What can we honestly expect from this game?


Other urls found in this thread:


Cutscenes and a convoluted plot.

We can't.

generic, open world third person shooter with light stealth elements.
screenshot this and repost it when the gameplay reveal trailer pops on during the VGAs

Lovecraftian kino with Kafkaesque undertones

Masterpiece that PC_ucks will NEVER EVER play

no that's not worth it, you basically came up with everyone's opinion of this.

all I want now is a trailer

A decent film featuring Mads, with some bits of gameplay attached here and there.


a 3D VN

It's either going to be a 10/10 masterpiece that forever raises the bar of videogames or an absolute trainwreck that'll force Kojima out of the industry.

Why can't it just be a mediocre third person action game with a weird and interesting but ultimately incoherent plot that is beloved by a niche audience but otherwise completely shunned by the masses which ekes out middling commercial success?


Dorito Pope's interview with Kojima at E3 two years ago says it all.
>so it sounds like it's going to be a psychological game, kinda like PT right?
Pope, realizing his fatal mistake is unable to suppress the look of panic wash over his face, oh no, did I just slip up? As his brain tries to process the horrible mistake he just made he realizes Kojima has already erupted into awkward laughter, Pope sees his opportunity to salvage the moment and nervously laughs along with him.

I love you

>ekes out
Can you please stop making up new retarded phrasal verbs every day? thank you

t. englishlet

The one ruse I do believe is that Mads' character is actually the good guy (which will remain non-playable) and Norman's is actually the villain (which is always playable).

Sort of like how Shadow of the Colossus did it, where you gradually realize the entire colossi slaying process was a mistake and that the wanderer did it for selfish reasons.

>implying this will be nothing more than an over hyped Heavy Rain

>in use since the 1590s

sorry im not that creative user

Even at his worst Kojima is still better than fucking David Cage.

>death stranding
What a retarded fucking name...Its like chinks using regular english names as nicknames online cause they think they are special.

Please link your twitch for VGA so we could see how happy you'll be after announceof nothing so you kys

A glib facsimile

Wow cool spoiler fag lord

I'm still waiting for your suicide stream

Not gameplay that's for sure.

Is it, though? Kojima has been giving Mads the spotlight more and more, and in MGSV the twist was that you played as someone else the entire time. It's not too crazy to think it will happen again.

Keep up the good work caramel

Looks very lovecraftian

You can expect the same fucking shit as MGSV.

It's going to get officially revealed as Silent Hills or its proxy, the trailers for the game are going to be hype as fuck, and the game is going to disappoint massively.

Haven't you fucks learned?

Maybe a bit Kafkaesque?

I think he meant the Shadow of the Colossus spoiler, you fuck

the most kino game to ever exist

I dunno, I thought Heavy Rain was fun in a popcorny kind of way. Don't know if I could say that for Kojima's worst moments.

kys already

But TPP was disappointing by design.

Kojima's worst moment BAR NONE was the Meryl/Johnny scene from the end of MGS4. Almost everything else is ridiculous but entertaining or schlockingly cheesy but that scene just makes my blood boil.

or it will be a mediocre barebones game with completely batshit incoherent plot that kojimadrones will rever as the second comming of christ

Please don't be open world.


>Sort of like how Shadow of the Colossus did it, where you gradually realize the entire colossi slaying process was a mistake and that the wanderer did it for selfish reasons.
That's a simplification of the events that happen in those last 30 minutes. From word go, we already know that Wander just wants to revive Mono. Dormin says he will, that the price may be severe. Wander says it doesn't matter. Dormin holds up his end of the deal. We don't know why the bird mask man sealed Dormin in the first place. We only know that to them, resurrecting the dead is taboo. For all we know, masked bird man and his posse just want the art of resurrection to themselves.

Yeah, I'd like to believe that. I really hope your ruse predictions are right, Caramel. I'd like to see MGS end with a bang, not a whimper.

It's been two years, it's time to let it go

We haven't seen any gameplay yet the only reason people are hype for this is because of celebrities and e celebrities hyping it up and mr arata working on it. What other reason is there to look forward to this game? If this was any other game and didn't have celebrities and the director it has now, it'd be dropped

MGS4 was both fanservice AND a way to tell Konami "I am tired of this fucking series so here's a horrible game that I hope sells like shit"

But Breath of the Wild was a good game.

You're about to witness the final frontier. Thursday is the last stop.

That's a close second place, but nothing can ever top this shitshow

kinda like you said last E3 right?

No wonder it was a shit game.

So if nothing happens on Thursday will you finally stream your suicide?


Kojima is sidestepping this and making it sound exciting by talking about "ropes" and shit, but it's the only logical conclusion. If you want players to piece things together through interaction, then the game has to be always-online.

>this Thursday will be the five year anniversary of the original Phantom Pain trailer
I don't know Caramel might be onto something

goty of the century

I forgot about that. What a was the implication here? That the Boss's spirit was actually inside Peace Walker or some shit?

