Tfw you are the only old user left on the site

>tfw you are the only old user left on the site

Five bucks says you're in your early 20s and came to Sup Forums after 2009.

Can I take the five anyways?

>a thread died for this
Have a friendly sage.

I'm just kidding everyone this was my first post on Sup Forums I came fresh from the reddit express

>tfw nobody else remembers 2013

how would this be enforced

also all board related topics should go to and join the anime posters

By showing a picture ID and you're dick. If your lieing about you're age, Sup Forums mods send you to jail for child porn.

>start using 4chin in 2006
>leave in 2012
>come back in 2015
>everything is totally fucked up
>can't leave again

>also all board related topics should go to this is why Sup Forums is shit now. where do you people come from?

Narutoforums is shit and always was faggot especially that faggot user called WAD.

Good, it was a shitty year for the internet. 2013-early2015 really was irredeemably bad.

I've been shooting since 2005, bruh. Sup Forums is hard to quit.


Snacks would have loved your shitposting ass newfriend.

>tfw 45

>tfw you don't even play videogames anymore because you got hobbies and fucking to do but you still come to post after work anyway while you're making dinner

nice 2chan cat


Started coming here in 2005.
Can't believe I wasted 10 years of my life on this place. Especially sad to see all the YouTube watching faggots with shit spelling and grammar running around like they own the place now.
Still, better than not having any Sup Forums.

Did anybody else post on 4-ch back in the day?