2018 will be here soon

>2018 will be here soon
>You're still not playing Sm4sh with mods

Explain yourself.

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I don't play children's games.

Too lazy. How easy is it? How lewd are the mods?

have they been able to give characters their own movesets yet and/or increase slots?

>Not supported by Nintendo
>Not relevant hitboxes/hurtboxes on player models which makes for poor comp play
>Not real stage selection which can be used for comp play

Mods are only great if you're a casul

Don't lie

That Star model is actually pretty good wtf

not really that lewd, the modding community acts really strange even though it's the internet and everyone is extremely perverted.

All games are for children that's why they are called games



wtf I love smash bros now

>Playing Sm4sh when Sma5h featuring Travis Touchdown will be announced in 2018


Hope you weren't expecting full-blown nudity.

>playing any smash other than melee

who the fuck would do that


Nah. The few I used in Brawl were pretty laughable. In all honesty, I'd probably use that Wii Fit one if the rest of her stuff is bad.




Project M is coming?

>exact same model with stretched vertices
Mods like this are just sad.

I'd rather play good games.

too bad the wii u modding community is absolute shit. brawl modding was actually fun

Most of WFT's mods are just easy recolors and retextures.

good riddance, mods are fags.

Mod ure games

i stopped playing the game a very very long time ago

i want to Sm4sh that cutie if you know what i mean

That's horrible.

unless said mod makes it play like Melee I'm going to stick to playing Melee or PM

Good lord, that face is trash.

Why is the smash community so autistic?

>playing video-games for matureness

>wii thicc

There's no bigger autism magnet.

>every console with smash4 is hacked
>still no mod that adds missing characters from past games
call me in a trillion years when they add this

>My government name

is there a knuckles mod?

Hoping for more imports

lucario autism

Needs more nude mods

can't be bothered to dump my console. I'm afraid I might fuck something up

But the boxes on my games say rated M for Mature.

>he needs to play children's games with an M on them to feel like an adult

I want to have sex with Star Butterfly

Does it make the momentum exactly like Melee's?