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Ocarina of Time.

Couldn't get into it as a kid, I liked watching friends play it but I never cared enough to play it myself. Played it a few years ago and loved it.

your mom

im not a brainlet, so

Sonic Blast (the 2d version)


Majora's Mask or Dirge of Cerberus
More recently, I've come to terms with MGSV and learned to enjoy it for what it was. I'll never not be mad, but I can at least try to ignore it.

Resident Evil.

It terrified me as a lad, and kind of still does at 24.

Metal Gear Solid

resident evil

Dark Souls

inb4 underage, I turned 18 three months ago


The seventh saga

jackie chan

Maniac Mansion, which crept the shit outta me when i was 10 actually left a good impression on me a few days ago when i beat it with a guide.

oddworld games

You need to be 30 to post on Sup Forums, faggot.

Super Mario. My first game was super mario sunshine so going back to a 2d game i was like: "This game sucks and is gay." But only now do I realize that its a pretty good game

Twilight Princess. Hated the realistic style. Now I love it.

I recognize that if it's the only game you had to play as a kid, the Sonic (Genesis) games are okay

Microsoft Flight Simulator 98