What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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The only thing wrong with it is limited access to salmon run. Otherwise it's great
nothing, it's fun as fuck
No Squid sisters.
Pitiful amount of content at launch. Still has connection error issues. Ranked modes are still poorly balanced. Turf War is still "only the final minute of the match matters." Worse music. Lost Outpost map of Salmon Run is hot trash.
t. 100+ hours played. Still a good game
Decision to nerf every single support weapon into the ground to make it more like cawwaduty.
Nothing new to get excited about. The first Splatoon was a big success because it was something completely different and Nintendo managed to make a promising new IP completely derivative with its first sequel. It's a shame, really.
How do you fix Turf War?
You want even dumber randumbs that suck at any weapon that's not Splattershot?
Not sure what you're getting at.
>Pitiful amount of content at launch.
Way more than the first game had.
>Still has connection error issues.
I've never disconnected during a game. Use ethernet.
>worse music
just like the music update for the first game gave it its best tracks, this music update did the same for this game, and I think its arguably neck and neck with the first game's.
They made a game that's better than the original and non nintendo fans hate that.
nah both music updates were meh
you could argue it was fine for the first one to launch with so little content, but it's inexcusable for the sequel
>took a game with wide variety of playstyles
>made most of them unfeasible because offense trumps all now
>tons of stupid unwarranted nerfs like jumping blasters being insanely inaccurate, or unintended strafe king L3 being knocked into mediocricity by its removal
It's fucking Brawl
ugh they changed everything but it's also all the same fucking shit different rehash it doesn't have the same comfy game feel
I think your taste is just shit.
The story mode is still boring as fuck.
Nothing went wrong. The millenials eat this shit up.
Regional matchmaking for a game with miniscule western following
Most new ultimates suck, i just want inkzooka and kraken back.
They removed ink walls from the weapons that needed it so fast guns can now bumrush defensive loadouts, in return everyone just use the overtuned splattershots of thier choice since you get short ttk and distance.
Rmoved squid sisters for a weird rap goblin...
Splatoon 2 launched with twice as much content easily.
I'm glad Kraken is gone, dead and buried. Good riddance to it and its invincibility crutch ilk the Bubbler.
>jumping blaster nerf
Splashdown and Baller are no better. They traded just a bit of their power for being inexpensive and extremely low commitment. It's impossible to truely waste them because at very least they ink and rack up collateral, and neither of them needlessly wastes your time- one has very short duration and other can be cancelled at any moment. From short-sighted perspective- yeah, they are less bullshit, but from strategy standpoint they are as strong if not stronger because of their versitality.
But with invincibility removed there is no penalty for overextending. the original weapon balance called for this as an ultimate defence solution, they should have increased weapon damage to counteract this loss but didnt. It shouldnt have been the kill machine it became, but outright removing but leaving the rest of the kit hasnt been good. Just look at the top rank weapon meta, half the players use the same weapon now.
Splashdown isn't really a panic button, it can be punished easily if you know it's coming. Unless it's used mid-jump, but that can be prepared for.
>Pearl's slimy facial
>a whole class of guns that kills and does nothing else of value had its best way to kill removed
It's like making Aerospray shit at inking, oh wait that happened too.
>>took a game with wide variety of playstyles
Yeah like Brush and slosher: The game.
Way more variety than making every weapon viable.
You're comparing a complete game vs an incomplete one. The main problem with the game right now is that every good kit is on a custom variant of a weapon and nobody knows when the devs will start getting to those.
Gloogas are the perfect example. Their current kit doesn't compliment the weapon at all, but the wall/baller one does a much better job at this.
If i get baller i dont even bother to save it like kraken. I dont even use defensivly. If ballers up i rush to the front line and push, half the team just know to follow so if i die the enemy team still gets killed.
Im playing it right now fucko is fun but I need nintendo skins.
You know a lot of the game maps that weren't ported over from 1 have a very "New York City" vibe to them. The new music tracks in the patch just add to this.
The maps. They're repetitive and don’t change up the gameplay/game plan much. Everything is also pretty flat and equal level. All are pretty basic with nothing much going on.
Now let’s look at Splatoon 1 maps:
Hammerhead - The rails change up the gameplay
Flounder Heights - The middle is very high up and the changes up the gameplay
Mussuem - Spinning platforms changes up the gameplay
Bluefin - There is no middle in this map, there are 2 middles actually. This changes up the gameplay.
