Are you ready to experience this once again?
Are you ready to experience this once again?
Other urls found in this thread:
No, I don't play shit games.
No interest playing a 2004 game with it's unbalance and grind.
No. Classic wow is going to be shit and will flop. With blizzard at the helm and Reddit as the navigator, its sailing right into Shit Station.
*teleports behind you*
>Reddit as the navigator
Do you read this shit before you post it?
O okay, well what do you play so I can call you a faggot.
Getting ready myself to endure the level grind of my life!
Shadowbane. None of this carebear babby shit.
>that one section where you're pretty much guaranteed to get assfucked by an orc
Fuck, my first character was a Night Elf warrior male.
I remember that run being a bitch when I got a good 2 hand sword from a quest, but the trainer to use it was in Stormwind.
>tfw Horde master race
>tfw the other continent was literally just a short, conveniently located zeppelin ride away
Who do you think is going to be yelling at blizzard to change things? Sup Forums? Its going to be reddit and normies.
Reddit is back the way you came in, fucking normalfag.
>lol i used normalfag, look how much of an oldfag I am xD
I have never been to reddit friendo
Don't embarrass yourself, pleb.
End yourself, casual.
>listening to reddit
Reddit wants to change things and Blizzard stated they've heard OUR concerns and won't be changing things
Wait was that shitty airfield quest line in Dun Morogh there in vanilla?
Dun Morogh airfield wasn't even accessible in vanilla iirc unless you used terrain climbing glitches.
And so the contrarianism begins.
>We never even wanted Vanilla WoW servers! Vanilla WOW sucks!!
It does. It finished what EQ started and kill the genre forever. Literally braindead babby game.
no because i play the good faction, aka the horde.
It's the same people who hated Nostalrius. They are people who hate seeing others have fun, probably because they themselves are not having fun and became a living parody of the Grinch.
The Chad Climb vs The Virgin Walk
Little do either of these scrubs know that the true Master Race is The Wizard Drown
What's at menethil?
I never played dwarf or gnome
>And so the contrarianism begins.
I've always been here reminding everyone that vanilla is trash and that 70% of the people here claiming to be desperate to play it would quit in a single month. What the game needs is WoW 2, not a fucking remastered edition of something that's close to 15 years old
t. reddit soyboys
but how does this affect you at all? just dont play it
let the people who actually want it play it
>but how does this affect you at all?
the company I'm giving my money to is wasting them on trash like this instead of WoW 2
>Sup Forums
Fucking braindead casuals need to kill themselves off of my board.
Boat to NElfs
blizzard is a company with so much money that it doesnt even matter
they havnt taken away any production to the main game because of classic
First of all, it's not the company's money, it's the investors'. But let's forget that and sign them off as their capital and that they somehow have enough to waste on things like this. The problem now becomes the fact that they just extended the lifetime of their quite outdated product by adding this and will not initiate any work on WoW 2 until this is milked completely as well and the investment into it pays out, so we're technically stuck with the current state of WoW for another 7-8 years (maybe even more) thanks to nostcucks
You're pretending to know a lot more than you actually do and thats funny
You sound frustrated friend. Also, not an argument
Were we arguing?
I was just making statements
You have wow 2, its called Legion.
The game is so far removed from its MMO RPG roots that we want to go back.
I like vanilla so much I still play on lights hope knowing full well the character will be deleted eventually.
Boat to Darnassus. Also quests, obviously. It's a rather comfy small town too in an area where it's constantly foggy or rainy or both.
neck yourself you fucking gypsy piece of shit
>he doesnt know the "die and res at IF gy trick"
>not hopping over the mountains to get there
But now that I think about it im sure they will "patch" a lot of little fun things
>probably because they themselves are not having fun
The absolute state of retail wow players!
>vanilla is trash
The only thing that's trash is your opinion.
>70% of the people here claiming to be desperate to play it would quit in a single month.
Sounds more like retail wow.
Not really excited for the long journeys but I'm excited about damned near everything else.
Why would separate servers for an older base game affect the launch of a newer related title? The audience going back in time differs from the one moving forward.
>the company I'm giving my money to
If you are still subbed to current wow you deserve only trash because that's what you are supporting right now.
>roll nightelf hunter as thier fade perk and +bow was nice
>run all the way to ironforge and take tram to play comfy human area
>had to run back because you needed to do a class quest to get the pet
>playing a shitty EQ clone
>not just getting someone to make you a portal to Darnassus (while keeping your HS in Human area)
Pretty sure you can still do this path in post-cata. I remember doing it a few times.
And the fog is purple for some reason.
What? No it wasn't. Darnassus has purple fog, Menethil has comfy white silent hill-ish fog.
>mfw i did this literally 2 days ago and it wasnt as nearly tedious as it was originally.
you press num luck, watch a youtube video on your phone or other screen and its over
Reminder that WoW was always trash and ruined MMOs forever
Moving on then.
Each time after the 1st time it's a terrible experience.
