Can someone explain why you should purchase a Switch when the 3DS does almost everything better?

Can someone explain why you should purchase a Switch when the 3DS does almost everything better?
>half the price
>gigantic library, further enhanced by having access to the entire DS library
>two screens
>3D feature
>can actually fit in your pocket
>double the battery life
>sturdy clamshell design to protect screens
>free online + download play
>better Zelda and Mario games
>web browser, netflix, etc.
>new games still coming out well into 2018 and possibly beyond

Why in the fuck would anyone purchase a Switch when the 3DS is better than its ever been, and offers so much more for half the price? The only real advantages to the Switch are better graphics, the ability to play on a TV and the possibility of new games for longer than 3DS, which doesn't really matter since it will never have a library half as big as 3DS anyway.

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Come on, one of you faggots has to give me a straight answer here.

You can play the Switch on TV with a comfortable controller. You can't do local multiplayer on the 3DS unless you have more than one 3DS nearby in probably at least 95% of cases. The Switch has better hardware and will be able to support games more ambitious than the 3DS can handle. The Switch's library comparison is a poor one considering you're comparing a 6 year old system to a 9 month old system.

Let me answer your question with another question.

Who would win?

>240p screen

The 3ds doesn't have Mario Odyssey and Breath of the Wild

This. Now fuck off OPA

>You can play the Switch on TV with a comfortable controller.
Lmao good one.
>You can't do local multiplayer on the 3DS unless you have more than one 3DS nearby in probably at least 95% of cases.
You can literally buy a 2DS for the same price as an extra pair of joycons. But hey, I guess if all you do is play Mario Kart 8 with half a joycon, then sure...
>The Switch has better hardware and will be able to support games more ambitious than the 3DS can handle
Yeah, we already established that.
>The Switch's library comparison is a poor one considering you're comparing a 6 year old system to a 9 month old system.
Except it literally will never happen. Switch is a regular console with full-priced games, it will never have the same size library as a super popular handheld with $40 games that also has the entire DS library behind it.
You're right. It has 3D Land and, more importantly, the definitive versions of both Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, all of which are better games.

>Lmao good one.

>You can literally buy a 2DS for the same price as an extra pair of joycons. But hey, I guess if all you do is play Mario Kart 8 with half a joycon, then sure...
So if you want to play Mario Kart with a friend on 3DS you'd have to buy another 3DS and another copy of the game and then you don't have the option of playing on TV. Meanwhile if you do decide to buy another set of joy-cons or pro controller that means you can play with up to 3 or 4 people.

>Except it literally will never happen. Switch is a regular console with full-priced games, it will never have the same size library as a super popular handheld with $40 games that also has the entire DS library behind it.
January 2018's Direct will prove you wrong.

Because I already have a 3DS and have played all the games on it that I want to play, I want to play some new games.
But this is one of those threads where the OP has a stance on something that he asks to have swayed, then disregards every single attempt and goes over every detail of even slightly well thought-out posts declaring that they are wrong.

>all of which are better games.
Well alright, that's your opinion. Though I legit don't know how you can call 3D land better than Odyssey, it's a lot more stale.

Also you could just buy both consoles and then not complain, it's not like you can own only one.

Nobody take this faggot OPs bait.

>, it's not like you can own only one
I'm guessing he's a massive Sony roach faggot who was forced to buy a 3DS for his loli weeb fetish and now he sees the Switch as some sort of threat to the 3DS

Don't ignore the obvious. You said you can watch Netflix on it, but it has a 240p screen. That's not a benefit. Plus it streams like ass for that shit of a resolution. And the only website that loads okay is the goddamn Space Jam website from the 90s.

Plus, the 3D part of the 3DS is shit. Pretty much everyone disables it, so why am I paying for that gimmick again? I've used every gimmick on the Switch on a semi regular basis, which makes it not really a gimmick.

Because everyone already bought one 2-6 years ago?

>So if you want to play Mario Kart with a friend on 3DS you'd have to buy another 3DS and another copy of the game and then you don't have the option of playing on TV. Meanwhile if you do decide to buy another set of joy-cons or pro controller that means you can play with up to 3 or 4 people.
And yet the whole fucking point of the console is that it's portable. Now suddenly playing on your own screen on your own handheld is a bad thing? Again, you could just buy a second DS for the price of joycons, and the only way you're going to play with "3 or 4 people" using two pairs of joycons is if you're huddled around one TV using midget-sized wiimotes with a single analog stick, that's retarded.
>January 2018's Direct will prove you wrong.
Really? January 2018's Direct will suddenly bless the Switch with a library of thousands of games? What the fuck are you even saying here?
A whole lot of bullshit here. I use it to watch Netflix or Hulu frequently and it never hits a bump, and I have no problem loading almost any website.