I think you get my point. I have been noticing that quite a few people have lost motivation to play competitive splatoon 2, and this may be the main reason why.
>I think you get my point.
No i don't, considering the original game had more "flat" levels than you're willing to list.
Honestly I just used gals the whole 1st game, I never bothered to learn any other weapon once i unlocked it. I still use gals but know I can do better if i used a splatershit instead. But i miss the feel of taking a perch behind an ink wall and destroying anyone who got near with a kraken. I felt like i was my teams back line. Only thing i feared were splaterscopes and inkzookas.
>Everything is also pretty flat and equal level.
This happened moreso in the first game, aside from the few examples you listed. Splatoon 2's maps for the most part have more design to them.
>Splashdown isn't really a panic button
Yeah. Only if you use a shooter that has enough range to not be point blank and enough damage to account for average reaction time, time to aim up and time to kill. Or Luna Blaster, the only blaster fast enough. And you can't screw up hitting a small target in the sky either, otherwise you will get shunted by a massive hitbox and likely a couple burst bombs chasing you. If any of these factors doesn't connect, you have no even relatively safe approach options if it's up, as even baiting it with pressure is unsafe
96 Deco is looking to fill a similar role, getting its wall back and having a Splashdown if ambushed. But again, it's unreleased like most of the other potentially good weapons.
If you're not confident enough in your shot, you can just back up. TTK is fast enough in this game to punish a Splashdown if you catch it soon enough.
And that's the fucking problem. There's no possible way to misuse them.
It's basically just a Splatoon 1 port.
And you will have to pay for online soon, so fuck it.
More like what went right. Pearl is a gift.
it costs 86 bucks.
It's pretty easy to misuse Baller. It gets cucked hard if the enemy focuses you down with bombs. Or even just shooting at you, forcing you to either detonate early or lose it.
What country? Sounds like leafland and taxes included
And so will PC soon, once Net Neutrality is repealed, so get off your damn high horse.
A 96 with splashdown...
Welp I know what my main will be.
>you can just back up
Not really. 3 lines of range on 55-damage hitbox, 1 second to impact, one line takes ~30 frames to traverse at uninvested swim speed (and SSU gives fuckall because it got nerfed). Unless you just skirt the outside (in which case you can't hit and they likely won't even bother splashdowning), you are at risk regardless of what you do.
What kinda third world cuck currency are you using?
This too. Online for Splatoon and the other games is merely okay, but it's sure as fuck not worth paying real money for.
55 damage isn't going to be doing a whole lot with the health recovery and movement-in-ink buffs. If a Splattershot hits you with a direct burst bomb, you deserved to die.
>55 min damage splashdown
>62 damage 3-line Gal
They'll definitely swap it like they swapped Hydra and Goldynamo's kits. It was reasonable back when SD was 35 damage, but not now.
It's not that big a deal, the 96 already 2-shots.
The Gold Dynamo never had Splashdown. Its kit change gave it a Splat Bomb instead of Toxic Mist.
faptastic designs
A squid can dream though
>If a Splattershot hits you with a direct burst bomb, you deserved to die.
Erm... I mean, burst bomb is a slow hard to hit projectile, but it's not impossible to learn to consistently hit them, and any splattershot player worth a damn can do that.
I look at it the same way I do Inkjet or any of the other projectile-based specials. You still need to land your shot for it to count. With Splashdown, you get 2 chances to kill without massive gear investment.
Why learn when I can go max refill and toss two blindly at a time and be ready with two more by the time I swim away
Literally the only problem with the game right now is the shit balance. Other than that it's absolutely incredible.
You don't seem to understand difference between 2 shots at 12-frame fire rate, which is completely fair, and a Splashdown with 3 lines of effective range, which is stupid, as demonstrated by Splattershot.
It takes longer to Splashdown than it does to just fire 2 shots.
