Is this the best map in video games?

Is this the best map in video games?

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uh, wtf "game" is this even from? looks like those cereal boxes maps

grow up

Not everyone is a brazilian subhuman playing garbage free games.


want to try to say it to my face irl?


grow up grandpa

And all subsequent maps detailing the various continents

the goat

my childhood...

>no garbage osrs private server shit like nmz and zeah
i miss it

>every area in RuneScape is built on a grid
>still manages to look completely seamless and organic

RS World was best when it got expanded to Asgarnia and the Wilderness

Stopped playing when they added Kandarin and shit. I'm sure it's fun. But way too huge for me. Plus I didn't want to pay.


File Island, Digimon World on the PSX


what do they eat



haha fucking owned

meat and veggies

Depends. Visually? Chrono Cross overworld.


>the elder scrolls online


FUCK I posted it in the wrong thread, I posted it right before you...

You know im right

Holy fuck...autists were so annoying about map design in video games that another autist made an autistic meme making fun of autistic map critics.

>morlag mar
Is that a typo?

>huge patches of nothing

I swear probably over half my love for the Advance Wars series was just making and appreciating maps


It's really strange to see it fully and without blue squares all over the place.


My nigga



Why do that when you can just bullshit it as magic of the gods and shit?

I am sad they ruined this map, because the paths to sleepywood were all interesting

Is this the map after the events in Venus lighthouse that break the continents apart? I always thought it was a shame you barely visit any of the first game's map except for the immediate surroundings of Venus lighthouse during the prologue

Map thread?

>first game is just a single continent
>second game expands to the whole world
This shit was too good

As much as I adore oot, I don't think its map holds up under scrutiny.
The zones feel natural when you play the game, but the map itself looks awkwardly compartmentalized.


Someone post that Dragon's Dogma map.

I remember seeing that map for the first time, so many things looked mysterious, I was especially curious about the spiral shaped part in the east.
Such a great world



I thought this was a cutesy Vvardenfell from the thumbnail and got excited.

No not really

What's that shit to the left of Ecruteak?


Have something new to add to the room now. Thanks user.

Same, don't know why anyone bothered posting anything that isn't Vvardenfell. Old maplestory is pretty comfy though



not even close, OP

Posting map kino.

>Have no friends
>Want to be a mage
>Put my points into INT
>Have to make it to Ellinia as defenseless beginner
>Finally get there after dying repeatedly from landing on huge enemy hitboxes
>Can only do claw a few times before running out of mana, then have to stand there for minutes at a time recharging
>Can't buy potions because saving for higher level gear
>Have to upgrade max int skill early so the wait to recover mana becomes even longer

No this is.

it's pretty shit from the top down but in the actual world the best thing about it was that there were visible landmarks wherever you were. quests directing you where to go were easy to complete without any objective marker because landmarks made directions clear. the photo-finding quest was a great demonstration of what made the world great imo.

>all these clouds
Ugly. Must be a shit game



People tell me this game is fun to explore in but this map looking boring as fuck

What a good reason to dismiss a game

How is it any more boring than the other maps shown in the thread?

It really does look strange from above but when you're in it it's fucking amazing.

The world is incredible, this is the team that helped make the geography of botw, although here it's much more dramatic and "fantasy like"

Its one of those games I really want to love, the world is probably the prettiest open world map I know of, but I find the game itself so boring. I try to start a game every 6 months but quickly run out of steam.

Ruins of Alph

>Is this the map after the events in Venus lighthouse that break the continents apart?
Yes it is.

who are you quoting?

>Memorizes random cities of a 20 year old video game
>Asking this specific of a question

Just bizarre to me, don't know where I'm going with this


Route 38


Nothing... Unless you have your location mixed up. You mean the gold spot above Ecruteak and left of the Lake of Rage? That's just a field of gold leaves you pass through to get to the Tin Tower and Ho-Oh

Dunno why but the GB Zelda maps are super satisfying to me, I think its because they're all neat grids and very densely packed as well.

The squareness of the whole map triggers my autism, but each individual section is made so well. The natural borders they drew between the 13 or so different provinces pleases me.

fuck I miss Runescape

Is solo runescape fun? I hear there are some private servers that run pre-GE Runescape but the communities are almost always cancerous memeshit

was just about to google the pic and post it, and then i see you...
>feels good.

Well, the point is that you don't really know what it looks like there. We will probably discover it with a new expansion pack.
The whole east only got available with Stormblood too, before that it looked like this.

FF1. Nuff said

Is that Africa

>The squareness of the whole map triggers my autism, but each individual section is made so well.
Reminds me of San Andreas. I hate looking at that map from above.

>people posting generic wrpg shit that's obviously straight out of the level-editor, using copy and pasted landmarks at every chance

>fight through the extremely painful and slow first job and become a master of mobbing later

Magician was truly the patrician choice in Maplestory.

then post what you think is good you shitter. Post it so we can tell how shit your post is, hm?


>Bowser's Keep
Is that..?!

Would be the best Pokemon map if Johto wasn't shit.

>tempted to post the area maps
Should I? Just thinking about it gives me a nostalgia boner

Too bad the game is shit these days. Thanks Nexon America for singlehandedly mismanaging it into hell

unironically yes

Everyone in this thread is wrong.

THIS is the greatest map in all of vidya