Tfw no universal income yet in america so I can play MMOs and eat gamer fuels every day

>tfw no universal income yet in america so I can play MMOs and eat gamer fuels every day

>get disability money
>too depressed to play any of the games I own

just pretend to be autistic

get paid to be a dumb dumb and you can game all day. the government will pay you to stay at home

kek, good.

its never gonna happen. go out and get a job, you lazy bum

if hilldawg got in it would have

What is your disability if I may ask?

>get in the guard to help pay for school
>6 years without employment or school because our officers are demons
>impossible to get work because we have 3 day drills nonstop with a month long AT and no one will pay for all that free time off
>force orders on anyone in college randomly through the semesters and always during finals
>send cops to collect anyone who is even one minute late to their ordered dates
>pay issues every single drill, often trying to refuse payment until people just give up and accept it
>forging reenlistment signatures from contracts with bonuses to ones without
>forging reenlistment signatures for people trying to ETS
>if you try to transfer out, they shred the papers
>if you call IG, they never investigate
>if you call JAG, they tell you to call IG
>if you try to call TAG, some asshole redirects the call before you reach him to keep it silent
>move back in with Dad, do nothing for 6 fucking years
>almost a decade behind everyone I know in getting my life started
Never let anyone you care about join the Army.

>>tfw no communism yet in america so I can play MMOs and eat gamer fuels every day
by the time you get what you want there won't be a country on the map there, just nigger tribes


>no wellfare
>no neetbux
>no universal income
>$300/m job
ahhh, man do I love starving

And you guys wonder why your gobernments are importing third worlders.

I don't have to wonder

>Want to land a job and have some self worth really badly.
>Chronic laziness makes me hate work immediately and plain give up when I get criticism.
Holy shit someone kill my spoiled ass.
How did i ruin myself so badly?

>tfw no state of mind to retreat inside your mind and become literally numb to the world and let your body succumb to starvation without feeling the effects

wait, you have a real disability right? or is "depressed" your disability

Are you in the IDF?

No, I'm a storage watchman in Russia

fellow eastern european?

I don't think depression cuts it anymore.
It's better that way i suppose, doesn't give people an easy out.

You didn't get bullied enough.

Where do you even live?
With family?

In grandmother apartment in Vladivostok

>pay for school
Never do this unless you can afford it.

it will because the stupidity of modern commerce. The fun part hasn't even started yet when they add more robots to the workforce.

I did get bullied though,a lot.
But i also bullied others more.

Sorry for not replying. I've been messing with my Sup Forums X settings and the thread watching isn't notifying me of (You)s.

OCD. Actual OCD, not meme OCD.

I'm depressed, too, but that's not why I get it.

>Got bullied but still got through school
>Can't handle when things doesn't go his way
These do not add up.

Does OCD qualify you for a work of leisure and no working ever? Fuck this world.

Can you get disability bucks from autism too?
Depressed autist here, but people/employers either don't react at all when i tell them, or believe i'm joking.


>Got through school.
Hardly, it was a weird time.
And the more i bullied, the less I got bullied.

Are we talking scrub your hands untill you bleed kinda ocd or what? Sorry for pressing user mental health interests me.

Never happen. Dumb middle class cucks will bawl "Muh Taxes" if we even try to charge them enough to keep the government functional so the fed gov has to continually borrow jewbux just to keep the country running.

Nobody wants to hear that if you want to live in a decent country you have to pay high taxes.

Used to be. It changes over time. When I had a job my hands would bleed a lot and it was disgusting. Now that I don't have a job I don't shower very often but wash my hands a lot but I use a lot less soap now so my hands aren't quite as dry. It affects me in far too many ways to list here.

BRB, going to the shop to buy cigarettes and Coca-Cola.

basic universal income is an absolute inevitability with the advent of job automation
virtually every retail/warehouse, fast food, and transportation job will be fully automated in the next 20-30 years. those 3 sectors alone employ some shit like 10 million people and at least 90% of those jobs are going to permanently disappear. they may be mostly low level jobs but if you can't start anywhere then how can you ever get any kind of fucking job

>tfw never had a job

How can I get one? Each job has like 100 applicants. Some jobs even pay the same amount as NEET gibs.

>endless supply of neet bux
>spending 2 grand on camwhores past month
>just had a loli tier camwhore strip tease me while i ate a ny strip steak and watched

Are we not talking about the kind of benefits that you can live off without working?

Maybe kill yourself for being a nigger? It would also explain why you can't get a job.

The real solution is to do away with the idea that "people starving in the street = bad". It's a brilliant way to make sure that only the smart and useful survive.

overpopulation is not a resource problem, it is a job/money problem

>How can I get one
By having qualifications and connections.

Honestly expecting a few wars and more soy cancer foods , they would rather kill us off than do universal income in U.S

>>tfw no universal income yet in america so I can play MMOs and eat gamers every day

How do I get those?

You should of just joined the military. lol

If you're not a nigger then you should have parents. They're most likely your strongest connections for many years, possibly your entire life.
As for qualifications; if you can afford to take an education, and if you have the intelligence and willpower to see it trough then that's a pretty good way to get them. Alternatively you have to get a job and pick up some of the so called experience. Some jobs are almost always hiring, and if you can't get anything else there are always those. You need to be willing to move away though, if what you need is not available in your area then you should move to an area where it is available, that's one of life's rules.

