Warcraft IIII when?

Warcraft IIII when?

Other urls found in this thread:

google.se/search?q=i ii iii iiii clock&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwib2cON8_PXAhUPmrQKHcIxBhQQ_AUICigB&biw=1920&bih=900&dpr=1&gws_rd=cr&dcr=0&ei=6xonWscU0rHSBb__i-gG

Blizzcon 2019

when wow is officially dead (a year after classic)


I know it's bait but you're sizzling my salami right now.

Warcraft 4 will be a phone game

this, and there will be loot boxes to unlock certain troops and buildings

How am i supposed to type this, idiot.

maximum overbait

Hey, you're pretty good at this.

i honestly think warcraft IIII is not a good idea for now



fuck me this is top b8 m8

Bait, but IIII is literally another way to type out IV that the fucking romans figured out.
I fucking hate you. Please kill yourself right now so your genes die out.

You could start your own business and make a fortune with that kinda talent, kid.


IIII is harder to distinguish from III. It's pretty obvious why IV would be a preferable notation if you use a little common sense.


WarCraft is so beyond fucked. I'd only like a 4th WarCraft if they completely rebooted it and throw WoW out the window.


not diagonally

Anyone who types IIII is trying to be quirky. Take that snowflake shit somewhere else.

look at the roman numerals on your watch asshole

only took 20 posts for Sup Forums to get inhere


>muh Sup Forums boogeymen

There's nothing political about you being that guy that tries to do everything different in the most useless way possible for attention.

I don't have a watch, I use my phone to tell time.

Even then, I know what you're getting at and I don't care.

>implying it isn’t Warcraft IIIIIIX

Warcraft III\

My watch only has numerals on the 4 cardinal directions.


no. I severely doubt anyone who made WC3 good is still working on blizzard so it would just end up like D3

IIII is an acceptable alternative to IV. Particularly on clocks, but it's far from unheard of in other applications.


Splits the numbers in to thirds on a clock face, as opposed to having overlap between IV and V.

google.se/search?q=i ii iii iiii clock&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwib2cON8_PXAhUPmrQKHcIxBhQQ_AUICigB&biw=1920&bih=900&dpr=1&gws_rd=cr&dcr=0&ei=6xonWscU0rHSBb__i-gG

Sometimes it's okay to use IIII and IV interchangeably.