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Video Games #3990
Video Games
Super Mario Blanco is cool and all but can he defeat Ultra Instinct Mega Man?
Is this accurate?
Motion blur: on
What is the best PS1 game?
What are your thought's on Competitive Overwatch?
Was 50% more tracks for $12 for mario kart 8 the best expansion/dlc value in vidya?
What are Sup Forums's favorite custom maps in Warcraft III/3: The Frozen Throne?
What do you want from the next one?
It's time to admit the Wii U was a scam
Remembering old online friends that you used to play vidya with but don't talk to anymore
I expected Bolo's voice to be deeper
This game is too hard. Regular enemies feel like Dark Souls bosses. What am I doing wrong?
When will Zelda look as good as this? Obviously the Switch can't do it...
ITT: Genuinely good artstyles
A terrible cardpool filled with normal monsters that are just inferior stat versions of other monsters and...
If you were suddenly teleported to lordran with nothing but the clothes on your back and your current physical...
Sup Forums claims to be hardcore
Here's your controller bro
Why are game devs outside of Asia almost always 99%-100% white? Not that I'm saying there's a problem with that
Name some of the worst vidya fanbases. Go
>sfv is easy
Hey Sup Forums, what's your favorite sound effect from any game?
Our boy is back
What did they mean by this?
Neverwinter Nights
Can an mmo appear that becomes bigger than wow? or is the genre dead? what would your perfect mmo look like? discuss
B-but it's just a homage
Is this the manliest antagonist to ever grace a fighting game? He's fucking fantastic in Tekken 7
Absolute state of jap games
He didn't pick the threaded cane
What went wrong?
What's the most fun you've had on or with Sup Forums?
Are stories in vidya something bad?
Why does games always need that one race of furry midgets?
Personell Top 3 GOTY
What would it take for you to like a spiritual successor?
Birthright vs Conquest
How do we remove these low IQ perverts from video games?
Why doesn't Rockstar go all out with the freedom of violence? I wanna see moms walking with baby strollers...
Fire emblem heroes
That one guy who plays as a female tank
Hey, it's that Resident Evil thread
He picked Triss
Vidya Feats
Switch screenshot thread
Valkyria Chronicles 4 introduces six new characters, Brave system
Why was it dropped?
What did competitive esports mean by this?
It's 2018 already and the first Half-Life is completing 20 years now...
From where you're kneeling it must seem like an 18-carat run of bad luck
Can I make a good Starship Troopers RTS game without the jews sueing me?
Is mass murder okay if its commited by cute girls?
Japanese indie PC exclusives are super interesting
Resident Evil
I'm sorry, my companion, but no. We all have our own destinies, and yours culminates here. I would not rob you of that
Did he deserve all the hate? REMINDER he never actually lied once
Anybody else prefer consoles?
Warcraft IIII when?
Have you reached warrior rank yet?
Are there any popular games you people DON'T hate?
Filename Thread
2 = 3 > 9 > 4 > 5 = 6 > R&F > 1 > 7 > 10 > 8
What’s a comfy video game to play after a long hard day of wagecucking Sup Forums?
Monster hunter World
Post fighting game character select screens
At what point did you realize it was a masterpiece?
Game starts in a shotgun shack
Why is this allowed
Heavy traffic with SC4
Competitive overwatch
Big package arrived
Steam's Finland 100th anniversary sale
Is this the greatest quest in video game history...
Thoughts on a 7300HQ/1050 laptop? Replacing my PC
Forces is decent. Nothing bad, nothing spectacular, but decent
So what the heck IS he actually?
Does your mbti make a difference to the games you like? I'm INTJ and love grand strategy
What do you want out of this remake?
How can you allow sorceress like this?
This is DANTE say something NICE about him
Black Mesa
Behold! from a 300 dorarois machine
I bet it smells like baked cookies
What are some games with happy endings?
Felicia Day will be presenting an important award at the Game Awards
Post your most disappointing game of the year
He doesn't main Skorpion in his bug fighting game
ITT: Games from your childhood you can't find anymore
VN Thread
Describe this game in exactly 2 (two) words
*blocks your path*
"I'm a fan of [genre]"!
