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tfw western people are scared/embarrassed by boobs.
OP I'm lookin at you, they're just tits.
Stop sperging out.
You're acting like her huge badonk is part of the curvature of her spine
That's normal good posture for someone with two heft mammaries on their chest. It's how you avoid back problems, as slouching is much worse for your spine if you busty
That shit is just not fucking OK. Watermelon tits anime girl is one thing but that fucking spaghetti spine just ruins her 3D model. This bitch is pretty much only fappable in the fan art where someone with actual talent can draw her.
>Strawmanning about the tits when OP's pic is about the right angle in her spine
If you're going to use shitty arguements at least focus on the real problem faggot.
she's not even human you dumb homo
her back is like that you highlight she's some kind of bunny monstergirl
(the model still sucks tho)
Who is she?
I am actually terrified of breasts.
what game is this
Sup Forums I need you to post the biggest titties in videogames, no mods
But you love soy milk, right?
Thick women body type.
it tastes alright
So why are you afraid of breasts? Was your mother abusive?
You guys are all faggots
>When you can't contain your faggotry any longer
tell me what game this is you pieces of shit
I want to make lots of bunny babies with Dahlia!
The worst looking design in Xenoblade 2, Dahlia is her name. If you want to beat your meat to her stick to the 2D from fans, monolith fucked her 3D model.
She's wearing heels.
Women's posture in high heels is all sorts of retarded.
not a single one of those pictures is of that fantasy bunny lady's spine
These look good
These look retarded
She's leaning back in the second and looks fine in the third (don't pretend it's the same angle).
Nice cherrypicking though.
The design would improve 100 times if it had a dick
>not a single one of those pictures is of that fantasy bunny lady's spine
>Literally the only thing these shitty MS paint edits do is point out how fucked the curve of her back is
>This much denial
>It's okay when Soul Calibur does it
>It's going to be a endless shitposting of the same 3 images for the next 6 months episode
I don't mind huge titties or sex appeal in video games, anything the artist wants to portray is fine with me.
At least get rid of all the fucking white space before you shitpost this again.
t. virgin
Can someone tell what is wrong? All I see is a healthy woman
Don't worry user, I'm sure a doujin artist will inevitably scratch that itch hopefully Musashi-dou.
t. permavirgin
It's only wrong when Nintendo does it.
Well, Pokebarneyfag/blunderfag has been doxxed, so there's hope.
What bothers me is how her ears/hair attach to her head. Looks weird.
I know right? Even if monolith just ran out of ideas and just threw in some guest artist's hentai tier shit the least they could do was make the 3D model look nice and not the Nip version of a fucking Liefeld girl.
Fan service caters to the worst demographic of people.
Yeah, human beings
>Nice cherry picking
>He says while using one shot from a rendered cutscene while the OP's are 3 different shots of her character model in game in different areas of the game world.
you missed a spot
Got the chuckle
who gives a shit
It emphasizes her belly and I love it
>Doesn't deny it's the very same in-game model
Top kek
any good porn yet?
>when they soy leaved your body
Are you okay?
The amount of shitposting threads has already decreased by like 75% since blunderfag got doxxed and revealed to be an actual megaton autist.
>user can't accept that the only time this shitty model looks good is when the animation is canned and completely rendered in a vacuum, but looks like shit outside her cutscene and in the other 95% of when it's in the fucking game.
Toppest of keks, that's like shilling andromeda because you found one cutscene where your PC doesn't look like a reanimated corpse.
>this thing is clearly not human, but I'm going to nitpick its anatomy anyway
>there are actually people who think that model looks acceptable
>looks fine in the third
Lol, it looks like trash you delusional retard.
>b-but muh cartoons aren't anatomically correct wtf?!
If the model doesn't look bad when it's hand-animated in a scene (rendered in the game engine at that) then it's not an issue with the model, but the people handling the game animation.
If you actually watch the game footage, nothing looks as bad as the first image in OP which is why you see the same image shitposted over and over.
he probably doesn't care, 4chans moderation servers reached capacity this morning so bans are getting cleared every hour anyway.
people are abusing the fuck out of it.
needs to be bigger
>tfw you will never bend her over a table, taking her by surprise
>while in the heat of the moment, her fur and tail stand on end as you slowly move your hands down her back to her ass, kneading it and playing with her soft tail
unironically hot
You should've gone to specsavers then, you shit eating chump
>nothing looks as bad as the first image in OP
Nah, the middle one looks way worse, not only is her back still a corner but her tits are pointing at an upward angle like they are just rock solid. The model's a fucking mess and the only thing that saved it were focusing on tight close ups and never looking at it from the sides.
Can I please just get a fucking screenshot of her just standing? The same 3 pics everyone uses is angled, glitched or blurry and flashing.
God bless Raita
just post a webm instead of 3(three) fucking stills, maybe
Like the first image, it's taken at an angle so there's some foreshortening on the torso, exaggerating the (already exaggerated) angle of her spine. She's leaning back though, so it doesn't feel as wrong to me.
What's a glitch? Those pictures are taken when she's moving plus the angle the camera is at makes her body look weird.
>The same 3
Fun fact, that middle one came from a desperate shill post that was trying to save this model. All it did was prove that it just looks like shit in motion and weebs like you are just desperate to draw attention away from just how bad it's getting. The other 2 pics were front shots that desperately try to hide that fucked up back from any side angles.
trust me you don't wanna fuck 3D megatits, it only looks good in 2D because thats not reality
a lanky kong blade ? damn
>threads losing steam already
Proof the haters are all low test betas. All that shitposting, all in vain. The goddess is here to stay, faggots.
What is the tag for this kind of tits?
Yeah, and the other two pics in the OP are either a rig glitch on the leftmost and the rightmost one is a decent up angle. I'm annoyed about how everyone keeps shitting on the model but any pics taken are shit because they're not taken from a good position. Of course the model looks like shit in the middle of a glowy attack, and of course the model looks bad when you fuck with the camera too much. It can't be that hard to just take a side shot can it? Doesn't she follow you around
torpedo tits
So is she supposed to be a Gunnery Sergeant or a balloon animal?
Balloon tits are gross
you making the mistake the HUGE ASS bubble butt is part of the spin.
This guy is closer. You need to line up with the tail bone, not the fat.
I want to fuck that clown
Well, the biggest offender, blunderfag, got doxxed, so he'll be on damage control for a while I imagine
Who was the blunderfag?
Everyone's going on about her colossal tits and fucked up spine but nobody's calling attention to her flat face and soulless eyes. Why?
Fuck this shit give me the loli and the bear!
You would know him instantly as he was the faggot posting the webm of Rex and Mythra the launch day with
Because she's literally an object, having no soul is kinda the point
Who /lordosis/ master race here?
Your complaint is she's Asian?
>Tries to change the arguement away from the hideous spine by posting a shitty encyclopedia
> No U
Terminate your own existence retard.
>torpedo tits
i guess you are right, i though torpedo tits were only the ones aiming foward and not upwards like hers.
Some dude named Eric. user got his IP and everything. Turns out he was a redditor too.
The modern male is not interested in breasts.
But rather feminine penises.
I am more of an ass man, but I can appreciate a good rack. The monster girl aspect is more of what peaks my interest. I will say though that coming from behind and groping her while fishing out her nipples. 2D is 2D, I can still have my fun.
Hey now, that's not very nice.