can an mmo appear that becomes bigger than wow? or is the genre dead? what would your perfect mmo look like? discuss
Can an mmo appear that becomes bigger than wow? or is the genre dead? what would your perfect mmo look like? discuss
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>can an mmo appear that becomes bigger than wow?
No because nostalgiafags and WoWbabbies will start screaming how bad the game is (and like all games it will have flaws) meanwhile they still pay sub for vanilla WoW
maybe if someone stops makes one that isn't another fucking wow clone
>born just in time to enjoy vanilla in its prime
>born late enough to enjoy actually immersive VR MMO gameplay in a few decades
this is indeed, the best timeline, just find something else to play in the interm
>"people" on this very board think vanilla wow was some kind of golden age
The darkest timeline.
I wouldn't rule it out, but WoW was really lightning in a bottle that pushed the envelope on tech whilst casualising the genre (which up until then was fairly hardcore) for more mass appeal. It also arrived at exactly the right time as internet was just becoming commonplace in most homes and gaming was just moving away from being a niche.
To become as big, or bigger than WoW, a new MMO will have to push revolutionary tech or gameplay that will capture mass market appeal. If I was a betting man, I'd say the next big MMO will be something to do with VR, but that wouldn't be for at least another decade.
People are too lazy for a good mmo
A good mmo requires effort
A good mmo does not have instant teleporting to a lfd and lfr party
Half the fun was fighting alliance turds to get into scarlet monastery. Shit literally ate up hours as we fucked around hassling people at the stone only to have a level 60 ally steam roll us on his way in
when was the golden age of mmos if not at peak vanilla? it sure isn't now
I dont understand why any mmo fan would want another wow. When wow hit the genre went from online dnd to facebook tier progression simulators. I honestly think the more niche mmos are the better they'll be. Especially when you look at the state of the genre now.
I don't think an mmo could generate more appeal than WoW did. It'd have to be an MMO based on a well known serie.
The hype for WoW was mainly generated by those who played Warcraft II and III back in the days.
Anarchy Online 2
When it's announced
Which is never
>or is the genre dead?
It never was alive
MMOs are skinner boxes to the extreme, there is no pleasure beyond a pavlovian response when playing these games
Its literally digital crack
WoW turned it into digital crack, I remember people having a lot of fun with Runescape despite having to grind it like madman and EVE online steals headlines from time to time over autismwars
no because kids these days are turbo autists who don't want to communicate, use teamwork or face any kind of hostility.
people didn't play WoW because of the mechanics, user. it was special because a lot of other people were playing it with you.
I would say just another large well known franchise to make an MMO, but shit look at Elder Scrolls Online.
What a disaster at launch. Now, it's a fine game to play, but if Elder Scrolls can't do it, I'm not sure what can.
Too bad a lot of eve is sitting on forums and excel When twitch didn't allow non-gaming i remember seeing a streamer banned because they were just making spreadsheets for an hour.
Yeah, I don't mind ARPGS MMOs but old ones were a complete different game really
There will never be a perfect MMO, they are all destined to be shit, whorecraft players got so addicted in the first place thinking that blizzard with all their billions of dollars would put effort into their game and make it not shitty, but it never happened.
Man, trolling Tarren Mill and ending up with a huge battlefield was so fun. Crushing lower level horde until they all got on their max levels and have to call for backup was so fun. I liked the Tarren Mill battleground. Then they had to go and ruin it by removing the Alliance part of the zone.
Precisely. The timing cannot be replicated.
>a good mmo does not have instant teleport
I mean, a teleport system is fine, not an instant one but you're a retard if you think no teleports is completely fine in a game with no region wars and long distances to traverse
Everquest turned it into crack... "ever crack" people used to say
I think "instant teleporting" is fine when it's done via player interaction.
IE: White Mage's Teleport-Mea/Dem/Holla/etc and WoW's Mage portals. Especially if it requires reagents / excessive quest to unlock.
>It also arrived at exactly the right time as internet was just becoming commonplace in most homes and gaming was just moving away from being a niche.
A similar factor, WoW came out 19 years after the NES. The first generation of "born and bred" gamers was just reaching the perfect MMO age.
This would be cool, maybe a guy carrying somewhat of a beacon
If TOR wasn't a garbage wow clone, it could easily have become the biggest current mmo.
How can you improve MMO without falling into nuWOW pit? There is no way.
Kek shit taste kys
A Pokemon MMO would have the power to take the throne from WoW. As long as it was handled right, it could do very well.