Guess what's game he playing
What can we honestly expect from this game?
Where are my dinosaur games?
What games let me utilize tunnels?
ITT: GAMES only you have played
Early Access
So we can pretty much agree that LOL/DOTA killed Starcraft 2 right ? What would it take to bring it back to the top ?
Do you think Kojima ate the soy taco already?
What's her name again?
Was anyone else a fan of the Syphon Filter games?
Mortal Kombat violence OK, sexualization is not?
What's next for him now, Sup Forums?
Ninja Gaiden vs Devil May Cry. Who wins?
Is this the best map in video games?
Name me a better game in the 7th generation. You probably can't. I immensely enjoyed this game from start to finish...
Get told a game is "fun"
WoW now additionally phases you to separate versions of existing phased instance versions of every area in the game...
What are some games where your best friend betrays you?
The Mary Sue of the series I the most OP character in the game
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Can someone explain Fighting Games to me?
Tfw no universal income yet in america so I can play MMOs and eat gamer fuels every day
What does an Estus Flask taste like?
Kill a hard boss by quickly whacking away with your high DPS weapon
Who, exactly?
I'm getting the xbone x soon should I just trade in my OG bone with the kinect or keep it
What's the best flash game you've ever played
What games sit at the height of the simulator genre
What the fuck is their problem? How hard is it to make the leaders look historically accurate?
What's your GOTY for 2017, Sup Forums?
This is your adventuring party for tonight
Im about to start this game
Grandia thread
Will we ever get an open world game with these aesthetics?
Video game cringe/beta/losers
Netcode is fixed
Fictional stores
Senran Kagura: Estival Versus
Imagine yoshi eating you and then pooing you out in an egg
ITT characters nobody but you pick
Was this the last good adventure game?
Who is the most bullshit boss of Bloodborne and why is it Martyr Logarius?
Humble bundle dying
Tfw you realize the people that call DaS2 shit are just really bad at it
* breaks *
Cute girls make unremarkable games really enjoyable, and great games even better
What did Based Shad mean by this?
Steam Finland Anniversary Sale
How do we deal with the Melee menace?
How do I link Sup Forums posters with IRL identities so that I can sell "DO NOT HIRE" database to companies?
Why don't you play Mugen anymore?
Best final boss fight in all gaming
Steam Avatar thread: Santa Edition
ITT: """Art direction""" in vidya
What does "Squadalah" even mean?
So curious, before the likes of Heathstone...
I want to buy her game
Rumor: Dark Souls 1 Being Remastered for All Consoles
Pawss the controller, bro
I don't have a lot of time right now but I work at Bethesda Softworks...
Finish the Fight thread
Who is worse?
"All 8 Mega Man X games are coming to Switch, PS4, Xbox One, and PC! Tune in at tv/capcomunity for more details!"
Main villain is a fallen hero
What are some games where I can kill Satan worshipers?
Yogscast Jingle Scam
Why do westerners prefer manly women?
You DID buy the Piss Clown right?
Shittiest areas in the whole series
Hat Girl is coming to ps4 tomorrow
Left: designed by an actual artist
ITT: games you'd love to see ported/made for switch
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
What does Sup Forums have against Overwatch?
*breathes in*
Why Modern Video Games Suck:
How do I git gud at racing games?
Why were they all so EASY?
Why walk when you can The Elder Scrolls thread ?
Why this this game fail?
What are some games where I can trigger autists?
And the award for best game of the year of 2017 goes to
Look at this. How do you take this character seriously with her saggy butt hanging out all the time? Seriously...
What's the Despacito of video games?
It's lovecraftian
Geheimer Hitler / Secret Hitler
Someone scamed me but i have her information
How the fuck can anyone have fun playing this?
Nintendo Switch Console - $300
Groove Stret
So now that blunderfag got doxxed, Where does he go from here?
Puzzle fighter Thread
You know what day it is. You know what time it is
Rocket league
“Skyrim”? More like “No Buyrim”
Imagine you are le #BASED /ourguy/ game developer. You are making a game, you give some info to hype people up...
