Remember that game from your childhood that you can't remember the name of and have never seen since? Describe it here and maybe an anin will know more about it.
ITT: Games from your childhood you can't find anymore
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Og xbox game where you play top down 4 player coop. You have to fight vampires or something.
PS1 or PS2 platformer, there was a level where you go into a dog's dream and had to walk silently in order to not wake the dog.
A PS1 game where you play as a female, and the first level was a stealth section where you were on rooftops and had to sneak past a man who would walk around and stop to look in all directions.
I watched my uncle play it when I was a kid and I cannot for the life of me figure out what game it was after doing a lot of research.
An old DOS game, or some old computer (possibly C64), where you played as a Baby in a jungle. There was Punji pits.
I remember a game for Windows 95 or 98 where you try and make a bird fly by setting its weight, wingspan etc. Took place in the basic window with sliders for the stats and animations for the bird.
A ps2 game that looked very low quality. Played like gta except you couldn't run people over. Also had a single looped music track.
Oh my god i found it, it was Duck Builder Simulation
There are several educational pc games from when I was a kid that I can't remember. I'll list a couple. Since I am 21, These games were probably from the late 90's early 2000s.
1. A game that had some secret agent theme. All I remember from it was you needed to say homophones (I think) to get into your base and the last level was in a cave.
2. Some game that I remember almost nothing about other than some side feature involving finding treasure underground. I think the main character was a rabbit.
PS1 game. Blond mc. I remember some sort of ray gun that appeared to shoot bubbles. Lots of dark rooms too.
Rosco McQueen?
Was it Rascal? If not what genre was it?
You get to choose your flying dinosaur and fly around or some gay shit like that. One of the first games I ever played
What system and genre?
No, that doesn't look right, I was about 5 or 6 at the time. I was very weird and creepy to me.
Forgot to mention: Windows release, it had shitty 3d graphics
I dunno it just seemed like an open world sandbox. No quests or missions as far as I remember. It released on windows
Yep, that's the one. Thanks user.
Nah you controlled a dinosaur. As far as I remember it was sort of a "dinosaur free roam" type of game
she’s genesis beat em up where you play as this guy in blue armor... the levels are like destroyed cities and you fight a giant skeleton... like a boss fight is it’s foot then it’s fist...then it turns into like a fighting game
Gamecube Game similar to Custom Robo but you couldn't customize the robot you had, you instead got multiple robots to use in battle. It was pretty obscure
hunter: the reckoning
Anyone remember some weeb ps1 game where you played as an evil teenage girl and lured heroes into booby traps that you set? you could like set up buzz saws in walls, boulders that would fall on them, floor spikes, shit like that. played a demo at my buddy's house as a kid once and never heard of it again.
Also two PC games
One was basically battleship but had a second mode where you did an adventure-esque thing as a battleship
Second was a breakout-esque game that came with Windows 7. Last time I remember seeing it was when I was 7
Kagero/Deception 1 or 2.
I think you're right. The Rabbit one is definitely Jumpstart Kindergarten and I am sure the secret agent one was probably part of the same series. Thank you.
>Second was a breakout-esque game that came with Windows 7.
>Last time I remember seeing it was when I was 7
come back when you are 18 user
that looks like it's it, thanks. gonna emulate it.
PS2 game where you ran around a city as some dude looking for good vantage points to view a giant robot that you could control
Urban Chaos?
alright cucks. there's an arcade game that i and anons haven't been able to find from my childhood. if you think you're a vidya detective you might want to try finding this one based on all i remember:
it was a two player lightgun game starring a male and female protagonist. it seemed to have a comic book artstyle AS FAR AS I REMEMBER similar to XIII or borderlands, and it had a yellow color scheme overall on the arcade unit. you could have bits of the environment as cover, like a briefcase or fire extinguisher. i think the plot involved two people trying to retire from being assassins only to get ambushed on their way out of the building by their boss. i saw it between the years of 2004-2008, and i don't remember exactly which year between that range.
good luck to any user that tries to find it.
Savior Knight Legends, seems like it never existed.
And other games that are surprisingly still going like Dink Smallwood
Sounds like Mazin Saga
This is driving me crazy. It was a PS1 platformer, I can't remember who/what the mc was but I vividly remember like a river and there were some ducklings you could interact with and move around.