>Pokemon MMO
>it was special because a lot of other people were playing it with you
Yes the flashing lights and sounds are part of the Skinner box dipshit
>a strong sense of community is just flashing lights and sounds
WoW was literally the game that made "skinner box" relevant you dumb nigger, after WoW clones started popping out more and more, each one with less elements than the last one, relegating almost all clones as "amusement park/skinner box" mmos you fucking dumb nigger holy shit
This is a good question, but first let's define what the "nuWOW pit" is.
Here's my definition:
-"Singleplayer" MMO (Solo to max level)
- Overuse of non-player driven fast travel
- Removal of support classes/jobs/specs/etc
- Instanced content
- No real penalty upon death
These, to me, are the main reasons WoW is a shit MMO and inevitability lead to the "death" of MMOs.
Now, what are some examples of good ideas that have come from MMOs post-2004?
- Public Quests (WAR / Rift / etc)
- Non-tabtargeted / active combat systems (BDO / ESO / etc)
(This is all I can really think of right now)
I'd like to include RvR from DaoC but that was obviously before WoW. I think it could have been expanded heavily, though. I wish more modern MMOs used that system, but most fall into the trap of instanced PvP (WAR) which removes all sense of living in your server and hurts the community.
What are you twelve years old?
You do realize there were other popular MMOs before Warcraft right?
If there's one adjective I would use to describe the older WoW community, "hostile" definitely isn't it. If by hostile you mean be a rude cunt there's plenty of games for you to flame people on and get flamed back.
this is true for all videogames, prove me wrong
>Non-tabtargeted / active combat systems (BDO / ESO / etc)
Lag is problem.
Yes, and everything before WoW had its niche, post-WoW launch everything went down the shitter
>Lag is problem.
Yep, definitely and BDO is the most guilty of this. If you've played its end game, Node Wars, you'll have witnessed just how shit it can be. It's 2 hours of de-sync, fake bodies, rubberbanding, glitches and lag.
It makes the game completely unplayable. In that case, tab targeting is definitely the better system. For large scale PvP games, you are probably stuck with tab targeting.
mmos stopped being good after vanilla m8
the golden age of mmos was before wow was even out, vanilla wow was just the last mmo at the very end of that age to exist, everything after is dogshit
>MMO in Planescape
And you somehow need to make this game popular. This is biggest problem. Some great ideas don't work because of "modern generation". Chance of dropping loot after death in PVP for example.
So 1997-2002
>"Singleplayer" MMO (Solo to max level)
How would you make it so that relying on other people for every single thing is fun and not a drag? Imagine if you needed a minimum of one other person to get through absolutely everything? Needing someone else just to level up would be a huge pain in the ass.
nuWOW take it into extremes
That's what everyone did before WoW and it really made the game what it was. It is a bit exaggerated to say "everything", though. In most of these games the only thing that really took a party was leveling, questing and dungeons/bosses. A lot of people filled their time with crafting, farming, helping lowbies, etc.
I think it's possible if the developers convince the publisher to expect a niche audience rather than trying to be the "next WoW with 20mil subscribers." I'm hoping at least one of these Kickstarter MMOs actually has success (Pantheon, Camelot Unchained, Chronicles of Elyria, etc). Though, we know how that goes usually..
>removal of solo content
Have fun being able to do absolutely nothing by yourself
>removal of support classes
Just because blizz never managed to balance support classes for shit doesn't means support classes have to stop existing
>no death penalty
Then why care about PvP if theres no death penalty?
You should add
>automated group making
to the nuWOW pit.
when devs stop trying to copy wow or make the next "wow killer".
if they just stopped and focused on their own goals they'd be able to make a decent fucking game
WoW was 2gud, it was too big and did so many things that mmos can do that no other mmo can really be unique enough after it to do as well as WoW did/continues to do
every unique thing a new mmo brings to the table, wow usually just does something similar and the new mmo dies
doubt a pokemon mmo does well, pokemon people are handheld people, an actual mmo on handheld is like impossible + you're asking questionable gamefreak devs who have been using a pretty simplistic formula for years to do something on that big of a scale?
maybe if they partnered with blizz or some shit, but i highly doubt it, i'm skeptical of the switch pokemon they're trying to do even, i bet it's just going to be the same shit just a 3ds port, i doubt they do anything innovative, i don't think the concept of pokemon would translate very well to an open world, it'd have to be way too big to make any sense
Dark Souls open world MMO is the next step. It would be enormous.
Go fuck yourself
Yeah once we get actual vr integration with non shit resolution or something even fucking crazier like SAO tier shit with full on virtual reality and you brain connected directly to a server GiTs tier the second life shit possible will more than likely outshine WoW. Still Blizz will more than likely still be around then and will more than likely make a fully developed WoW world with VR or full mental integration so maybe WoW will still remain king if they just rerelease the story on newer systems like Todd boi is doing.
