What do you guys think about the game, judging from the videos and demo? What do you think the developers need to improve on?
Blue Omen Operation
Other urls found in this thread:
>It's the dev comes to shill his game thread
Your "Character speaking avatar" and text box height not matching angers me, sir.
>Dev makes kickstarter
>He unfollows me
Shameful amount of blatant shilling my man. Will buy, leave a negative comment and refund on release.
I'm not a dev, but I'm most likely a shill. Funding is just about to end now anyway, so I wanted to talk about the game.
Wait, one of the devs unfollowed you? Why?
At least buy it from some website like "Green Man Gaming" for a possibly cheaper price than Steam.
When you make it big, you don't matter anymore bruh.
The concept art all looks great but the in game art looks like mspaint stuff.
I wish they would have tried to have the in game sprites match the aeshetic, and not just style of their concept art.
it's inkerton's birthday everybody,
say something nice about him and his game
happy birthday ink
I want to fuck yagiko
He doesn't get on Sup Forums anymore, fuck him.
I like the two comics he made. Happy birthday, you wanker.
>He'll never make mommy pictures again
>Just draw cute shit with "relatable" memes on twitter now
What do you mean by this?
Notch doesn't browse Sup Forums as much anymore but we still like the guy.
post them.
the dev has been coming here for ages, but he's usually smart enough to use the gamedev threads
sent a few to your Sup Forums inbox since they're not safe for work ;)
>Notch shills Minecraft on here in 2009/2010 outside of the gamedev threads
>Sup Forums is okay with it
>This dev shills his shit outside of the gamedev threads occasionally
>he is instantly hated
Sup Forums really is bipolar.
You must be new here.
I never said I hated him fag, I said his choice of textbox alignment was bad due to it not matching and creating empty space on the screen, hurting the composition
*unzips katana*
I'm not somebody who you want to frick with....
A person that likes something doesn't criticize it.
I'm not a dev, Nee-san, just a NEET shill.
>Sup Forums is one person
You know, the people that oppose it are more likely to speak out right?
In any case, how dare he do such a thing. I don't approve.
Let me guess. You're Swedish. It's always the fucking Swedish that shill their shit on this board. We need to build a wall between the United States and Sweden.
British, actually.
>He thinks Sup Forums isn't one person
>He hasn't assimilated into the hivemind
You aren't going to fool me Gustav.
If this is bait, you got me
I just want my mommy porn
>What do you think the developers need to improve on
Redo the art so it doesn't like an MS Paint picture, although that's probably what Inker is using to do it. Really the main problem is the thin lines and pale colors making everything look unappealing, as well as the designs not being very thought-out, especially the enemies which are all over the fucking place. I couldn't even tell that the black-haired MC was a guy due to Inker's style, I think it's mainly the hair and eye shape
Slow down the enemies and reduce their damage, this is meant to be the first area and enemies do half your health and attack frequently
Get rid of the dumb meme shit. I understand the game is based off Mario & Luigi, and I can respect that you're trying to emulate it as best you can, but adding shit like Chen faces and knockoff Mario Bros. shopkeepers is just stupid and takes away from the identity of the game's setting. The "quirky" dialogue also needs work
But I mean hey, other than that, good concept
New to Kickstarter does obscure stuff generally generate 50k overnight?
No but Blue Omen was shilled on Tumblr, Sup Forums and Twitter but Inker and a few others
Cool looking menu. Shitty everything else
>devs make kickstarter
>they don't unfollow me
feels good man
Well not overnight, but in a month yeah. Only if you shill it, like OP and on other places like said
I was asking more since this apparently has stretch goals with pretty big content behind 100k. Guess it won't be met then. Oh well, still seems kinda cool. Might buy when it's actually out.
Hadnt heard of it before.
Looks great.
I personally would like to see $70k and even that's impossible. Least the game's being made with some extra, bizarre mechanics.
post webms for the gameplay so Sup Forums stops complaining
I can't overstate how much I love the art, but the game demo didn't impress me.
Really, you had to choose one specific scene to sell the idea of your game and it's searching aimlessly around a hotel (where every room looks the same) for items? Not to mention the random encounter system is weird and tedious for a game with action-based battles. I don't mind random encounters but having to think about stopping every few feet and decide if I want to delay the encounter is annoying. Why not show enemies on the map like the games that inspired it?
Protip OP: if you want to shill the game, don't bother. Let the dev team (coxworthy/inker) make their own threads with names/trips. Sup Forums doesn't mind when devs make threads for open Q&A/demo giveaway sessions, but they absolutely mind when people go "hey have you heard of this game before :)"
all I know is Yagiko is cute and I want to see porn of her but no one has drawn any yet
Looks like she's doing the Solar Flare move in the bottom right.
>"Dress" is actually body hair.
Imagine what her pussy must be like
Making this thread was pretty much shilling, but I honestly did want to hear discussions on possible improvements. Probably should have waited after the funding ended to make the thread, and not just before.
Also this blond hair guy seems like a massive asshole.
why are they so fucking mad?
only newfags get triggered by literally who devs shilling their shit
>Making this thread was pretty much shilling, but I honestly did want to hear discussions on possible improvements.
1) Artstyle has a strong foundation, but the sprites are still very basic. They need shading, depth and anti-aliasing.
2) The walk/run random-encounter counter is an inspired way of letting the player dictate when they want to enter battles, but the stop/start momentum does kill the flow of exploration. I would suggest on-screen enemies instead, and possibly an option at the end of a battle to immediately instigate another battle (so the player can grind that way rather than exit/re-enter rooms).
3) Some more variety in the background graphics, particularly if you're going through hallways with doors to small rooms. Perhaps inker can bring on a couple friends to do assistant graphical work.
I guess they're mad that the robot-thing kinda copied their hairstyles. You know, the horn on Yagiko and the weird receding hairline on Jiro.
I agree with the points you've made, especially the sprites. I really hope they severely polish them.