ITT: """Art direction""" in vidya
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>wah why can’t games be the same color palet of my liking ;-(
Not defending that game, but holy shit why do people get so mad? As long as the game is fun and the game isn’t UGLY, then why do you care?
>As long as the game is fun and the game isn’t UGLY, then why do you care?
Because that game is both not fun and UGLY.
You know what would be fun? If i could see what the fuck I'm shooting at, it's really hard to see with that blue piss filter.
The color mod was much better, but then DICE sperged out about "MUH ARTISTIC VISHUN" and disabled it in one of the patches.
At least they fixed it in 4, still don't get why 3 has that green fucking filter over it though
I actually miss BF3. Not sure why I enjoyed it so much more than BF4.
Who needs designers when you can pull things off the asset store?
(((art direction)))
Because BF3 is literally "we want the cod audience". The game is all about tight corridors and close quarters combat instead of the regular large map with vehicles from old BF games. It even manages to be more infantry focused than BC2.
Not to mention all of the casualized mechanics that only helps noobs and cod kids like the bliding flashlights/lasers, the broken suppression mechanics and all the camping spots in all maps that favored campers, etc.
Alright listen as one of the people who helped create the blue filter meme back on mordor. There is no blue filter, never was. The filter is different for each level, and even parts of the level. The park area has a greenish filter, the interior a blueish one, and the last stage a more neutral colouring bordering on brown.
It's still a shame about the interior, you can see in the early trailers, key art, and alpha screenshots the palette the level is supposed to have. That is the true art direction of the game which the singleplayer and all the marketing materials follow very closely. Why they decided to slather that filter shit on the multiplayer and break the art direction I have no idea.
kill yourself faggot. I bet you think BC2 was the best of the series.
BF3 was a return to form with wider open spaces like firestorm, kharg, caspian etc. and actually having a more tactical design that punished running and gunning with things like suppression and low TTK's.
BF3 had a much tighter balance than BF4, with more recoil and more focus on control. That's why it's better.
Today I will remind them.
I actually really fucking liked Operation Metro and BF3's shitty blue hue in general
>I actually liked operation tunnel
>I actually liked the filter
underage out
Wow, a bunch of maps with flags put in a straight line with mountains around for the campers to camp the entire match. Yeah, BF3 was much better, make sure you keep playing it and stay out of BF4.
I'm 21
>Wow, a bunch of maps with flags put in a straight line
literally not bf3.
the game balance in bf4 is just complete garbage. every single weapon, vehicle and class was done way better in 3.
It contrasts with orange in an attempt to appeal to the eyes, see priceonomics.com
When in doubt call underage
>P.S your a faggot
so you'd have been 12 when BF3 came out
Looks fine in the sky phase
t. never been outside
BF3 was fun as fuck
There are weapon mods like infra red night vision, which got nerfed because visibility was too good and gave a ridiculous advantage. Part of not being able to see a colorful enemy immediately is necessary. It literally makes camo/skin a tactical choice. Hated it too, but BF is one of the games that does it right.
Remember how brown Resistance 1 was? Remember how it seemed to be a thing for quite a few PS3 exclusives? Killzone 2 featured shades of Grey and Brown and that was pretty much it
I loved that blue hue
That's because brown is one of the most prevalent colors on earth. Still looked like trash though
Are we allowed to post good art direction in this thread?
Why the fuck would anyone use lens flare and glare in FPS game?
Close Quarters was a good expansion.
aftermath had better infantry maps than call of quarters
also most hype loading theme youtube.com
And people wonder why pubg runs so bad
daily reminder to not give any attention to wojackposters
If I click this link and it's not the epicenter theme you're getting banned
You did good user :*
bad company started this but everybody is scared of admitting it because it was their first game
most of the maps were linear, while bf3 had its fair share of wide open maps once all dlcs were out
Who the fuck actually likes Operation Metro?
>better infantry maps
Epicenter and Azadi Palace are just as good as Op. 925 and Ziba Tower.
they're better because they're actual conquest maps and not dm maps.
I'm here to defend the golden age glow of DXHR. It's a genius look and they never should have gone back on it to satiate the gamer kids.
The same retards that introduce shit like chromatic aberration as "fancy eye candy"
Jesus, chromatic aberration is just cancer for the eyes.
There literally was a blue filter, it was proven and removed with a mod which was later banned.
>when your life is so pathetic all you do is spend all day desperately trying to force a shitty meme
Sun can be used for tactical advantage.