The 3D is a gimmick, yes, but so is the entire Switch console. You're also not "paying for that gimmick", you're paying for all of the other dozens of advantages that the 3DS has over the Switch.

Right, and since it's better in almost every way, why buy a Switch now? Is playing Zelda: Tranny Edition and Super Kirby Mario really worth a $400 investment?

3D Land is better because it's portable

oh wait

No, it's just a better game in general. For starters, it's an actual Mario game and not a Kirby ripoff. Not to mention you can play Super Mario 64 DS on 3DS which blows both out of the water.

>it's another leaf shitposts every good point until the snow knocks out his internet thread

>I don't have a counter-argument so I'll just call it a "shitpost" and ramble about Canadians
Good work faggot child.

You're right for now but that's changing by 2019.

>Enjoy playing super Mario 64 on my 3DS
>Put that down and play some Odyssey after

Consider this

>not a single good game

>And yet the whole fucking point of the console is that it's portable
No, the whole point of the console is that it is both

I'll give you a (You) but that's it.

>definitive versions of both Ocarina of Time and Star Fox 64 with brand new graphics and features
>not "good"
Oh look, it's retarded.

literally because it's the current year and it's actually almost next year, too.

>Is playing Zelda: Tranny Edition and Super Kirby Mario really worth a $400 investment?
Do you actually view your money spent on gaming as investments? Let me guess, you are primarily a PC gamer.

3DS was fine. I only really started liking mine when it was hacked.

I've never been happier with a console purchase than my Switch.

And yet it doesn't do either one particularly well. Too big and bulky to be a good portable, too weak to be a good console.

Because I have all consoles and portables and I am not a poor fuck like you clearly are.
/End of thread

>Because I have all consoles and portables and I am not a poor fuck like you clearly are.
That's a funny way to say "obese virgin".

>>half the price
Who cares
>>gigantic library, further enhanced by having access to the entire DS library
Because it's old.
>two screens
Both look like shit by modern standards
>3D feature
Who cares?
>can actually fit in your pocket
So can the switch
>double the battery life
Not even 1/10th the processing power.
>sturdy clamshell design to protect screens
I miss this
>free online + download play
To play Monster Hunter and...?
>better Zelda and Mario games
>web browser, netflix, etc.
Are you seriously insinuating you use a browesr on a console with like 30 mb of ram?
>new games still coming out well into 2018 and possibly beyond
It's all coming tumbling down

Married and very succesful.
Not everyone here is a fat 14 year old like you.

I don't fucking care dude. Its the best new console on the market and 8t has awesome games. The 3DS is also an amazing device.

Why should I buy a used 2DS XL? The games are not as big as Swich titles and the screen is just very shitty. Are there any legit enjoyable games for the DS lines?

Because Nintendo is only supporting the 3DS until 2018. I'll get it eventually, but I'd rather buy a console right now that will be getting support for a long time.

To play Switch games? I mean, you could ask the same about 3DS vs DS.

>Super Kirby Mario

Uh no, you couldn't, because the 3DS plays DS games and is objectively better in very way.

but why would you buy a 3ds if you had a DS at the time of launch, there was really no reason

DS plays GBA games.

So does 3DS with a flashcart + a 30 minute hack.

DS has better battery life.

The 3DS has shittier battery life than the DS and has a non perfect aspect ratio and also doesn't have 1:1 scaling to it's screen for DS games.

I own a new 3ds and mine collects dust. Hasn't been turned on in like a year and a half. There's nothing I can find that interests me save a few turn based games. Handheld games are just really boring to me.

PC can play them

On an old 3DS maybe. New 3DS has up to 7 hours, original DS barely scraped past 5.
What are you talking about? DS games aren't stretched, they're letterboxed with black borders on the size to keep the same aspect ratio.

You have to either buy a New 3DS XL or play it as the tiniest shit ever to make it not distorted

Either way, the original is still superior.

>original DS barely scraped past 5.
What the hell are you talking about? DS could get past 10 hours easily.