>Pitiful amount of content at launch
It had a decent amount of content at launch, the problem is the shitty update schedule
>Still has connection error issues
your fault. The tickrate needs upped though
>Ranked modes are still poorly balanced
no. The biggest balance issue right now is that the splattershot is a bit too good. Stingray too possibly. And most rollers and chargers could use a small buff. The balance is actually great on the whole
>Turf War is still "only the final minute of the match matters."
who cares, it's the casual mode
>Worse music
music is good, we just need Chirpy Chips and Hightide back
>Lost Outpost map of Salmon Run is hot trash.
shit taste
>It had a decent amount of content at launch
Coming off the first game, no it didn't. It took us up until 2 weeks ago to finally have every main weapon from the first game.
go back to overwatch if you want matches to be decided solely by special use, idiot
the meta for the first game was ass. Way more weapons are viable in 2. I've seen your stupid "offense is the only viable strat" shit before, and you're wrong. The only big balance issue is the splattershot
>The only big balance issue is the splattershot
And the NZAP. The buff on the NZAP shows me that Nintendo has no idea what they're doing. It's the second best weapon in the game, the third being the Splat Roller which is basically the only roller worth using because it absolutely destroys all the other ones.
Don't bother. I've had this conversation with that idiot before. He's the same guy complaining that only "offensive" weapons work. His balance views are skewed drastically
I'll give you an example. Compare Octobrush and Jet Squelcher- latter actually splats faster, but it's never considered a good combat weapon, whereas Octo is one of the more used ones. Same here- Splashdown's hitbox and the time it gives you to take your aim makes it much more reliable than just shooting, and Splashdown itself becomes impossible to escape, as opposed to something like Sploosh that couldnt possibly capitalise on that damage even if it got close enough.
2 soon
I wish the Mini Splatling was good. I'm nearing 1 Million turf inked with it, and I'm convinced it's one of the worst weapons in the game. The buffs to Missiles was drastically needed, but the fucking thing is still a 5-7 hit kill most of the time which is beyond frustrating when a Splattershot Pro will 3-tap you at the same range.
That and hes wrong, only counter offensive weapons with decent range and ttk work otherwise we would see 4v4 sploosh a matics rule the top.
That's the shitty update schedules fault. We should be getting new and older weapons much faster
>nzap buff
? in 2.0?
>special use
TURF FUCKING CONTROL YOU MORMON. Nothing in Spla2n inks enough/safely enough to outturf the generic 2-liner shooters. Overwhelming control is gone, and with that defense as well. Weapons that don't turf a lot and ones that depend on having turf struggle. Snipers and to lesser extent splatlings have no use in addition to the above and the nerfs they recieved, you can just run another zap.
You've literally made this exact post before, and your examples of varied maps are shit. They're all late update maps and Museum and Bluefin are absolute shit. Hammerhead is good, but not spectacular. You don't know anything about map design
Other than the single player being more or less too similar to the first game, I can't complain.
>Nothing in Spla2n inks enough/safely enough to outturf the generic 2-liner shooters.
Splatling does.
Nigger your TW comment is false. If you just sat around and did fucking nothing for 2 minutes and let the other team have their way with the battlefield, you'd lose 100% of the time.
that's a support/inking weapon, stupid. what from the first game inked better and was actually useful in the meta?
Dynamo, Mini, both Nozzlenoses.
>Prefiero la OSTIA
>Prefiero EL MADRÍ
Very nice Nintendo Spain, very nice...
Bluefin is better designed in anything than you cashgrab sequel, sorry kid
It's not a sequel, more like Splatoon 1.5
Nope. It's safe, but it doesn't really ink all that much. I'm talking weapons that ink as much better than the 2-liners as Range Blaster kills better than them. That would be something near old Dynamo, certainly not Heavy.
Those did not ink better that the nzap, you're out of your mind
At the beginning yeah but there has been a lot of new content released. The single player stuff is literally Splatoon 1.5 though.
Spotty-ass fucker, outruns its own inking capabilities (which are already a hair weaker than Splattershot's).
Not enough Marie is what went wrong
That's the one you're choosing to defend? Christ, you must be mentally handicapped. New Moray, hell, even old Moray is better than Bluefin
They painted more safely. The Mini absolutely did paint much better than pretty much anything in the game after the Dynamo.
Cold sarcastic bitch. Callie is best girl.
motion controls feel like shit
34 tps, 3 lines, spotty, decent but not good efficiency
40 tps, 5 lines, semi-solid, poor efficiency
39 tps, 3.5 lines, spotty, fantastic efficiency
33 tps, 3.5 lines, spotty, fantastic efficiency
28 tps, 4 lines, solid, fantastic efficiency
Baisically in real world all of these inked better than Zap- safer, faster, longer, with less overspray, et cetra.