What's your favorite interpretation of the Rogue class archetype in videogames?

What's your favorite interpretation of the Rogue class archetype in videogames?
Let's not even mention asscreed, but perhaps something more engaging that your average rogue DPS MMO class as well.
Dishonored did the rogue gameplay pretty good, though the power creep was insane.

You may only pick 5 perks from the shop

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Thief is an obvious one, but that series is dead now. Any stealth game will scratch that itch nicely but that genre is on life support

3 AM is a bit too late for this, huh.

Well, given how these threads usually go.

Deception to get close and mask my real plan. I use after image and acrobatics to get behind her followed by crippling stab to reveal her weakpoint. Finally I full out my poison blade and try to inflict a 9 months long status effect.

Divinity: Original Sin. Literally *teleports behind you* and instakill enemies past the halfway point.

Attempt to grab the rogue's thighs. Choose After Image and Phantom Presence first as a safety net, just in case.

assassination, acrobatics, phantom presence, deception, and smokescreen, no one will ever catch you and you can pocket sand anyone you can't trick and stab them in the dick later
I miss stealth games, I guess if you don't mind a modern take the first 3 splinter cells are all about sneaking around stealing shit and stabbing people with bullets, not really rogue play but still fun sneakmanning

Buy Phantom Presence: Pickpocket shopkeeper's belt and as she tries to pull her pants back up, steal the rest of the perks and run off.


pickpocketing knowledge sounds hard

Ya blew it, guess he got them after all

I kinda really liked how Styx did it and it's clone mechanics

>Phantom Presence
>Throwing blades
>After image
>Smoke screen

Go full stealth or go home. You are just a weaker warrior any other way.

>murderous intent
fucking weaboos and their stupid shit tropes

Ah yes, you're finally back

*telrpors behind u and unzips dick"
nothin personal,
Kiddo "

fair enough, buy acrobatics along with phantom presence and use your newly gained swift movement to efficiently pickpocket

I like rogue classes that let you invade homes in the middle of the night so that you can rape and kill the women and children before making off with the valuables.

>Jojo not being the godfather of "Murderous intent"

so elona+?


>rape and kill the women and children
Doing what to which one?

All going according to keikaku

[X] Grab thighs

will your shopkeepers ever get a break? or are they doomed to forever be sexually harassed by Sup Forums

Maybe I'll make the next one a shopkeeper (male).

Only when she grow a dick and rape the entire Sup Forums

[] Smokescreen
Unbuckle the shopkeeper's top

I don't think that would stop anyone


Hold on, it won't be that easy, her hands are right there and you've also got those pesky shorts in the way.
This require teamwork, I'll use the Crippling Stab to expose her weakpoints and then as I gently nibble on her sensitive spots she'll lose her grip and then you'll have an opening.

[x] grab futacock

[x]Stab her in the cunt with a knife

teleport behind her

rub thighs with face

Auwgh shit I was too late to lay out the game plan. Careful user! You're wide open to an attack!



[X] Kiss thighs

bawl like a baby

Cry over the loss of the hand shaped snake creature.


back off and observe surroundings to strike better

Stroke her thighs up and down as if masturbating. Don't listen to these fakers.

draw buckfilla porn you cuck

You ever gonna upload the previous ones to some archive people can check later?


cry even harder
make her feel really bad

strike while her guard is down

Unlocks hidden meme ability

Good use of Deception Perk, now slap her butt while she least expects it.

she's let her guard down. now we strike. we need to go for a head on tackle. she will never see it coming

Of course she should feel bad,. What kid of rouge dosent have futacock?


ok now cry into her chest


it was all the deception perk
since her guards down hit her with the crippling stab


don't engage him, as long as drawfag doesn't bow to his will, it's fine.



Grab her ass!

Finger her butthole

she fell for the deception perk now is the time to strike, hit her with the crippling strike

Pull her shorts down whilst she's embracing us.

now is the time
pickpocket the rogue skills themselves out of her

stare down and see if you can check if she's wearing underwear.

I like pragmatic and practical rogues.


oh no now our arms are stuck there
whatever will we do


remove shorts

Take it to /qst/ you fags.

Extra protein in his guacamole today.

reveal that you are acutally a str build and german suplex the fuck outa rogue shopkeeper

Video games can't do rogues well. You need Dungeons and Dragons and a decent DM.


Kiss her

her deception skill is infinity
we have lost

I have a pretty big fear boner right now guys


we're stuck you blasted fool

This, she's about to try something, you need to cut her off with an unexpected tender kiss.

shit yourself and play dead

damn were we outplayed



Guild Wars Factions's assassins were full weeb but cool as fuck

now grope her

use crippling strike to find all the right places to rub

user prevails once again


The extra edgy Etrian Odyssey rogue equivalents.

Bear hug
Rub bulging groin region between her thighs


Kiss with tongue now, you're already in too deep


now pull up and stretch her butthole

End the kiss and give her a nice compliment about how pretty she is and how you'd like to spend more time with her.

Benis in bagini

use poison blade to give her a little bit of aphrodisiac

alright that's enough out of you