Kill yourself, using the word comfy doesn't change the fact that the fog is white as it should be and not purple like you're implying you gargantual faggot.
being completely shit
forgetting my pointy green arrows
>+bow was nice
That was the Trolls
>Reminder that WoW was always trash and ruined MMOs forever
Yeah, because WoW's predecessors weren't complete garbage in comparison, thanks user
This is a vanilla/classic thread, keep your nu-wow shit on the containment threads.
Hollow cylinder, Greymane, rope, game engine?
Through wolfman knot unreal engine 4
I'm a big man, I've got a big dick, big balls and I do big things. Little faggot games for little manchildren is beneath me.
Through werewolf, not unity
>I'm a big man
Are you the 300lb hacker known as Sup Forums?
i am ready
I'm ready to play actual real raids instead of poop related.
ikr fellow for da hodre orc-brudda xD
fuck no. vanilla was the peak with the community full of ignorant weirdos. now its full of minmaxer meta gamers whos only response is "google lol"
and i'm not 16 anymore
So I was watching these comfy as fuck travelogue/video game philosophy videos and as someone who doesn't live in the US, it struck me watching the environments he was driving through, that World of Warcraft is actually NOT Tolkien European fantasy, it's in fact, very AMERICAN fantasy and that Azeroth and it's locations are not based actually on Europe, but the US.
Teldrassil is the great redwood forests.
Dun Morogh are the mountains and wastes of Alaska and Canada.
Mulgore is Wyoming
Dustwallow are the swamps of the American South
Thousand Needles, Shimmering Flats, Tanaris are Nevada, Arizona
Badlands are... the Dakota Badlands
Elwynn are the great oak and hickory forests of Eastern US
Blasted Lands are the Bad Lands in Utah
etc etc etc
I know this sounds obvious to people in the US, but as someone who lives on the other side of the world in a completely different environment, it's actually pretty surprising to realise WoW is actually very American in it's fantasy, not European. (Considering it was originally based on Warhammer and Warhammer was a satire of Tolkien High Fantasy and DnD)
>Make raid mechanics so relian on soaking they have to actually nerf cloak, ams and remove amz from the game
Ion please it's one step forward two steps back every time.
>playing WoW
>playing any Activision Blizzard game
>What the game needs is WoW 2
>nu-wow cucks THIS assblasted
i hope they keep it the same as it used to be. Its going to be funny when normies trash endgame
>Reddit wants to change things
>Immediately after the announcement the top post on reddit was a request not to change anything while Sup Forums was spammed with private server fags asking for QoL changes and class re balances
It saddens me that things turned out like this.
>Not playing Blizzard games
Oh, I play Blizzard games. WoW on private servers and D2. I just don't play Activision Blizzard games.
vanilla "raiding"
lmao, i love and want classic wow bad but if you think that vanilla and bc raids are good then you are literally delusional.
Raiding is the worst part of vanilla. There are barely any mechanics and fights are boring as fuck.
There's a video on youtube where Kungen explains why vanilla Naxx was hard. It wasn't the tactics, it was the numbers. That's it.
Yeah playing the price of a new game each month so I can play a old as ass mmo sounds like a terrific idea.
>not wanting WoW2 to be an MMOARPG themepark released on consoles
>not wanting WCsandbox MMO being quietly released as the successor to classic
What if I want both?
I mean when you talk about pathetic...
>WoW2 to be an MMOARPG themepark released on consoles
you must be brain damaged
>roll nightelf hunter as thier fade perk and +bow was nice
>mfw you could channel aimed shot while shadowmelded back in the days
I hope they bring that shit back in, if I remember correctly it was removed before TBC
>playing vanilla as a human
>swimming through stormwind canal
>suddenly giant crocodile charges at me and kills me
>go back to kill it at a higher level months later but couldn't find any mob anywhere in the canals
>for years think it must have been a false memory or a fever dream or something
This is actually really interesting to hear. One of the reasons I loved the warcraft series growing up and then WoW in my teens is because part of it felt familiar/relatable in a way. I live on the east coast so I've never seen redwoods or American desert (been to the outback though) but there were definitely times in my teenage years when I'd be walking my doggo in the woods and imagine it was ashenvale or redridge.
I guess what I'm saying is I always took that element of immersion for granted.
>now its full of minmaxer meta gamers
People who want to play vanilla want to play for the community, not because they want to be ash catchem. Please explain how you minmax in this game besides engineering for pvp? Racials are situational at best and picking one racial makes you lose out on another one.
>people playing WOW
why would you do that to yourself
Horde in general have better flight paths and non-capital towns. Getting to some is kinda rough, like going to the Badlands
I've played since 2007 and never run a dwarf and I've literally never quested in Loch Modan
Feels bad man
Classic wow wasn't a activision blizzard game though.
Loch Modan was beautiful and comfy when the lake was actually a lake. I will never forgive them for draining it.
it's time, user.
Raiding is fine, doing it every fucking week is cancer.
It's like running the same dungeon several times every week, it gets boring as fuck.
Worked for GTA5