Anyone know what happened to the ReDux Complete creator? The last update was in 2015.
Grandia thread
Also interested in this.Would love a reason to replay the series.
It's fun, go do it.
I've been considering a grandia play through lately, so here's a free bump
What's ReDux Complete?
Would love it if someone applied the PlayStation translation/dub to the Saturn version.
im still working on it so fuck off.
Because the PlayStation version is a shoddy port.
In what way?
The graphics are different. A bunch of textures changed and the resolution of the battle screen backgrounds is all fucked up turning it into a blurry mess.
>held off on replaying Grandia 1 because it was leaked to be releasing with steam along with a bunch of other games
>they all came out
>apparently G1 got cancelled for some reason
I hate this.
Should I use Retroarch or PS3?
Recently replayed one and two.
Any modern JRPG's with this kind of battle system?
Child of light was pretty similar but lacked the movement dimension
And yes i know CoL is not a JRPG but it plays like paper mario or other simple JRPG's
Closest I can think of is Radiant Historia for the DS. It's got such a unique battle system nobody has really tried to replicate since.
Ayyy yeah, Grandia thread nigga
This is one of my favorite moment in gaming. Getting on that ship was so fucking hype.
You start at the crack of dawn. The music is different, the people walking around are different, the lighting is different. They put a lot of effort into redoing the entire town for a 15 minute section of the game. It's been a long time since a game game me the same feeling of accomplishment.
And then the game goes on to do it AGAIN when you climb the end of the world. Justin's annoying enthusiasm and persistence is contagious.
My only complaint with the series is that once you figure out the battle system, the battles become trivially easy. It's less of a problem in Grandia 1 than 2. 3 fixed it to and extent, but almost everything else about that game is a dumpster fire.
Grandia 2 was amazing, wish we could have more games like that.
I think I'll load the game on my PSP.
I'm just gonna post Grandia sprites now. Some of them might have spoilery stuff in them.
BTW, Wetleen confirmed for best girl.
PS3 if you wanna at some point in the future. Otherwise just emulate it.
More Leen
Am I the only one who didn't care at all for Grandia 2. Everything felt so extremely cookie cutter, even for JRPG standards. get to new town with store to the left and inn to the right, 4 generic houses named House 1 through 4 and one mission house where you found out that someone possessed by a end boss body part was causing trouble and now the nearby dungeon opens up which is a bland maze just like all the other dungeons except with a new wall texture. You fight the boss, return to town, get your thanks and head on to the next town, rinse and repeat.
I liked the game, but the setting and story really took a nosedive after the first.
I'm not saying that Grandia had some kind of mind blowing story or anything, but the characters and presentation were fantastic.
How is the PC Grandia 2 HD port? Anything messed up?
Simply the best
>rem was neither a girl nor a party member
Yeah the first game is one of my all time favorite games on the ps1 and I was so looking forward to the sequel, even bought a dreamcast just for it but eh it just left me feeling empty.
>dat feel when you get atop the Wall
Pretty good. There are some minor issues with audio syncing in a few of the cutscenes.
There's a guy name Detestable Geohound who has been autistically bitching non-stop on the Steam forums about the audio sync. He's in nearly every thread. He makes a lot of noise, but the problems are not nearly as bad as he makes them out to be.
Everyone basically praises Grandia 2 for the combat system. I also agree it was a worse game than the original in other ways. MC was different but equally as good, though. Grandia 3 took that even further and people turned on it for that.
>If I was listening to everyone's advice, I would've killed you and took the gold.
Oh shit, forgot to post more sprites.
I forgot how amazing the soundtrack. Theme got me teary eyes.
God damn grandia 1 was so good. We didnt deserve games like grandia 1&2, they were too amazing for this world. RIP the creator
>Any modern JRPG's with this kind of battle system?
I think Cosmic Star Heroine is supposed to have some thing like that, but I haven't played it.
Makes sense. Personally I've always seen combat in JRPGs as a necessary evil. For me the draw has always been to go on an adventure and explore cool locations.
I had the demo, and I'd leave my Playstation and tv on so I could hear the theme as I went to bed. It's a pity the soundtrack cds themselves are kind of dicky. They'll leave out songs like
and put in generic midi shit that are literally part of the Logic sound library.
There are several different soundtracks, and none of them are really "complete" including the one with 2 disks, one of which is packed full of aforementioned cheap sounding midi garbage.
