Why aren't women interested in videogames in the west?
Why aren't women interested in videogames in the west?
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because western women have shit taste
regressive society and the women who get attention are usually frauds
Ugghhh desu senpai kawaii uguu mgrmrmrmr baka shamalamachingchong
Would dump many children into.
>Tfw you'll never have a cute mommy DÅjinshi gf
they are, but like anyone playing vidya in the west the vast majority play triple A titles on a console.
I would quite literally impregnate her 10+ times and made sure she has a comfortable life.
I've seen this gif so many times, what the hell is it from?
Now this is some self-inserting I can get behind.
Is she the model for these? Does she want to be dominated by cock as she gets her tits and ass raped? If both are true, why is she so far from me? ;_;
post raita
>you will never be a qt japanese milf who draws doujins about your sexual fantasies and sells them at comiket while giving bedroom eyes to anything you find attractive
i think i found the reason to kys myself
I'd like to get behind her alright...
Most men aren't interested in video games either.
Even better: She's the artist.
So basically, yes.
how has no one posted sauce on her yet
I would never date a woman who draws NTR, I dont want to get cucked to the max
what a waste, she is indeed a cutie
>christmas cake, fat tits woman is the artist drawing the christmas cake, fat tits, milf stuff
Fucking hot.
But you can make men interested by adding in hot women, hell, even sell entirely off that premise.
Women, there's just nothing you can do.
what the fuck is comfortable about being pregnant 10 times
>not wanting a japanese gf/wife who is an absolute nympho
She's the artist, and she loves to draw some nice NTR stuff, so prepare yourself for some cucking
men don't give them attention in video games
>Self insert in pornography
>Sell said pornography
>Knowing that a lot of guys will masturbate at you
This women is 100% JapKino, it sounds like the ultimate fetish.
Why do autistics love Asian women so much.
Do Japanese just naturally suffer from severe mental problems or some shit?
>auto assumed he was the cuck
Could you be any more of a omega?
Some music video.
They do, they just play different games.
Go look at the comments section of LGR's Sims 3/4 reviews vs. the rest of his videos.
we did nuked them... twice
They're fucking losers and the idea of an "easy" girl who even they could dominate is appealing to them.
>nuke a country twice
>"meh they'll be fine"
Stay mad white trash
you go girl, just dont complain if you find tyrone in your bed
They aren't!? But sites like kotaku and neogaf lead me to believe that more women play games than men!!!
>trailer for the Kamen Rider final movie
>half of he audience is women
Why is japan so based?
Why can't Americans think about cuckoldry without inserting black people?
They also think mobile shovelware counts as games.
LGR shits on a lot of those packs. Don't female Sims players just buy every pack regardless of quality?
If she would cheats on other, she'll cheat on you
Are there any more cute H-artists pics?
>not "I'd insert myself into her alright"
get it the fuck together
uhh sweetie, that's not the problem here...
You're supposed to pump and dump. Haven't you read NTR before?
because blacked.com was started by a.... jew
what's her name?
And japs play the same things, your point? Gacha and mobile games are insanely popular in Japan, not just America.
I don't want to pump and dump, i want a christmas cake gf
>haven't you read ntr before
I'm not white and wouldn't white people be ones who go for asian girls? Are you saying you are an autistic nigger?
read her badge
White women are vain roasties.
t. vain roastie
Nice dead meme, redditor
I think it's from that one nerd dating program on MTV
Fun fact: He's Catholic
They wrongly think they will submit to them and be doting waifus when the reality is most asian women will find beta white boys even more pathetic and undesirable than beta asian boys.
Basically they've watched too much anime and have a delusional idea of what asian women are like when the reality is very different.
If any Anons here want to prove me wrong by flying to Asia and getting themselves a doting wife they are welcome to do so. Best of luck.
The ideia of an "easy" girl is fucking great. I fucking hate having to play mindgames and worry about doing something wrong. Sometimes I wish I could just be one of those tall handsome guys that chicks flock to and go all "Oh user you're so strong tee hee"
>b-but Japan
Not an argument
Yeah I know, what kind of neckbeard loser thinks 'I want to settle down with a beautiful woman and impregnate her multiple times'
Japanese women are the most intelligent(IQ) women on earth western roastie.
t. incel redditor
That allegro Makai Kishi Ingrid doujin. Hnngh
>resetera cucks calling people redditors
too fucking rich
Well too bad because if anything Japanese girls love to play more mind games and also want to you to be fucking rich so you can buy them gifts every time you go out on dates.
t.not a delusional virgin
Why do you guys love arguing about race so much? All that matters in this love is money. With $$$ you can get whatever the fuck you want
>I got btfo and have no comeback
>uses reddit memewords
>calls others reddit
t. reddit roastie
got it, but how do I find her doujins on exhentai
They are, you just aren't interested in them.
>tfw older asian manga artist gf who plays shitty vidya with me
Both of these charges are false. It's ok Brittney, Chad is doing well with his new girl Fujiko. Time to move on.
Seething Stacy
>incel refugees calling anyone anything
Sorry your sub got deleted, but you have to go back
I've noticed that women usually play the stupidly popular games, like I can go months without talking to one playing CSGO but I meet one almost every match in Overwatch (coincidentally always being healers).
I think they gravitate towards cartoony and easy to play games.
>>tfw older asian manga artist gf who plays shitty vidya with me
O-Oh my.
They're too busy fucking immigrants.
because the natural progression of being a cuck ends with your spouse banging men of color.
I didn't even know what that shit was until little homos like you were kind enough to educate me, now get off my website
>Why do you guys love arguing about race so much?
Because they have to blame their failures on anything but themselves
please give me a name
You need more self confidence.
Whoa mama
>Big tits
>High pitched voice
>Age reaaaally slowly
>Long, black, straight hair
I can see the appeal desu
>most asian women will find beta white boys even more pathetic and undesirable than beta asian boys
Nice joke, brother.
>Ara~ara~ gaijin-kun you can find something better than old me for sure
Good god, incels are the most pathetic fucks in existence. Loving every laugh.
>wh*te women
Name of the artist?
dumb vanilla cuck
>asian girls
>could dominate
You've never dated an asian girl, have you? is the same thing as with any other girl, sure being white is a good ice breaker, but you have to keep things fresh and interesting or she'll go. Sure, it's easier to find a traditional asian woman than a western one, but the whole dating game is the same.
western women a shit
Nevermind, got it