Playing dota with female friend
The Division drops Update 1.8 today. There's a new open-world zone, new PvE and PvP modes...
So is this good now? Have they merged everything properly and all that? Or should I wait for another 1-2 updates?
Naughty Dogs leader is mad because The Last of us was only at 178th place on polygons top games of all time list
Blue Omen Operation
Post video game characters you'd cuddle with
When your bro lets you use his controller
What's the verdict on Persona 3,4, and 5
I still haven't beaten skyrim
This game is way better than I was expecting
Is it February yet?
New Darkest Dungeon DLC announced. Are you ready to remind yourself again?
Daily reminder it's free for Xboners this month, come play with us!
Ask the Monolith
There will never be private LoL servers
Game gives you a choice between two narratives with consequences depending on your actions
Oh hey, Civ 6 is getting Korea
Teammate starts dropping "red pills" in voice chat
Dark Souls 3
ITT: If you share a birthday with another user you must play a game with them
The Great Debate
Why dev love afro female nig
ITT: If you share a birthday with another user you must play a game with them
What's a good 144hz monitor to get for gaming?
What's his name again?
What went so right?
Why is the Witcher III considered the best game of all time by a lot of people?
Why was Benny such a douche?
Xbox WONe
Rainbow Six Siege - White Noise
What kind of armor do you prefer?
Humble Yogscast Bundle 2017
What can we expect this Saturday? Will it just be another vacuous meme-event, or will we get something juicy?
Now that the dust has settled tell me what opinion to have
Whats the difference between a crazed gunman and an assassin again?
Start up Fallout New Vegas
Post the cutest video game characters!
Why hasnt there been a sex based video game yet?
What would she be like in bed?
Okami HD
What would you want in WoW 2?
I'll take this video game, and play it
Xenotrash 2
What's your honest opinion on MGSV?
"Recoil! Not like shooting in a game, huh?"
Why aren't women interested in videogames in the west?
Im going to post this every day until Demons Souls gets remastered
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
Why was she so damn snarky all the time?
Why do you keep buying garbage games Sup Forums?
Is PC + Switch the best possible gaming option?
Tfw you still prefer consoles despite the hate they get on Sup Forums
Let's be real here. He's one of the best options as a guest character...
Look at this thinggybobber
Here's your controller, bro
Splatoon 2
Your thoughts on him?
What went wrong?
Ace of Spades 0.75
Is peach pure?
Are Frampt and Kaathe Jews?!?
How do I get into SaGa series?
Alright fags it's time. I just got these 2 VIDEO GAMES and you need to decide which one I should play first
*slams book down on the table*
Breath of the Wild is a masterpiece in game design
Wow what a cunt
The Nintendo bonus doesn't exi-
Post parts of games that kicked your ass. Could be a boss fight or just a tough regular section
Mario odyssey
Where were you when VR was the future?
Do you think there is a better game than Skyrim to be a loli in?
Retards who get happy about ports of old games and claim they're winning because of it
Game removes new mechanics and it suddenly improves
Why does Sup Forums hate us just because we like to use our computers to play video games instead of writing code and...
ITT games that literally only you played
ITT: Games so bad they ruined their series. Pic very much related
This is an actual Xeno game. Learn the difference:
Which GNU/Linux distro is the best for playing games?
Snow level
You can strongly prefer japanese media and be a fucking weeb without consuming japans bottom of the barrel...
PoE is good, knock it off if you think otherwise
Ywn spend night at a cafe with Makoto
Looks like Sony finally approved a PS2 theme on PS4. Why wouldn't you want this?
Good legend of Korra game when?
What would his coffee taste like?
So this shit is finally coming out for PS4, on the 6th. Does that mean we can download it at midnight?
No platform bullshit, but when will this be on PC?
Game panders to intellectuals
A good lizardman is a _____ lizardman
What happened to Blizzard?
This is the one true ABXY layout. Accept no imitations
ITT: we educate filthy weebs on what good music actually is by posting Western soundtracks that are objectively...
