What's the best game where I can just mindlessly dungeon dive and collect loot for more gold and cooler weapons?
What's the best game where I can just mindlessly dungeon dive and collect loot for more gold and cooler weapons?
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Holy fuck that is ancient DCSS. Anyways, best roguelike right now is Sil if that's what you need.
tales of maj-eyal is pretty good
ToME is fucking awful.
secondig this choice.
Also ToME has one of the cooler classes and abilities.
consider ADOM
it's not an argument. but i'd be interested in your longer opinion.
Grim Dawn, definitely. ToME and DCSS require more tactical thinking.
Din's Curse is pretty chill too
I just absolutely hate the game's feel, many design choices (persistent unlocks), the game balancing, the tiles, the existence of DLC in it, the scale of the game, and the lack of real resource management.
dungeon siege 1 and 2
What's wrong with three?
it's complete fucking casualized trash that's what's wrong with it
Any roguelike without autoexplore and autofight is not mindless enough.
>DCSS require more tactical thinking.
Watch yourself getting shitposted to death.
Honestly there are reasons to dislike DS3 but it absolutely isn't casualized because it's literally impossible to make a more casual game than DS1 which is literally a screensaver simulator devoid of any kind of challenge. DS3 is more of an action game, and I think that's what most people have problem with, that and that it doesn't have a party.
All of those games are kind of mediocre/bad bargain bin action RPG trash food, but the amount of hate DS3 gets is ridiculous
Wow I thought I was the only person who knew this game. OP, it's a diablo-like where the quests are kind of timed, so if you have a quest to kill a warlord at floor 14 or whatever, he'll gradually work his way up and try to kill the village.
Sil is in no way mindless
I'd say Diablo 1. It's still fun and can be pretty mindless; you're just going straight down.
>What's the best game where I can just mindlessly dungeon dive and collect loot for more gold and cooler weapons?
Torchlight series
FATE series
That game has so many great ideas, it's a shame the actual combat is so lackluster.
Original Diablo is a beautiful game with fantastic art style, soundtrack and some great voice acting. It just isn't any fun to play if you played Diablo 2 or any ARPG that came after it. The progression is boring, the only fun thing is spells and even those get old fast and you don't get enough variety.
Dungeons of Dredmor is still my favorite dungeon crawler.
I can see where a lot of people would run into that, but I disagree. Honestly I played it for the first time last year after years of playing D2 and loved it. I loved the slower, more deliberate pacing.
also fuck the stamina bar
Persona 3 and Q
Let it Die
Is it actually good? All I ever see is people shitting on it.
hardly anybody knows about Throne of Darkness. It was overshadowed by Diablo 2 LoD releasing a month or 2 before it. It's essentially Diablo 2 but Japan and you can have a 4 man party
It's a simplified roguelike with a cringey sense of humor but other than that it's okay
Honestly I've come to conclusion that I dislike ARPGs, but I still had more fun times with building characters in D2 than I had with D1 "progression". I like the darker, more gothic feeling of D1 more, though.
D2: you have a stamina bar and when it's depleted you can't run. D1: you can't run.
Remember that only casuls roll Troll Berserkers and men of taste used Troll Hunters for god-tier giant rocks and got their rage from other effects.
>not rolling a TrFi for the shield
Enjoy your 5/13/0 defenses in Lair.
Most people I know who tried it didn't like it very much, but I have around 200 hours and still play now and then. Basically you get to choose 7 ( i think) classes from a large list, varying from combat to buffs to several crafting (and some that combine these). Game has a nice charm with how it doesn't take itself seriously.
It's usually less than $5 total including both dlc (and a 3rd thats free) during christmas sale.
That shit was amazing. Never goes on sale for cheap at GoG though
I just looked and it's six and change without a sale.
I mostly mean the only way new people discover old games anymore is from GoG sales, so nobody pays any attention to it even though it's great.