Oh, when I was a child, the main theme was my favorite, but now it's either Mullen's Theme or Leen's Love Theme
Oh fuck, other great moments. Almost out of nowhere when that portal to Parm opens up and the music starts playing. You spend so much time in Parm, you don't think you miss it until you see it again. By that point you've already met your waifu, left the continent, and climbed over what was thought to be a impassible wall, but it might be lost on you how far you've actually gone until that moment.
I love how you couldn't tell whether the dub was just poorly synced or if your CD was skipping. Made every voiced cutscene hilarious.
>two anime girls and then some very out of place bespectacled nu-male
lmao, obvious self-insert is obvious
Better yet how By that point in the game Sue's stat growth is stunted compared to Justin and Feena because she's a child, requiring more EXP to level up and getting lower stat boosts when she does, so when they're like "Sue's a burden" you subconsciously agree
I think the sample rate was just really low on the voices.
It was originally a Saturn game, and when it was released recorded dialog and music in games was pretty new. One of the Playstation's major selling points over the Nintendo 64 was that the cds could hold movies and high quality audio while the 64 had to use in game cutscenes, samples, and synthesized sounds due to the space restrictions on the cartridges.
Shit, I've played the game a dozen times and I never really noticed that. Probably because the combat is so easy the stats don't really matter.
What bosses did you guys have trouble with as kids? I remember Nana Saki and Mio being real cunts, especially Mio with her bullshit balloons. I still sometimes lose that battle
It got cancelled because Grandia 2's PC port is shit and sold below expectations as a result of people pointing out all the issues if the new, broken shitty port.
First time I fought the squid he raped me.
Oh shit, I completely forgot I had these. I still need the first part of the guide for the first game.
They have some badass stuff in them, like this map. I want a big version for my wall. I love old maps with sea monsters and shit on them. Minor spoilers if you read Japanese I guess.
The dub is so egregiously cancerous in this series that I'll never get to play them due to lack of undubs/dual audio/shit ports.
Character portraits too
Looks like somebody is smuggling raisins
After that opening cutscene, there is mercifully little voice acting outside of the combat. I don't mind the combat VO as much. These days I play the Japanese version.
BTW, did you know the English version was censored? The "Cafe" in Parm actually a bar in the Japanese version. It makes a lot more sense
>BTW, did you know the English version was censored? The "Cafe" in Parm actually a bar in the Japanese version. It makes a lot more sense
Yeah I know, but every time I see a "cafe" in JRPG I always assume it was actually a bar in Japanese version because it basically became a tradition to censor bars into cafes since the 90s.
Any particular requests out of either of these books? They're strategy guides.
Legend of Heroes games allows for similar delay tactics as Grandia games.
post lewds
I already gave you Milda's protruding nipples, what more do you want?
Oh fuck, I wonder if there is Gadwin porn
Oh, I also have this thing. It's a collection of Grandia 2 comics done by different artist. They haven't been translated as far as I know.
Here, is this lewd enough for you?
I like Grandia 2, but I couldn't stomach Grandia 1. Must be the little kids. I hate kids.
Also, have some smug Elena making fun of Millenia having fat tits instead of brains.
A different artist
Could you post some of the best stuff from here? I love Grandia 2 and like collecting the artwork
Sure, I haven't read through the entire thing yet. Any particular characters you'd like to see?
>excited for the anniversary edition of 2 cause of hard mode
>its still easy
Millenia, Tio, Melfice, Selene
Thanks man. Whatever you post is appreciated.
There's a lot of Millenia
As expected
I don't think there is much Selene. Have some chibi magical girl Elena.
Some Millenia character models/concept art.
I've been playing Grandia 2 for the first time now, and while I really enjoy the combat I keep getting lost on dungeons. The camera is way too close and way too vertically inclined. Is there somewhere where I could find the minimaps of the dungeons/towns?
Roan's circus adventure
Millenia bringing the lewd
use a faq to keep track of what items you should be finding. dungeons are honestly sort of small and its hard to miss things.
Thumbs up
There's a badass one about Melfice too, probably my favorite art so far. NO GIRLS ALLOWED in this comic.
I'll probably post a bunch of these ones because the fights are pretty cool.
this faq has some ascii maps. better than nothing if you really need it
Not much more in the book, just some low effort slice of life stuff like this. I could make a torrent if anyone is interested.
>getting lost in Grandia 2 dungeons
How even?
Dom Ruins on the other hand...
>That scene with Justin and Feena on the boat.
That shit is just too cute man
Give that a try if you want the comic book
Cringy as fuck, but perfectly so since they're like 13.