Weapon silencers reduce damage
It begins
Xenoblade 2 Is Beautiful
Rimworld thread
ITT: Games you've never managed to beat
Can we talk about our goddess Dahlia?
Gravity Rush 2
Dragon Ball Fighter Z
Hey guys I'm friendly! :)
I play video games with the subtitles on because the japanese voice acting has far more emotion and depth than the...
Why do people like this again ?
Will this be on PS4?
Diablo 3 got good after they dropped AH and the expansion came out!
Thoughts on all the nerfs and the 3.1 update?
Jelly poorfags ;)
The pc master race did this to me
Do you play fighting games on arcade stick?
Is Street Fighter saved?
Give me your honest thoughts on this visual novel
"Hey user, what's your favorite game you like to play online? No reason for the question...
Are you going to play?
Find secret path
4 days until DMC5 is announced
Sup Forums apparently hates anime games now
Nerf the strong f2p cards like Fiery War Axe, Innervate, Hex
Best COD game coming through
I'm willing to give my switch one last try before I sell it. Tell me which ones of those I should try
How would you balance this game to make it fun?
Can we agree that putting voice acted dialogue in rpgs was a mistake?
How did CS become the main competitive FPS...
Give me your honest opinion of this game
I liked human revolutions better
I don't care if there is another thread HOLY SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
Is Persona 5 a better game than The Witcher 3?
I think we all know that awards shows are a bunch of crap, but has a game this good ever gotten THIS shafted before?
Overlooked games
I am going to buy Switch this week. I can either get pic related or Switch + one game (thinking about BotW...
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Opening movie is out
Rest in spaghetti... never forgetti
Persona 5 comes out
Browses reddit for news about lootboxes
Parents want to know what I want for Christmas
Well paid job
Confess, my son. All will be forgiven
Xenoblade 2 thread: Keep shitposting down to a minimum
China: Wii and Gamecube games released on Nvidia Sheild
ITT: Characters you look like
Star Ocean 4 on Steam
When was the last time you've been hyped for a game? Did it live up to your expectations?
What's the minimum TV size you can play on?
Megaman 11
Starsector thread
He doesn't own a Nintendo Switch yet
/rgt/ Racing Games Thread
Is there any reason not to bot...
What went so wrong with Fire Emblem?
I feel like playing a party-based rpg, ideally with custom characters. I don't really give a shit about story right now...
Valkyria Chronicles 4
I played about 100 hours of the base game...
Can we talk about how good this graphics card is? I got this the other day...
What am I in for
So how it is?
Do people really listen to this garbage? Woolie is fucking insufferable...
I assume by now it's fair to call it one of the worst games that Nintendo has ever published?
Warframe dev: Industry must get better at "giving players a choice and a voice"
Will this be the dark souls of the switch?
Anyone else here marry the best girl?
Perfect action games don't exi-
Divinity Original Sin
Post cute vidya girls
Sit at home
Doki Doki
What's the tier ranking for this?
Does Sup Forums like Sonic Adventure?
So,what's Sup Forums's opinion on Dark Souls? Particularily the first one...
*blocks your path*
Is Alicia the purest vidya girl?
Um, I was wondering
What's the benefits between 144hz and a 60hz monitor? I'm still using a 60hz monitor and it is great quality...
Was Korea vs USA on Hanamura the greatest eSports match of all time?
Buy my game, kay?
Hurrr durrrr
Now that XB2 flopped
Cringe moment in video game
Demon's Souls
What are Sup Forums'a favorite custom maps?
Game gets banned in the west
Hows the gf quest coming along Sup Forums?
Are the expectacions just too high again?
Mfw americucks are losing net neutrality
Post best girl from any game
Who is your favorite yordle and why is it Tristana?
Best kh girl
I wish I had enough money to buy or build my own gaming PC
Would you like to see a sequel to Mako's game?
Some one play Spiral Knights?
What do you have on your wishlist Sup Forums?
Would it make sense to make a game set in a world full of degeneracy and put a lot of perverted sex scenes in it for...