I remember playing a sort of rc plane flight sim where you fly around a field. The onky odd thing I remember is there were these weird green-tinted photorealistic rabbit sprites you could find randomly in the map. This would have been on Windows Me or something.
But I am user. And the mods can't do anything if you tried to, they're too busy having mental breakdowns over "competitive overwatch"
Was it a 2d or 3d platformer?
A 2D sidescroller game from Sega Megadrive. I think it's a guy saving his girl from gang members. It's in a urban setting with houses and stuff. The enemies have cocktail molotovs or something similar.
I believe your primary weapon is a throwing knife.
Streets of Rage?
There was some sidescroller I played on a PC Gamer demo disc I got from my dad's coworker as a kid. you played as a green skinned guy with a gun, and when you shot enemies they exploded with gore and blood everywhere. it was more violent than Doom. iirc, the levels involved you having to roam around and find keys to open doors to progress. I was too young and dumb to figure it out at the time, I just liked watching all the guts erupt out of monsters when you shot em.
A ps1 sidescrolling 2d beat em up
You could play coop
There was a level where you're running away from a flood
Anyone please help
A PS1 shooter where one of the enemies were walking yellow butts
magic carpet?
Nah, that looks more like a "beat em up" kinda game, this is more like a "mario ish" 2d game. The protagonist is either a teenager or young adult. I can't remember.
thank you, that's the one. used to play it at my next door neighbor's house.
Hudson always reminded me of a baby.
If this is it it's named literally: (Hudson's) Adventure Island
There was this one game on the Sega Genesis (I think) and it was a shoot em up contra esque game. CEPT you played as two dinosaurs in trenchcoats with shades. I'm pretty sure the first level was you scaling the side of this bulding to shoot down this huge ass triceratops that was climbing up it.
I would love the shit out of whoever helps me figure this out
sitting ducks?
Robot Alchemic Drive?
A point n click game where you have to pass INT trials, made by aliens who wants to sell human burgers in their fast food.
One of them was to survive in a cage full of flying rats.
or donald duck quack attack?
And another point n click that start like jules vernes s books, you are trapped by little people, they will eat you if you fail to find a way.
Dinosaurs for Hire
dinosaurs for hire
I've never even heard of this game but I just typed "genesis game dinosaurs sunglasses" and found it pretty quickly
I dont know if it's it because the part in question is halfway through the game and not at the start, but there was a point n click I used to play a lot called Torin's Passage where you get Gulliver'd by a bunch of tiny people and they eat you if you take too long to cut your way out of their ropes.
Game where you were playing as a guy covered in a bloody bed sheet and you were dragging around an axe, it's blurry that's all i can really remember
It was on the N64
My aunt rented it from hollywood videos or blockbuster, but I remember it being 2.5D and I think you start the level by entering a door in a menu or something. I tried to make the character jump across some platforms and I kept falling off of them and I kept backtracking until I was able to cross the platforms. I think they were like logs or something?
Another was some PS1 game that had to do with mouse that collected cheese and you had to get it before some fuckin cat gets you or something. It was 3D and probably a bootleg? I think it had some kind of puzzle element in it.
No, it was a literal baby. Like I know you could like use your diaper or something as a parachute.
It was a fucking weird game, it's been stuck in my head for decades.
A ps1 or sega saturn game, early 3d.
you start in a snow area with some trees and are attacked by wolves
cant remember if it was the actual game or a demo.
It was a game set in a medieval castle. It was point and click, and there were a lot of different activities to do. One of them was firing random things out of a cannon, I remember you could even fire one of the knights out of it. The one I remember most was you could feed this big alligator or crocodile, and the sound it made when he ate always stood out to me, and I would try to mimic it for years whenever I ate something.
I've been searching for this game for like 10 years and have had no luck.
The new wheel of the worst is pretty great.
>2009 was 11 years ago
That's it great job man! I remember, the game was really hard...
>that part with the audio message you have to mix with crystals
My English was bad has a child (and still), it was a nightmare for me to get through the door.
I wonder how many of us have false memories of games that never actually existed.
Not to be retarded, but you're not having some false memory about Yoshis Island right? There was a power up that let you be invincible baby mario and you had a cape that could be used as a parachute. Also takes place mostly in a jungle.
that part took me forever and I'm a native english speaker. I just remember you had to turn
>you're not welcome here you decrepit old creep
>come here, Dreep
to trick her henchman into opening the door.
kinda sounds like cheesy, but i dont remember a cat chasing you specifically
I remember an old ass computer (probably 8-bit) game where you play as something like a ninja, and at the end you had to get to a helicopter to win.
