This game is way better than I was expecting.
This game is way better than I was expecting
>denuvo will never get cracked
I ain't paying Ubishit for this.
why does that horse look like it's hovering?
yes, but its still pretty boring
Is this an MGSV mod?
is it cracked yet?
I don't remember Geralt using a shield
Worth it to be honest famalam
Wow, look at all this nothing. Amazing.
Good things about AC origins:
The game mostly looks good?
Am I missing anything lads?
it sometimes feels like a weak version of far cry primal, which I liked a lot
Plural past
cuz shadows are liek hard to program and shiet
You should kill yourself
Not hard to program. Just stressful for the hardware to simulate on top of everything else.
>all these derriere destroyed piratefags who can't play the game calling it shit
Is it actually fun?
AC2 is my favourite
>not calling out the sucker who lost 100 bucks to another ubishit
cracks will always find a way
What would happen if ubispft took 4 years to make the next AC? What would it be lile?
>Not liking open spans of desert
Its like journey but with gameplay
Never touched ass creed is this a good time to start with this game?
It's the first game in the 'timeline' so...
>Same ubishit game where you HAVE to do side quests to keep up with the levels of the enemies and progress the main story
yeah nah, idc if this never gets cracked, I ain't paying a dime.
give the first few a try
ignore pretty much everything else because it’s more of the same except for maybe black flag
Origins doesn't play like any of the other AC games. It's the only good Assassin's Creed game because of this.
>God tier
2, Brotherhood
>Good tier
Black Flag, Rogue
>OK tier
1, Revelations, Freedom Cry
>Low tier
3, Syndicate
>Shit tier
Haven't played anything not listed.
good taste
>Shit tier
worst taste ever. and putting snoredicate above it too.
honestly they're both turds so it really comes down to personal preference as to which turd smells better