I never said there shouldn't be solo-content, just that leveling to max level should involve grouping with other players. There will always be thing to do on your own when you don't have the time to group up.
I also never said support classes need to stop existing. I can't think of a single MMO post-WoW that had a true support class, though. If you're trying to say that WoW has support classes, that is simply false.
>Then why care about PvP if theres no death penalty?
Oh, you just don't understand my post. I think you're confusing my cons with pros. Try re-reading it.
That would be a pretty great setting for an MMO.
Are you implying that the gameplay + world design of Dark Souls mixed with MMO aspects wouldn't be pure kino?
with lag/latency involved? good luck ever trying to beat the bosses or pvp with those giant ass swing timers and shit with any kind of lag involved
also, an open world dark souls is not the same as just dark souls, it'd be much more difficult to pack any kind of environmental resemblance to a much larger world
it wouldn't have the same feel at all, and the combat makes it literally impossible to directly transfer over
I need a new mech MMO, Hawken is ded and MGO is pretty shit honestly
We are already bitching with rubberbanding with average DS games, an MMO would make it unplayable, shut up
2/10 made me reply
Pokemon or Zelda only
Maybe Starcraft.
No other franchises could blow up as big as WoW did after Warcraft 3 exploded
zelda botw open world kind of sucked dick
now imagine having to make that like 10x+ bigger to be able to have a bunch of people running around
yeah.. not gonna work
same with pokemon, pokemon's maps are tiny af, the world would have to be absolutely MASSIVE for that to make any sense, you'd need several starting areas alone just to kind of dial down all the people trying to grind and shit, it'd just be a mess
didn't starcraft try to branch out before as an fps or something and it was just doa?
i feel like starcraft would be even bigger than wow and shit, like.. multiple planets big, i just don't see how that works either
the scale is too grand, it'd cost so much money upfront, i doubt gamefreak/nintendo or blizz risk that much money for an uncertainty
i mean blizz was lucky af their dumb titan mmo ended up somehow being saved by turning into overwatch lol
Starcraft wanted to branch out with Novas game but it was never completed, a SC mmo would be sweet as fuck though.
Also you had Trion "Defiance" game but it was tied to the TV show and Trion are turbojews so they kinda killed the game slowly with paywalls on the grinds, which is a shame because the game was basically open world mmo tps with instances up to like 60 people or so in one instance, but enemies scaled up to retarded levels of bulletspongyness meaning that low level people wouldn't even be able to get near good loot tables since they did absolutely no damage at all
i think a GTA mmo could work pretty well, they'd just have to polish it a lot, i mean GTA O as it is right now does pretty well and wouldn't have to be that far removed, each city could be a server, have police/baddies/neutral factions, gang wars etc
there's definitely potential for an fps mmo, but going by destiny it's evidently hard to find out how to make it an mmo and not just an fps
something like that, GTA, or SC are the only things i can see working
the only future in mmos is gonna be in VR, and atm considering VR is still a ways off from being decent, it's a really, REALLY long way off from being able to have a good MMO
they gotta figure out the tech + how to stop people from throwing up
I hate that MMOs in their most successful iterations are fucking grindfests. I don't understand how gear treadmills are fun.
Why does it seem like no one can make an MMO with good, interactive combat system? I mean, a lot of hack and slash games have relatively short campaigns and rely on replaying the levels to get better ratings and gear for replayability. I can see this working in an MMO - make unlockable combos and a few dozen weapons that have unique abilities and combos tied to them. That can be actually fun.
And for the love of god, make some interesting content besides combat. Deep crafting systems and player-driven economies can do wonders for getting community to work together.
If done right, MMOs can be actually fun. Instead we get wow-clones and "sandboxes" with item shops.
>Why does it seem like no one can make an MMO with good, interactive combat system?
Because they're trying for the biggest audience and that means that they can't rely on the player having decent hardware or a first world internet connection
Brad McQuaid will return with Everquest 3 and save the MMO genre.
you just complained about grindfests then gave another example of a grindfest that you enjoy lol "do a short campaign over and over and over again to get better gear and ratings"
aka "beat the raid over and over again to get better gear"
most hack and slash type stuff and combat in general are very restricted because of netcode/lag/ping, all of which make stuff suck
>can an mmo appear that becomes bigger than wow?
> is the genre dead?
Yes, we are in the moba and mobage age
Only a fucking retard would say WoW is a bad MMO. Take a look at the competition and understand that there are reasons why that game dominates the market.
Pro tip dumb ass. ITS BECAUSE ITS GOOD.
waning. Scavenger shooter age now.