How would you make a good Avatar/Korra game?

How would you make a good Avatar/Korra game?

Made by Platinum games.

I'd start by masturbating, and then get bored with the concept.

Fighting game with Motion capture gimmick with the Wii balance board.

I know, I'm awesome.

>Avatar Souls
>Dark Bender
Pick one and only one.

Porn game were you play Korra who turns to a slut the more you Progress

>looked all over the net
>haven't found a single fic of korra taking the knot from her polarbear dog

A porn game. Korra is literally built for sex.

VR Korra sex slave simulator


Who thought it would be a good idea to have the sequel to a classic series take place in a time where they're all fucking dead or dying

I wouldn't. There's no concrete parameters on bending powers in the universe, and that makes for good fiction, but not good gameplay. It's really weird to have characters in the show be able to earthbend something easily that you can't do for gameplay reasons, or to just be able to shoot a fireball where a firebender in the show can create a huge gout of flame based on their emotions.

>tfw there's this girl in my college class that looks like korra but has bigger breasts
>she's arabic
>speaks broken english but I don't care because she tries her best
>always feels down but I help her out and she cheers up

good fucking lord anons, I thought delicious brown was a fairytale, I found a unicorn, she's so great.Shame I'm such an ugly fat fuck riddled with acne and have been a neet for years, no car and no job. I have no chance.

>tfw walking by the gym on way to class and saw her kickboxing
>those hard and sweaty abs

It's impossible to make a good Korra game because Korra is shit.

Do it you little bitch


Overwatch game based on Avatar.

doesn't help that I'm 24 and she's only 18.

that's why you FUCKING CHANGE, YOU FUCKING RETARDS. CHANGE YOURSELF and then you'll BE worthy of getting good things

David lynch?

>college classes
You fucking what? Also do it. Get that refugee pussy.

former neet

It was good since the original ended up very well.

Korra series was poorly handled overall.

>Has the best two episodes of the ip.

the dogs a girl

>remove everything good from the original
>add a main character built for sex
Were the writer's thinking with their dicks?

Just change it to a boy and have the hot sweaty wolf sex, it's better than korrasami

Sokka dating sim

They even make her a carpetmuncher
I'm very sure they were jerking off to the art in their downtime

Give her a dick and make it a dating sim.

Not giving it to fucking Platinum Games

Fromsoft, avatar souls

when does book 3 come out for 4 elements trainer
I want toph already

>toph can't see the cock in front of her
>instead she relies on her sense of smell to find it
God I hope this happens


Let Akabur do it.

the last book will be kora

What book?

Open world ARPG where you create your own mary sue character that plays during the events of tlab. You can choose a starting location and pick styles you want to excel in later (bending flavors like sand, magma, lightning, plants etc.)
According to your starting location you get a travel mount and a small pet after some tutorial quests.

Then you can set out and seek masters to teach ypu bending and do main and aide quests, buy a house and to shit like this in the avatar world.
Combat would involve button combinations for different attacks and special attacks.
You could also make a non-bender char who focuses on weapons or chi blocking.

>reactor watermark
just know that you should unironically permanently cease posting on this site and fuck off back to whatever shithole you came from

It adds the watermark sometimes even if you save from googleimages though.

>Korea gets FOUR seasons
>Aang gets THREE seasons

Fuck this gay earth.

Tragically, the animation and fight choreography are top tier in Korra. And season 3 had really cool villains.
The rest is grabage though.
Off topic polite sage




He just saved url to post the image probably without checking. You're overreacting.

Do it retard

ask her to help get you in shape and go from there

>probably without checking.


VR sex game with all of the characters
Somewhat adjustable bodies, clothes, location, etc
Some kind of touch and sex toy integration
Multiple options for different fetishes like pregnancy, watersports, vore, etc
Also a story mode with decent bending with that same touch integration

Kept forgetting image

Avatar/Korra beach ball game with bending powers and bikini outfits.
Would you play it?

Basically it should be a chad suicide-watch simulator.

Your goal is to prevent pic related from an heroing (or encourage him to do so) as he variously fucks things up with the two hottest grills so badly that they both dump his worthless ass and dyke it out, and he grinds away his life in a dead-end police job enforcing the will of the 1% while his useless brother earns infinite moneys performing racist caracitures in cinema.

Bonus points if you can get him to hang himself with his own scaff.

Nigger I would download and play that in .01 seconds. Bonus points if the bodies are realistic to the series

fight game with sides quest of dating other bi chicks

realistic to the first season plz

Action adventure game with proper funding. Kinda a tomb raider - batman without guns. Korra goes on to find connection with her ancestors and have to explore ancient tombs, libraries and shit. Every time she finishes a "tomb" she goes in trance and we have to play the same level in the past with the original adult Team Avatar but entirely differently (plenty of juicy details of the life of the adult team included).

The last level is reverse, we play Team Avatar first as they face adult and stronger than ever Azula, then Korra has to finish her restless soul in the present.

We're talking about the whole extended series my man. Would give left nut for Katara bikini game too

If you had the option, would you play as the avatar or a bender of one element of your choice and be locked out of using the others and their movesets for the entire game

I don't know about that last part but the rest sounds great.

only if there is great modding support so it can also become a porn game

This is the only answer. Just fucking do something. You have a small chance if you act. You have no chance if you don't.

>Korra is a bender
>Bender is slang for homosexual in England

Was it a hint?

Do you know her name? Find and post picture, my nig

You know... Why is Korra sexualized so easily and Katara isn't? Aren't they similar in age?

>looks up their ages


>Why is Korra sexualized so easily and Katara isn't?
Are we from the same world?

my fetish is fit women, with visible abs.

I want someone i can wrestle for dominance in bed.

I know right Katara should be sexualized way more

>age of a fictional character
Are you american?


I would play this
>End up trying to bang the moon

>not having flags show automatically

Jesus Christ.

Yeah I know her name I'm not posting her face but I'll post a pic of her tits. I think she should get a breast reduction.

play in a party of multiple characters. have the option to switch around party members, playing as the avatar has basic moves of each element but lets you string together strong crazy combos depending how good you are. Other party members are stronger and have more moves in their element but thats it. hire me platinum.

mother of god



tbf, legal age in a lot of european countries is 15, and katara is 14

She's not real.

>think she should get a breast reduction

Stop being a child.

Good taste, especially that part about dominance which seems to be rare. Too many are about someone being submissive right away.

>Sounds fuckin awesome
>Sounds like a black fag

Gonna go with AVATAR SOULS my dude

she got a sixpack you say...


Not just the age, but Korras body and personality in general is adult and sexual.

Katara is a girl who acts like a big sister / mom for the most part of the series. Korra is a woman and a friend who has relationships. Their roles entirely different from the start. Azula is a mix of the two, she looks like a girl but acts like a woman.

but what if i like mommies?

mommy posters should all be shot

with mommy's milkies? i agree, bro!

>3+4 are just one season cut in half
>1 is rushed/tightly contained because Nick had no hope
Eh, I'm fine with that

You're genuinely pathetic and I'm subscribed to Iahfys patreon.

Source on this? That can't be the biggest res available.

How many dosherooni are you giving her?

10 dollarydoos a month

>Not enough porn comics
Why is it allways only single pictures? Make some fucking comics allready, that's the real shit.

Based and white.

you mean doujins?

w-whats the sauce on this crop?

Listen user. You are literally a faggot if you don't try with this bitch

What did you not like about the game

Yes but most of the avatar artists are western so it would be a comic

Just let based platinum games make it ofc ;^)

I'm ugly as fuck tho did you not read what I even posted

Korra dating sim