ITT: vidya moments women will never understand
Mass Effect 1, 2, 3 had Liara. All great games
Battlestation Thread
What will you be playing this month/on Christmas/New Years Eve, Sup Forums?
Opinion on Glover
Are you ready to experience this once again?
This game is seriously one of the best of the decade
Roblox still hasn't reopened the forums
XV-88 Battlesuit deploying
/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday
Poppy or Tristana?
Monolith soft is heldbacked by underpowered handheld
What does pic related say?
Jesus fuck it's free, why aren't you playing the greatest strategy game of all time?
When do you guys think we will get Dark Souls 4?
ITT: If you share a birthday with another user you must play a game with them
Are there any strategy games that don't need micro? 4x need not apply, only battles matter
Genuinely considering getting a Switch solely to play BotW and SMO
The biggest game in history, now at 4k
How would you make a good Avatar/Korra game?
2 > 1 > V3 > Trash > 3 > Literal AIDS > UDG
Sup Forums suddenly loves stacked girls
E-friend with lots of health problems hasn't been online in 9 days
Can we stop with the meme that the Sonic Adventure series was good...
Destiny 2
Post other gaming YT channels with HBO-tier production
What do you want to see in Ace Attorney 7?
What are the chances the following games will ever be released on steam Sup Forums?
So this is the power of indie game dev?
Well, I want a remaster now
Why did 2007 is considered the year of the death of video games?
MMO thread
Who will win?
Worth the buy or replay older games?
This is great. Skillful, adorable, sweet
Puzzle fighter Thread
Shield gets VC before Switch. Thoughts?
What went wrong?
What was the first game you actively tried to get gud at and push yourself on?
What's your favorite interpretation of the Rogue class archetype in videogames?
Best 3DS Games, Go
1.3 billion people
This is the 27th of last seed the year of akatosh 433...
Why don't you speedrun, Sup Forums?
What's Sup Forums's opinion on educational games?
Dex or Str, Sup Forums?
Consumable gives a universal buff
I don't use THAT because it makes the game too easy
That kid that only played senran kagura games
Goldman Sachs says "PlayStaiton5 in 2020, PlayStation5 Portable in 2023"
What went right?
Frank is Back! - Fans Requested Improvement Update
Will you buy Gin's dumb game it's coming out in english
Gained 10 lbs in the last year
Dragonball FighterZ
This game had a better Maya in one game than it took original trilogy took 3 games to do
Why can't I finish games
Polygon's Top 500 Greatest Games Of All Times
Let's be honest here, nothing can satisfy the gaming community anymore
You can only pick two. What will it be?
That kid who said “ow” when he got hit in a game
Silent hill
Hey you
Good open source games exist?
And this is why you shoot a man before throwing off the plane
Decided to replay Fallout 3
How do people find this autistic fuck boy funny?
Nintendo next move
What's the best game where I can just mindlessly dungeon dive and collect loot for more gold and cooler weapons?
Are you excited for The Curse of Osiris, Sup Forums?
Why does a ps3 cost more than a ps4?
How the fuck did they get mario to look excellent on portable mode with 60fps yet have xenoblade running at damn near...
Super Cloudbuilt
What games let you be cops in the future?
This is Vergil. Say something nice about him!
This is a video game character
Why the fuck is cuphead such a buggy piece of shit?
WEBM thread
You're watching...Adventure Call
Stop glorifying crime
Does anybody actually enjoy having to manage all of these items and weapons?
I'm offended that sexually attractive women are in a video game
You start off game as a badass
What happened
Under Night In-birth
Who's going to deny Rockstar in 2018?
Yogscast Jingle Scam
What's your reaction to the last video game you played?
Doki Doki Literature club
What does Sup Forums think of Wolf O'Donnell?
DSP has spent the past 3 hours on twitch trying to beat one race in NFS Payback
Come to Sup Forums
Go on Sup Forums
You can't argue with this Sup Forums
Secret hitler thread, waiting for room edition
Have you ever considered masturbating to a video game character?
Name a better and more lasting community than the TF2 community
ITT: post the most brainlet things you've heard regarding gameplay
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Switch
Is Street Fighter saved?
