What does Sup Forums think of Reimsident Evil 2015. The one where you're inside a mansion. It's going for £4 at the moment so I'm wondering if I should buy it. Just completed Yakuza 0 and Persona 5 so I need more fuel. Both of those games were amazing and were suggested by this board so I value your opinion.
Resident Evil
REmake remaster?
Its worth having. Try it out. Great survival horror/puzzle game
That is the one. Okay, thank you
>Reimsident Evil 2015
if youre talking about resident evil, the remaster of the 2004 remake of resident evil, i'd say wait for it to be in a bundle. i got it, rev 2, 0, 4, 5, and 6 for 10 bucks on xbox live. gameplay wise, lots of collecting stuff and back tracking like any other jrpg, but with the tightness of the presentation it feels very unique. in all honesty, i havent beaten it yet. after leaving the mansion to go to the cemetary things started to feel tedious. coming back to the mansion and then having to go to the catacombs is where i stopped. i got too fucking annoyed. if you can put up with back tracking for the littlest reason and a very limited inventory, maybe get it, but i'd still say wait till theres a bundle sale.
play as jill the first time
>Reimsident Evil 2015
if you mean the "REmake", that came out already in 2002, on GC. The HD remaster came out in 2014 for all major systems.
And in case you've been living under a big rock for the past 1.5 decades, that game is considered not only as the peak of its series, but also the pinnacle of true, oldschool survival horror genre. An unironical 10/10 game in all ways.
2002, mate.
>complaining about "backtracking"
>getting "annoyed" by such an atmospheric and damn well designed game
>comparing it to JRPGs
I just don't understand kids these days any more.
It would be the first Resident Evil game I've played. I hear the controls are awkward but that is the style to make it feel more uncomfortable in scary situations. I wouldn't mind the backtracking so much as long as the story grips me. How comes you suggest playing as her first?
Thank you for the informative reply.
I see. Well it sounds like a great one to start with. I'm new to the series.
yeah, its survival horror. yeah, i love the way you can choose to ignore enemies. yeah, i love how that adds to the tension knowing you have to cross a hallway you know enemies in. i just hated how when first ariving at the courtyard i knew i was gonna have to spend time making a mental map of a whole new fucking area after being in the mansion so long. its hardly even fun like the mansion since theres like 2 paths and hardly any enemies. i dont like games that waste my time. i also got pissed that lisa trevor is fucking immortal
tank controls. they dont trip me up in the slightest, but there is a option for standard "forward means forward" relative to the camera controls. jill has 2 extra inventory slots for a total of 8. makes it easier for a first playthrough when you dont know what to grab and when
Listen man if you can get it on PC go on ahead, otherwise go for the Gamecube version, if that ain't working for you, try the other platform versions but only played the 2 I mentioned. If you like the game, try the original PSX or the directors cut or that one mod that adds all the cut content.
The story isn't what you should play for. Rather it's the gameplay and the constant decision-making you have to do. On a first playthrough that can be quite stressful. The HD remaster added a piss easy difficulty that can ruin that.
Mountain Climbing is the normal difficulty from the original release so choose that.
Hmm, the price I'm considering is from PSN
I will choose that difficulty then, thanks!
It is pretty much the best way to start, especially if you're a graphics whore and thus allergic to PS1 visuals. If not, I'd recommend playing the OG version of RE1 first. Comparing the two versions is very interesting, kinda schizophrenic kind of experience at best. No, the REmake's changes are NOT just visual.
>I'd recommend playing the OG version of RE1 first
Meaning just "Resident Evil", or the original "Director's Cut" version. NDS port is damn good as well, and has some minor additions from REmake and RE4 + brand new content of its own.
The version you want to AVOID is the notorious and mouthful "Director's Cut - Dual Shock Edition", which is unfortunately the one being sold on the PSN Store.
No shit OP if you mean REmake, it's literally the best resident evil game
whats the ds version have that others dont?
I see.
I will give them a check and avoid the duel shock, thanks.
>whats the ds version have that others dont?
180-quick-turn, Knife bound to L-key, Knife does not take inventory space any more, new puzzles using DS' gimmicks, new first-person knife-fight encounters, skippable door-opening animations, 2-player multiplayer, blood color options, slightly improved character models and animations, and best of all: you can poke Jill's tits and ass with stylus.
Or Chris' butt if you're into that
damn, i only knew about the skippable doors.
does jill jiggle?
There are a few version of resident evil.
RE1 contains the original soundtrack but no dualshock and no directors cut.
RE1 Directors cut has dual shock but they forgot to include the uncensored scenes back in. Also the soundtrack was completely changed for a more american vibe if you can imagine that. Soundtrack is not as trash as other like to meme, but it is certainly something.
There is also a mod that takes the original game, makes it into a true directors cut, with dual shock, the original soundtrack, AND dual shock support, but you would have emulate it, or if you have a modded ps1 you can burn the disc.
maybe. :^)
all that was already explained earlier, and there's a world of difference between the "just DC" and "DC:DS edit" versions.
>There is also a mod that takes the original game, makes it into a true directors cut, with dual shock, the original soundtrack, AND dual shock support, but you would have emulate it,
or you could just play the original PC port.
i got that deal. was it a pricing error pal?
i think it was some promo to promote re7 or the movie. it was january this year i think.
I mentioned dual shock support twice where I should have mentioned that the mod also lastly created a battle mode not seen like any of the resident evils up to this day, originally a Saturn or genesis disc.
Not sure about you but the PC port kept crashing on my end and opted to just go for the PS1 version.
Well I have nearly finished downloading it. I am sure I will be in for an adventure.
Thanks for the help.
Go for it. You can easily emulate RE1 Director's Cut (not dualshock ed) though. RE1 and REmake are surprisingly different and I think you'll appreciate the remake more by playing the original first.