Go on Sup Forums

>go on Sup Forums
>see 2-3 threads up at a time talking about "dem sjw in our vidya gayums!" etc
>non stop shitposts dragging threads into political shitstorms
>endless autistic screeching about politics
I am just tired of it. Can the mods pull their heads out of their asses and seriously consider banning people who blatantly Sup Forums cross-pollinate? I'm just sick and tired of the politics. enough is enough.

Hiro actually told the mods to fuck off when they tried to control Sup Forumstards, no joke. Weren't you here for the Neogaf bullshit?
Sup Forumstards will never leave and get properly moderated. All you can do is make sure they don't feel too welcome here. That's certainly all I can do, anyways.

How new are you? /vg/ is for actual focused discussion, /vr/ if it's about old stuff. Sup Forums was always about shitposting and calling each other a nigger.
It's the only place on the internet you can do that while talking about videogames;

If you want polite opinions, censorship by mods and no offtopic stuff, why aren't you simply on Reddit?

>look mom, I'm cancer but it's alright because I've been here for 7 years :D

>make a shitty meta thread with no coherent topic
>nobody replies to it
>WAAAAH vee is dead

I don't mind opinions which differ from mine
I am just tired of the constant, belligerent bitching and screaming about politics. I am tired of how someone just has to drop a political baiting shitpost in a thread and tank the discussion of the whole thing. People who are obviously not even trying to remotely relate their discussions to videogames in any way. That is who I want regulated. If someone wants to tell me my favorite game is shit and give me 100 reasons why, that is fine
when someone wants to tell me their political leaning, and how I am a stain on the earth for being white, or that all the sjw scum need to be executed, i don't care. I don't come here to discuss politics. This board is not meant to discuss politics. Offtopic stuff is inherently bad and harms the site as a whole. what is even the point of boards if people do not follow even the most simple of guidelines of what can and cannot be posted in a board?

This entire site is fucked.

SJW detected.

You want moderation? Try NeoGAF.

Mods shouldn't be canning vidya threads in response. Why are they even mods if they hate this place so much

>I chose to go to Sup Forums, but don't want to have anything do do with their second largest board
Unironically just go to Tumblr if you love SJWs so much

>Sup Forums
Wow, a Sup Forumstard showing clear signs he's a newfag? Big surprise.

Because we're living in an era of political Renaissance.
After being the most popular and prevalent for years, a fringe of politics got out of hand. It started leaking into culture and the general public.
It got into videogames.
This place was unironically filled with the most unusual kind of consumer, the "autism crowd" if you want. Lonely hopeless virgins with no social life or skills. Videogames were just escapism to them.

But reality and politics started leaking into escapism too. That made a lot of people really mad, the unforgiving and evil outside world was fucking with the last beloved fantasy of many manchildren.

It's almost a joke at this point, but it's true: that simply created "weaponized autism". Exploiting butthurt and neet time with no extra cost. Somebody realized it could be used to win elections, and now we're paying the price.
Which is a country divided like never before (not this generation at least), both political orientations got more radicalized than ever and there's no dialogue.
Internet is also mostly owned by the same guys that support a particular political position, so censorship is frequent.

This place is almost free of censorship, and as such, it always had the most unpopular opinions.
In 2007, Sup Forums was a far-left website that supported child porn, now it's a moralist imageboard with nazis.
Doesn't help that many people find the origin of this whole shitstorm in GamerGate, which originated here.

I'm sorry man, that's just how things are going

Sup Forums is the most powerful board. The only thing you can do to help is make sure you're lubed up at all times.

>Borderline "a deals a deal" threads hitting 400 plus posts
>multiple threads about the Xenoblade titty monster
Mods are faggots

Sup Forums please calm down or you will get fucked in the ass like last april fools, I have my pony porn folder ready and everything for when it happens


Moderation is the cancer that kills any site. It always gets infiltrated and it always gets corrupted. Look at how hard the SJW mods didn't want to talk about NeoGaf. Once a tyrant mod gets control they snuff out all other opinions until the only people left are the mod himself and a couple of toadies that suck up to him. I've seen this happen dozens of times on various sites.

Open discussion means discussion about things that you don't like. If you don't like the thread don't post in it. If you don't like the posts don't reply to them.

You're just shilling for your side to have the whip hand.

>t. soyboy

let's see
>vidya net neutrality thread
>battlestation thread
>vidya clothing thread
>vidya meme threads
>vidya draw thread
>15 console war threads
>Sup Forums culture thread
>vidya fan art thread
>vidya fap thread
>vidya e-celeb thread
And that's just the half of the board that has threads with more than 20 replied.
Everything else is dying unrelated crap, bait, softporn and memes, with just a few ignored topics with acutal videogame discussion.

3/4 of the board isn't actually talking about videogames, but you go apeshit for two
>politics in vidya
It feels like you're just angry because you don't share their ideas, rather than the fact they're not contributing in a good way

At least read what you're replying to

The only way to slow down the flood of shitposting is to ban phoneposting

>thread literally devolves into offtopic shitposting
>surprised it gets deleted

>soyboys want more moderation
Just go to Reddit

I lurk more than I post now, similar to when I first discovered the site 10 or so hears ago.
Posting just takes too much effort and I board hop so I'm not in any board for very long anymore. When I make posts now it's usually about an indie game I found fun lately but it usually dies with no replies because no one has played it or no one who has played it sees the post before it dies. I don't even monitor responses to my posts anymore every few days or so I remember posting in an interesting thread then dig it up from the archive to see if it got a response (for example the recent post a picture get a game rec thread).

Yea the meta industry threads, e-celeb threads, Sup Forums devolution threads, over abundance of weebshit are a problem. I don't mind the porn threads so much, that's the only place we get serious discussion anymore (recent mayli thread).

I think a combination of poor moderation, influx of normies, CAPTCHA and inability to self bump killed this site. Back in the early days even in a sea of shit an enterprising user could still make his voice heard by autistically self bumping until enough people saw it for a thread to pick up. Nowadays it's no longer possible or desired with the captcha bullshit. It doesn't even deter bots anyways (*blocks your path* threads on Sup Forums can attest to).