

You idiot, of course there's a god in those games. The god of SPEED.

>hispanic the same size as white
Thank you gringo, you're unironically our greatest ally.

War games, civilization type games, racing games.
you mean astrology.

>Hitler who put priests into KZs

That's the reality and my hope, you need to be better informed faggot. The tax bill just passed yesterday.

You meant astrology right, supreme gentleman?

Crusader Kings 2

what a badass

Lets post game with better metaphysics/religions than the ones man made up as an explanation for reality

Completely inconsistent with our own world but nonetheless interesting.

More like the god of physical integrity with the way those fucking cars hold together under such situations.

The evidence is all around you, user. You're just a dumb nigger.





Call me when that wall goes up and that swamp is drained, you think I give a fuck about small time fluctuations like taxes when most major companies don't pay anywhere near what they should be in taxes.

Okay sorry boys actually put hitlers face in the islam section

>He adds that Hitler felt that in the absence of organized religion, people would turn to mysticism, which he considered regressive. According to Speer, Hitler believed that Japanese religious beliefs or Islam would have been a more suitable religion for Germans than Christianity, with its "meekness and flabbiness"

wtf I'm an islamist now

here have some kino youtube.com/watch?v=fZpJ7yUPwdU

Speer would probably argue that Hitler wanted to be Germany's Muhammad, a national deity.
Others would say that Speer was a blowhard talking smack about his former boss to save his own skin.
Who knows.

Don't fret user, one day, you'll learn to demand to sit with the big boys like the rest of us.

It'll take 10 years to build that wall and work has started. Corrupt politicians are being caught every other month and everyone got a tax cut. Why should I pay more for other people's kids and health care? You want something you work for it, faggots and communist can just die.

You mean this?


I'm not religious but Catholics are about as separate from Christianity as Judaism (also as theocratic as the latter, ironically). Christianity itself for the most part was the most hippie religion out there.

Also most dictators IRL were atheists.

>standard GOP wealth redistribution shit
>a turning point

I would have been shocked if they DIDN'T cut taxes for the rich.

>everyone got a tax cut
The donor class got a tax cut. If you're under 40 you're going to be paying for this hard for the rest of your life.

You could replace any of them with anything else and it would work. People seem to think that without religion there would be no war, when in reality, if people weren't killing each other in the name of god, they'd kill each other over something else.

m8 the middle/working class is getting a tax increase

it's hilarious how you talk about "corrupt politicians" when upper-class tax cuts are 100% to benefit political donors, there is nothing more corrupt than that

Every. One. Got. A. Tax. Cut. I can say that cause I'm getting a tax cut and I'm not rich. I'm just some user that likes to play video games in his free time. If I'm getting a tax cut, any working individual is getting one.

Don't use things like facts, you'll scare him.

>taxation is bad if we're not the ones doing it!

What about the Wave Existence?

>claim is made
>3 people claim the opposite
Not arguments

>If I'm getting a tax cut, any working individual is getting one.
That's genuinely retarded, user. Some middle class people are getting a tax cut, some are breaking even, and some are getting fucked. The only people seeing significant benefit are corporations. And that's not a bad thing, but the way it's being paid for is what's going to fuck the rest of us, and it's going to have a negligible effect one economic growth. This is a donor class bill.

I like the way this game handles religion with religious stories being interpretations off of far past events, and the concept of the demiurge or false god being in the place of modern day religions gods.

Oh I never said that tax cuts were bad, The tax cuts are inherently beneficial to small business at least, that's generally beneficial to smaller localized economies which are probably in need of the biggest legs up in forms of tax reform.

Overall big companies and trickle down is full of shit because their money is funneled into offshore banks and not reinvested back into local economies, but why do you think I call it a hope and not a reality, I hope there's a nice big wall put up, but that wall isn't there, I hope that there are sweeping changes made to corporate cotributions to politicians but luntil these things are a reality I will call them hope.

What a joke, Publies being fucking inept as always, why even expect anything less in that case.

a higher being but barely what you would call a traditional god,

>But but but poor people on welfare and obama care aren't getting tax cuts and the rich that make more money a year are getting more money back! REEEEEEEEEEEE

You can't win with these faggots. They see what others have and cry cause they don't have it as good. It's almost like they want government to rob people of their hard earned money to give to the poor.

With the new tax system businesses are incentivized to take the trillions they have offshore and put them back into the country. It's not foolproof but scaring these people away in a globalized world where anyone can do business anywhere is not a clever thing to do either.

Ah, yes, us graduate students who are working our butts off to understand the universe and invent technology are really enjoying the fact that none of us will be able to continue at grad school in america. You know, because we're getting tax cuts. Hilarious.
Consolation prize is that I am forced to find a position in some other country, which will get me away from your stupid useless ass.

Final Fantasy X

>video games

>With the new tax system businesses are incentivized to take the trillions they have offshore and put them back into the country.
Okay, buddy, we'll see how that works out. Businesses are sitting on historic amounts of cash right here in this country and aren't creating new jobs with it, giving them a tax cut isn't going to do much for the little guy. In principle you're right about not scaring them off to Ireland, and tax reform is needed, but this bill is hot garbage and has all the wrong priorities. And there's no independent analyst I've heard from that doesn't think this is going to balloon the debt by 1-2 trillion dollars.

>Extremist Atheist

I mean you realize that communist atheists killed over 100 million people during the 20th century right?

let's see the picture of an extremist jainist. i'll wait.

Pillars of Eternety
The gods in the game are literally not real

>Jewish brain not the biggest

>Rich people
>Using their wealth to give their workers higher wages or putting it back into the economy at all
>Not just hoarding it like some sort of modern day dragon

Sure thing friendo

>know, because we're getting tax cuts. Hilarious.

College and universities are privately owned businesses. Government shouldn't pay for your $200K liberal arts feminist study degree. Community colleges are already in place and offer many working field degress. How's about you stop being a faggot and go take those for 1/40th the price?

What do you expect to do about it?

>i agree with the issues but this bill which is approaching those issues is bad
If you want perfect legislation you might as well check out now because there's no such thing.
At the very least, if you really agree with the issues at hand, the bill is a step in the right direction which can be perfected with another 8 years of populist anti-donor Trump.

Will your massive tax cut compensate for the tax credit you lost were you to buy your first house?

I think not.

This tax cut literally fucked the middle class more than anyone.

I don't want perfect legislation, I want good legislation. This bill is not reforming the tax code in way that is good for the economy and for the middle class.

>anti-donor Trump.

Any generic FPS, you boring fuck.