Other urls found in this thread:




>when you and your opponent enter the zone



oh fug





talk about some of your zone moments friends

if you actually have good ones




>when your enemy enters the zone

>when you and your enemy enters the zone


>When your enemy is such an undeniable badass that you can't even be mad when he fucking dismantles you


>You are evenly matched with him



I got nothing special but here's one in most recent memory.
>Red Orchestra 2
>defending a point from the Germans
>most of my teammates died from artillery, pretty much just me and one other dude left
>other team pushes up
>can't hide since they'll cap with superior number, decide to just say fuck it and try to take as many down as I can
>got the jump on two of them with the mosin nagent, third enemy with a G41 sees me and tries to shoot but in a moment of quick reflexes, I manage to shoot him before he got any shots on me
>opted to take his G41, need the semi auto and capacity
>running and gunning around the entire point, quickly dispatching two or three more enemies
>fourth enemy german there, I ran out of ammo and charge towards him in an attempt to melee, he only manages to get one shot that only wounded, meleed him in the face and patched myself up
>nearby machine gunner that had set up opened fire on me, forcing me to take cover
>chucked two of my grenades at him from cover, managed to actually land them despite being piss poor at guessing exact angles
>ran up to where the machine gunner was and took his MG34, deployed at his spot and proceeded to mow down a few more enemies before going down to someone who flanked me
>held the enemy off long enough for the team to reinforce and we managed to hold down that point for the rest of the game


>whole party gets into the Zone


>still get your ass kicked after you've entered the zone



>tfw you leave the zone




>That post zone feel where you come crashing down from the adrenaline and you just feel like a load of shit

>yfw you realize you entered The Zone and get kicked out of The Zone







>At 10 heads as Demoknight
>when you enter the zone and shit gets real

Holy shit