>64 player Operation Metro
>never-ending barrage of grenades
It was stupid and I loved it.
>anime with chromatic abberation exists
are you illiterate? why would you reply to a post you did not read?
the "mod" basically removed all lighting from the game, which gave a huge advantage in seeing enemies. it was just a glorified cheat.
I want people who don't like battlefield to stop playing battlefield forever.
>hurr durr what is a lens
>mfw they took DXHR off the Steam store
>Director's cut is the only one that exists there now
I fucking miss BF3.
>tfw VU is progressing only very slowly
m-maybe 2018 will be the year ;_;
I just want to make a ww2 mod.
>Helis still own entire teams
gunner seat flares were a mistake. homing rocket pods were a mistake. TV missiles were a mistake.
at least they're not super fast on top of everything like in bf4.
BF3 acutally had pretty good art direction
At least better than everything that came after it
4 looked somehow worse than 3, Hardline was actually decent and 1 breaks the immersion every few seconds with It's sound design
4's big problem was the poop filter. which unlike bf3 was actually ubiquitous. I don't know why people actually think looking at this trash is acceptable. people whine endlessly over a blue tint that exists in 1% of the entire bf3 game. but this shit being over every frame of bf4 is somehow fine.
proof that people are idiots who think only what they are told to think.
Yo listen up, here's the story
About a little guy that lives in a blue world
And all day and all night and everything he sees is just blue
Like him, inside and outside
That looks hideous
you look hideous
The funny thing about BF3 is
BF4 is better
But only if you buy the DLC.
I hate the default maps in BF4. I'd rather just play Caspian Border and Seine Crossing all day.
>buy the DLC
Or just wait and get everything for free :^)
BF3 and 4 are the only games with good paid map packs
>BF4 is better
not in any conceivable way.
>BF3 was fun as fuck
Gotta agree, especially in hindsight. Holy fuck has that series been an abomination since. 4 ended up being not so bad despite a shitty launch but its still a bloated piece of shit with levolution instead of actual destruction.
pphffffuffffff phfff pppphhhffffffffff
Damn, I miss the metro clusterfuck. Good times grenade spamming on the stairs.
>restricting the play areainio seconds!
Did BF3 have a decent campaign?
>You will never play 2010's DICE's BC3
it's ok
What's with Battlefield games and taking a massive shit on the visuals by slapping gaudy filters on top of everything
Battlefield 3 and 4 both had campaigns that I played and don't remember anything that happened in them.
I think they were trying to follow CoD's footsteps but they did it more boring.
And getting so many ribbons and xp and badges for reviving everyone
It felt like a slot machine sometimes
>you will never play another consoletarded abomination of the series
it's literally the worst campaign in the history of shooters. the multiplayer alone is why it is good.
graphics look nicer in the sp though.
Both HR and especially MD have absolutely amazing art direction.
Kind of strange, considering how blocky and hideous the original was. That said, the original had a lot better content (except for combat).
>bf3 came out 6 years ago
Fuck it was the last fps game where I really did sink many hours and had lots of fun, despite its flaws it was just unique to me, bf4 really added nothing new so it didn't feel better than 3 just slightly more polished after the updates of course.
the originals' look has a very 90's dystopia feel to it though. which is fine.
BF3 was the game that finally made me build a PC.
And I haven't seen anything worth upgrading it for since.
I want Reddit to leave. BC was the beginning of the end, the only people who like it are casuals and kids who weren't even born when BF2 was a thing.
The villa(from Dima's PoV, Blackburn's was awful) was good, everything else is forgettable. The co-op campaign is alright.
Fucking same
To this day I still play some Operation Metro matches, no other game managed to recreate it.
Heck, it's even fun when you're losing. I don't know what DICE did to achieve this, or maybe I'm just autistic
Yeah, I love it. I actually really liked that it wasn't super over the top robots and neon everywhere like most sci fi, but more somber and down to earth.
I'm just surprised that graphics were such an unprioritized part of the original, and the the sequels come around and they are basically artworks with some gameplay tacked on.
Music was a much bigger part of the original, and that has been completely abandoned in the new games. Strange how these priorities change so drastically.
if you play battlefield for metro only you should kill yourself
No I played all maps, almost all of them have their own feeling to it
Somehow I just always come back to this map, 64 players, conquest, absolute madness
it's just a dumb meatgrinder with 0% skill or tactics to it.