This game is too hard. Regular enemies feel like Dark Souls bosses. What am I doing wrong?

This game is too hard. Regular enemies feel like Dark Souls bosses. What am I doing wrong?

Change difficulty to game journalist mode

understandable, P5 is the Dark Souls of Shin Megami Tensei

You're either not making good use of buffs/debuffs, ignoring enemy weaknesses, or both.

Most problems in SMT and Persona can be solved by fusion. Make something that deals more damage or nulls/reflects the damage type killing you.

Are you playing on hard?

Stop being a retard and get good faggot.

Could just play on easy if you just want the story

No trophies or anything tied to difficulty if you care about that kinda shit

Plan constantly. In the beginning I spent all my money on potions.

You can sorta cheese the first palace with an ice immune demon. Fight against Silkies, let them kill your party members, they use the sleep on the protagonist, you regain HP and SP, their bufu skill deals 0 damage because you have immunity. At the end of the battle heal your party members for about 20 SP. Also if you're lucky your party members can gain like 5 SP while you're trying to let them die

Why am I replying seriously to b8?

Like all Persona games only the beginning is hard and the rest is easy.

It's significantly easier than P3 and P4, and probably not much harder than P1 and EP

You are not believing in your nakamas hard enough.

How can someone be bad at a JRPG, is the same shit as all the others.

Is this troll, or are you playing on very hard mode ? P5 medium difficulty setting isn't hard at all. Mobs are pretty weak once you know their weaknesses

Ive never played this type of game before and its easy as shit

Probably very hard, thats where I am and I wound up getting steamrolled n coming close to gameovers often. Its pretty fun that way tho imo

Why are you complaining then.

Im not OP tho

Are you playing it like Pokemon? Desperately trying to keep your few starting persona in your party?


>character is weak to zio
>uses agi
>doesn't work

I think what trips more people up about Persona is that unlike 99.99% of other JRPGs, buffs and debuffs actually work and are useful if not essential.

I was suprised to see how the medium confuse spell worked on a miniboss.

It's a nice change of pace.

Play a real smt game

Yeah, years of status effects never working on bosses just puts people into the habit of ignoring them.

It's also like
Said where some people approach it like Pokemon and want to keep their starters forever. Honestly it's the thing that bugs me the most about Persona is that your starting persona looks amazing and you need to fuse it immediately.

Have a diverse team of persona so you can use every damage type. Learn the weakness of each enemy you’re fighting. Every battle now lasts 30 seconds

>need to fuse it immediately.
fucking this, as much as I'd love to keep Orpheus on me 24/7 hes absolute trash and levels at snail speeds.

Why would anyone want to keep Orpheus? His design sucks ass.
I switched that shit as soon as I caught a pixie.


What? Having him share MC's god awful haircut was a terrible decision.
>Emofag summons robotic emofag + harp
A complete letdown after seeing Thanatos.

you are literally playing a casualised version of a casualised game series for fuck sake

Persona 5 is ridiculously easy. Just try different moves until you find something that works and spam it, make sure your mc has a arsenal of different moves he can try. Also always use the new party member you get as it’s bound to be a weakness in the area you are in

Buffs and rebuffs are kinda to OP in P5. Try to overbuff in smt and you’ll get your shit slapped

>design cool persona for main character
>put it on the cover
>game forces you to execute him if you happen to not have other personas at that point
>no reason to ever bring him back

Really gets the noggin joggin

You know what's funny? I got all available personas in the early game and when I got to the first fusion, I had to execute arsene as well, because all possible results were either above my level or were a persona I already owned.

Hey on new game plus you get to fuse his better version Satanael, it’s only the hardest Persona to fuse in the game :^)

Wasnt that SMT IV?

This is another problem I have with Persona. If you want to see/do everything you have to play a NG+ but it's a heavily story-driven game so NG+ is boring because you already know the goddamn plot.

W/e Man
Im doing ng right now and am planing on keeping arsene forever with the help of the guillotine

yeah, I personally never NG+'d any titles in the persona series, it's just not the same anymore

I tired to do it with P4 after waiting a few years so I would forget details, but as soon as we went into the midnight channel it all came flooding back.

buff and debuff works in every game except the retarded one
what jrpg do you even play?

I kept Arsene the whole time too and it worked just fine. Granted I was only playing on Normal.


I play all kinds of JRPGs and if you're going to sit there and tell me that things like defense-lowering spells, confusion, silence etc. usually work on bosses then you're just full of shit.

confuse and silence never works against any persona bosses either shitlord


user stop shitposting.

Honestly Persona and SMT rpgs need to change up the combat formula. Persona 5 was so damn easy if you've played smt/persona before. It's getting stale.

Despite it's shortcomings I'm having way more fun with Xenoblade 2, just because it has so many original combat mechanics.

Are you stupid? Silkies are weak to two of your party members besides Joker, why the fuck would you be having trouble with them? The archangels are the only serious threat since only Ryuji and you can zio them.

They've gotten around that in the recent games though. In P4G you can farm those stat up cards, and in P5 you can feed Arsene a ton of treasure demons.

Probably don't utilize buffs and debuffs, maybe you're underleveled too. You have to go balls deep in these games. I have died only at Futabas boss 1x time and that was that.