Enemies can open doors
So Nintendo games are officially coming to PC
Armored Core
How Would You save Resident Evil?
Join a squad game
Battle in a JRPG
ITT: Video game trailer kino
Beda knuckle
Soul Calibur VI
I want to cum inside this rabbit. I want to slowly squeeze, knead her hair-ears in my hands like clay...
Loot Addiction
Left or right?
When the fuck is the 3DS version coming out? They said it would release THIS year, its fucking December 5th...
ITT: your personal 10/10 video games
Video games fan art thread
What is the worst video game company and why is it Nexon?
Is NieR: Automata the Rick and Morty of video games?
How did no one lose their job over this?
BurgerClaps of Sup Forums...
Game starts with a quote
What sorts of bosses would you like to see in a hypothetical sequel?
WoW: Battle for Azeroth
Have you ever played a video game with another girl before?
Be at college
Will it ever be topped?
Who's better?
You lads ready to see some Death Stranding gameplay on Thursday? What kind of game do you think it actually is?
I like P5 but I can't help thinking he's right
Who is your favorite video game loli?
Amaterasu Courier in DOTA 2
Would Renekton make a good life guard?
Sup Forums and video game culture over the years. Last thread hit image limit
OC by yours truly. Discuss
Why'd they ruin the car handling?
"Videogames Can Never Be Art" – Joe Rogan
I want to marry her bros
Hey, lizard! It must break your heart, huh? Being so close to the water, knowing you'll never get to swim again...
Games that let you play as a loli?
What games feature food mechanics?
There's literally nothing worth playing right now
How goes your journey Sup Forums?
2018 will be here soon
Confess your video game sins
Should I get a switch just for her?
The generic unity game look all over again
Would you be surprised if he was found guilty of sexual assault?
Why do SJWs ruin everything they touch
Nintenweebs only want to play low budget weebshit with big titted anime girls apparently
So uhh I already got 2 divine beasts and the master sword
Which game allow me to kiss in the neck a woman?
Why is the combat system so braindead? In PSO1 the combat wasn't deep...
ITT - post vidya apparel
Hey there. I know we haven't been on very good grounds lately...
Cassie, have we ever told you how I and your mother killed hundreds of people?
He isnt evil. He is just greedy
What is the appeal of turn-based combat?
Xenoblade chronicle 2 thread - non shitposting edition for those of us that are enjoying the game
How did nintendo get away with a 4 year console lifespan?
This is the best Castlevania
My ancestors are smiling at me imperial, can you say the same
Is there anything more comfy?
Life Is Feudal
It's been a strong first year for the Switch. Will Nintendo be able to keep the momentum going into next year?
The pagies... in cagies
No books or outside source focusing solely on gameplay (game mechanics, abilities, controls...
So why aren't you playing the best mobile game of 2017, Fire Emblem Heroes, yet...
Hat in Time
Ultramarines Primarch Roboute Guilliman revived from stasis
Ebin road starts tomorrow, DFO fags. Finally, an event worth logging on for
900p at 22fps
He's gonna take you back
How will Legionbabies even compete when Vanilla comes out?
What did he mean by this?
He did nothing wrong
Game Dev
How do I make a god tier farm?
Final Fantasy XV was a piece of shi-
Have you ever changed your opinion about "infamous" people in the video game community?
Lets talk about nier automata and why its so fantastic
Hi /his/ here!
Game soundtrack has vocals
Comfy Senran Kagura thread anyone?
Tfw you are the only old user left on the site
Only one of them can be game of the year Sup Forums
It Might Be Time To Rethink Difficulty Menus
Are you excited?
What's your fav controller bro?
"Hurr durr nobody actually likes crash"
Just started disc 2, i'm loving it so far, after disc 1 does it gets better or worse?
It's not as good as Jet Set Radio
ITT: Video game areas you've been stuck in for years
Can someone explain why you should purchase a Switch when the 3DS does almost everything better?
Just finished this, can we have a thread?
So this is Sup Forums's favorite character of 2017, right?
You now gain the powers of the protagonist of the last game you played
Mega Man X 9 fucking when?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...