I'm not a nigger though, please help.
I don't understand what's wrong with me.

>I don't understand what's wrong with me
You're a nigger in actions, and if you're an american, probably in genetics too.

Better than having millions of shitskins flood your country.

But why boss man?
Why are my insides black?
I never ACTED black.

>he didn't beat the shit out of wh*Te dogs all throughout school
Filthy fucking wh*Toid.

Lol, how clueless are you?

He lives in close proximity to both Norks and Chinks. It's not exactly a dream.


>I never ACTED black
Then explain this post which is basically "Bullying is good mayne, it gets you through school and shiet".

What the fuck is a "wh*Toid"?

Very clueless indeed. First day on the internet?
It's slang for "North Koreans".

fuck taxes, get a job

Look in the mirror, wh*Te "person".
Lament that you are not BLACK

dying is a better alternative

Why would I lament that?

I didn't particularly enjoy bullying others man, i just didn't want to get bullied myself.
Is self preservation a bad thing?

>Is self preservation a bad thing
Has it led to you being in a good spot right now? Maybe instead learning to take some hits was the better option.

The problem with UBI is where the money is going to come from. Just taxing the extremely rich is not going to be enough to feed all the mouths in the planet, and they have no reason to consent.

optimally, large megaconglomerates will have their revenues garnished and distributed
unrestricted capitalism cannot function on such a large scale and the funds must be re-distributed somehow otherwise there will be true mass poverty

Why the hell would you want the federal government intervening in your life in the first place?

Maybe, but if I had to do it all over again, I still would have been mean to others, since I'd rather not get hurt physically and mentally myself.

I should emphasize that I am only proposing this because of the aforementioned unprecedented loss of jobs
right now we are doing fine enough but it's gonna get really fucking ugly within our lifetimes, mark my words

Niggers starving in the streets > Niggers getting welfare
>But they would just turn to crime
Spend the money saved on social security on more police. Give me a dystopian police state damnit!

just start crypto trading you dumb shits, you want to be NEET poorfag forever?
no? good then head over to /biz/ and figure out how to buy REQ and LINK.

EVERYONE will be starving in the streets. hood rat niggers are only surviving via government dole and that shit by definition cannot last forever because as everyone already fucking knows, social security will collapse within the decade

The rich wouldn't care about mass poverty. They can still trade with other rich people and rely on automation to maintain their status quo. I just don't see why they won't force the less fortunate to fight for it. And to be honest, any country worth a damn will be able to suppress a rebellion no matter how bad it gets.

>If I could choose all over again, I'd still be a nigger
And there are still people who say that niggers are gud bois who dindu nuffin.

Its called Welfare dummy

>EVERYONE would be starving
Not people with jobs and income.
I think we might be talking past each others, you're talking about your theoretical "unrestricted capitalism" and I'm talking about reality.
It won't happen as long as fiat currency is a thing. When a government that needs more money can just print more/make more bonds available there won't be collapses, only decay.

did you miss the part where like 9 million will be permanently going away

9 million what?

>actual army


what makes you think that a group of people rich enough to pay for you (and all the other genetic deadends) existence wont just pay to have you all exterminated?

>Not people with jobs and income.
And when all those jobs have been automated, what then? Everyone except those that perform maintenance on the automated workforce just starve and die?

> should people who dont support themselves starve and die?

Careful with that edge, bro.

> it is now 'edgy' to expect adults to sustain their own existence

>Be a leaf
>Government Lib majority
>Still no negative income tax
Libs are probably too scared to that the left will see this as taking away welfare and social security

>not edgy to not want most of humanity to die off because there are hardly any jobs left

killing people is edgy, not stopping them for letting themselves die isnt

>this is the kind of person I share an imageboard with

>works minimum wage at a frozen yogurt shop
>"What do you do for society?"
*swipes customer's credit card*

get the fuck back to work wagecuck.

Do people really get money for pretending in America?

Jobs don't disappear, they change. The industrial revolution sure killed off all goods-production related jobs right?

It's more of a "corrupt doctors" thing.

The industrial revolution brought nationwide misery to the unskilled poor, and it took massive labor organizing to make things somewhat tolerable for them.

My mom used to investigate patients who used their insurance to get pain killers for their "back pain".

Every once and while she would catch some guy wake boarding in tahoe and she would take pictures for the insurance company and they would send the guy a letter in the mail.

And yet, after a period of misery, we are richer today than we were before this first stage of automation. History will likely repeat itself in that respect.

It didn't happen on its own. It took labor organization, collective bargaining, even government intervention.

>Private investigator for an insurance company
Worse jobs exist, that's for sure.

>live in poverty in America
>have a misaligned jaw
>don't have 50k for surgery
>have consult with oral surgeon about getting my wisdom teeth pulled
>he judges me for not having a job to pay for surgery (I'm actually in grad school atm)
Fucking radical. I hate living in the worst first world country in the world to be poor in.

And those things will happen again, I stick to what I said. History will repeat itself when it comes to the world getting more automated.

Americans on Sup Forums are always like "just pretend to be retarded bro" and feels weird because where I live people with serious physical problem get fuck all