Caramel suicide stream when?

A movie lmao

Who is this and why am I seeing him everywhere now?

>And don't your DARE think about cheating on me

honestly it felt like the campy action shit Kojima thrives at, why you so mad

lurk more

He's an hero


An old ''war criminal'' who removed kebab and drank cyanide in court

No one, go keep playing your video games kiddo.

okay dad

>I-its still happ-p-pening!!!
Salted Caramel tastes great
Here comes reddit

Probably gonna have some shyamalian twist. Which will either be great, or the dumbest shit ever.

>an hero
it's A hero, learn grammar please


Fucking newfag scum, back to your soyhole you came from

Yeah, "war criminal"
That would imply the "people" he comitted the "crime" against were human
They were rapists and murderers

He is not a war criminal. His suicide is because of the ruling that he was.

>honestly it felt like the campy action shit Kojima thrives at, why you so mad
Romance in MGS1-3 always served a purpose of characters learning more about themselves to further the game's themes. In MGS1, it was about Snake learning to love and know there are aspects life separate from killing. In MGS2, it was Raiden learning that he has repressed trauma that would make it impossible for him to start a family, only to realize that he can pass on information to his child. In 3, it was EVA deceiving Snake, twisting the biblical tale of the snake tempting Eve. In MGS4 it's a girl who already learned to love in MGS1, falling for a joke character.

at this point fuck all because we haven't actually seen gameplay
I'm not even 100% sure it's a video game, really

Naked Joost.

4 was Meryl realising the she didnt want wrinkly limp dick


Why doesn't Kojima just make a movie?

Because then he'd have to admit he's not a very good writer.

He works on MGS movie

He already made MGS4

But the truth is that he knows he can't direct a movie worth shit. He'd rather be known as king of the anthill instead of the laughing stock of the mountain.


Of all the images you post, I don't understand this one at all. Ceiling fans are evil?

I view Meryl marrying Johnny as a deliberate choice similar to making Snake old: as a way to put the series to bed in a very Kojima way. Have the fan-favourite female love interest fall for diarrhea boy rather than Snake.

Haha I get it because the game is called Death STRANDING and Norman Reedus is in the game :)

A very epic joke. May I repost this on reddit, good sir?

Maybe he genuinely enjoys the part-interactive, part-cinematic aspect that only video games can provide. At least Kojima's movie-games have thought put into the -game portion, unlike a Naughty Dog production.

Enjoy the karma, friend ;)

Here's my take on it. The player is actually the baby. Reedus is a quantum physicists who winds up going through a portal into another dimension. He is actually dead. The Baby is actually him and Reedus' body is just the representation of his residual self. IN order to make it through the world and be reborn in the real world, he has to guide his baby self, who is attached to him through a umbilical cord. Throughout the game, you'll see other people who has lost their baby self and are just empty bodies. You can detach from Reedus and attach to these empty shells to control them. IN the trailer, Del Toro looks uneasy because he still has remnant of his personality left, so he knows he is no good in a firefight, but he is compelled to do as the player character commands, so he heads into the tunnel trying to keep the baby safe. As you get stronger, you can attach to more and more people. Mads represents such a being, who has been stranded in the world for so long, that his baby now commands a literal army around him. That would fit the concept of ropes and sticks, and it would allow for many different play style while being over the top like Kojima is known for.

why the fuck is that one guy carrying a baby?

It’s all yours my friend!
Have a bing bing wahoo day :)

its a clone

>unironic use of the soy meme
Thought you 8fags were NEVER COMMING BACK!

The problem with interesting theories like this is that the game is usually much worse and just ends up disappointing.

>unironically theorizing when theres not enough information

LMAOing at your life. You're thinking too hard, kiddo. This is why MGS became a total joke during the wait for MGSV, the trith was right under your nose but you built Kojima up to be this master of writing multi-twists within twists and all your theories were bunk.


The ceiling fan only exists in two parts of the game. The hospital and the end cutscene of Shining Lights. It does not exist during gameplay, it only spawns in the cutscene. It's reality bleeding into the VR simulation / coma nightmare.

>all these people saying WOW IT'S GOING TO BE FUCKING AMAZING GOTYAY with not a single second of gameplay revealed, not even what kind of gameplay style the game will have

Absolutely. That's all it was. My response was rebutting the notion that romance has always been campy in MGS. It hasn't. MGS1-3 are very clever games.

I just wish Kojima could have taken the FOX Engine with him. It seems unlikely that it will be used for anything other than soccer games and the inevitable MGS remake/cash-grabs.

The game is about cloning and memories. The baby is Reedus' clone, Del Toro is Reedus, his brain transplanted into Del Toro's body. Thats why the first trailer looks more modern, but the second trailer with Mads is from WW2. Reedus is the villain, Mads is like the Terminator trying to stop him.