I recall it to have an excess of black and blue for some raisin, also kinda short, some dude son of my father's colleague showed it to me in less than 1hr.
A computer game (windows 95 or 98) about dungeon crawling... There's probably thousands of these. I just remember you had to find treasure boxes or something like that.
A Dish game (cable tv) about a rabbit collecting carrots through out more than a hundred levels.
A ps1 game about a kung fu tiger fighting cobras.
Jack the Nipper II: In Coconut Capers
zx spectrum
>A ps1 game about a kung fu tiger fighting cobras.
Tai Fu: Wrath of the Tiger
It was a pc game. From the late 90s or early 2000s my friend got it when he bought his computer the person who sold it left the game in the disc drive. we were very young.
It was a top down game. You had to solve puzzles to get things and bring them back to a ufo. I dont remember much because it was so long ago. I remember bright vibrant graphics that remind me of warcraft 3 but i could be misremembering
It was for the SNES. Some kind of alien trying to reach a door in a stage where you had limited time to do so. The whole stage was contained within the screen. Or at least that's what I recollect, can't remember more.
HOLY FUCK. I was going to say, "the colorscheme reminded me of a ZX spectrum game", but I live in the US and I played this in...probably 94? 95?
I think this is it, it's VERY similar to my memory.
it was also on the C64
Too bad that's the only two things I remember about it...
I always nostalgia hard with this old Dos point and click, too bad they can't recreate those atmosphere.
>those telltale games
>New Sam and Max
>Tim s. Games
Also the character was pretty small.
100% that's it, holy shit. I have posted this probably 20-30 times over the years here and never gotten a response, and now I have an answer. Please, have an awesome day user.
I rented a game once or twice when I was a kid for the N64. It was a racing game of some sorts, but there was an almost debug choice in which you could race around by yourself in a grid schemed map. It had two floors to the map and you could jump off ramps and things like that.
I remember this so distinctly, yet I have no idea what fucking game this is.
pimp my ride ps2
Megaman game in which you could play as X or Base and you fight Protoman once you clear this stage full of those helmet/road bump guys
A Sega Genesis game, similar to Fire Emblem, with various types of units and a fantasy theme. It had multiplayer VS, and I don't remember ever playing a singleplayer mode.
I remember playing a flash game in like 2004 action/r-rated.
It was 2D and you shoot round discs at your enemies. All i remember is some ninja turtles level, a level with britneys spears where her belly is a cows belly with the teat. Last i remember where a level of Friends where they all fuck eachother or something... any clues?
what do you mean by a grid schemed map? was it a map with lots of squares on it or something?
what were you racing, cars, bikes?
Old early 2000s horror game, demo maybe, had a teddy bear with claws or something. Kind of reminds me of buffy the vampire slayer.
Sorry, that was vague. Almost Tron-like in appearance. Neon colours and such.
It was in a car I'm 99 percent sure.
not sure if it was on other platforms but it was on xbox 360 and you played in or as a big robot fighting weird monsters and your home base was on a military ship where your boss was a guy crippled guy in a thing like the thing mr house was in also i remember there being a mission called "there taking our children!" i think
it also may or may not have been xbla
Holy shit that's so familiar.
Pilot a helicopter, pick up soldiers or something like that. PS1 I think, maybe 2.
I spent 20 years trying to remember Dream TV on the SNES. I have not found a copy at any of my local stores yet.
DOS Game:
You played as a futuristic motorcycle armed with chainguns and rockets (I think you could customise your weapons?) and you'd have to destroy certain objectives in the overworld after being airdropped in.
There were 3D graphics generally composed of textureless polygons (think Mechwarrior), the sound was kinda shitty as the chaingun bullets sounded like someone smacking a garage door, the game played like a third person camera with your behind the bike with a HUD.
>A Dish game (cable tv) about a rabbit collecting carrots through out more than a hundred levels.
I don't know the answer but holy shit, I forgot that you could play games through the Dish cable box. I remember one game that was like a Dr. Mario rip off but not much else.
Hunter: The Reckoning
sounds like desert strike
The stunt level from Rush 2?
You are not. You are, at most, 15. I hope the mods don't see this. Don't be retarded in future.