Well paid job

>well paid job
>only work 15 hours a month
>no other obligations
>not much to do in small city where I live

>watch gameplay of old game I enjoyed playing
>a feeling of dread washes over me
>just remembering playing it gives me anxiety let alone thinking about replaying it
>can't see appeal of new games so don't even try them
>don't try games I can see the appeal of either since it'd feel like wasting my life
>literally the perfect conditions to play video games but haven't played anything in over five years

>I'm only 22

Has any oldfag figured out how to deal with this yet? Is it even possible to recapture the childlike joy of playing vidya?

what a boring person holy shit
having fun isn't childlike user.

>>well paid job
>>only work 15 hours a month
What the fuck do you work as you faggot

sucking dicks and getting his ass rammed, obviously. No wonder he's such a wreck.

see your local family doctor/psychiatrist/therapist/surgeon/acupunturist for help

>makes a living by working 15 hours a month at 22
I hate you OP

Depends for who, maybe you should try finding yourself a girl friend user

Or go get yourself a hat in time to feel good

I feel ya.
No motivation for video games as I always have the feeling there is something more important I should be doing.

i'm 30
it doesn't go away
every day the train tracks look more and more appealing
all the friends I made are gone, the new generation of MMOs actively inhibits lasting friendships

i just want to go back to like 2004

mfw 25 and still have fun with vidya

Pretty much this. I only play one videogame nowadays, and I haven't played it in some time.
Games are dead for our generation, all the new content is online before the games come out so finding stuff doesn't feel as satisfying, DLC is abundant and filled with microtransactions, everything is multiplayer as well. just a shit time to be interested in videogames.

This is a problem exclusive to you user. I am older than you and it's pretty easy to just sit down and play video games when I have free time.

I don't feel like I am wasting time either since I dump my paychecks into cryptocurrency. I often make more money when I am fucking asleep than I do when I actually go to work, it's crazy. So playing video games or not playing them, I am achieving profits and feeling accomplished either way.

>end up browsing Sup Forums instead of playing video games or doing those important things

I’m a 22 year old neet and I’ve been having a blast playing vidya since I graduated high school. It’s pretty much like being a kid but you get to do whatever you want.

Move on and read books.

You have. No idea.

ok grandad, what are you like 50?

>Try to convence my friends to play good games like Persona5/Witcher 3/Dark souls


fucking hate this people, the only place I can talk about vidya is here , please don't leave me.

I would describe myself as a happy and content with life guy, usually, I just want my hobby back, and small city conservatives aren't exactly the people who can help with that.

This is exactly it, even though there isn't absolutely anything else I should be doing, I just can't shake the feeling. Or maybe it's because I feel I'm in my prime and spending time on games would feel wasteful.

You're not making me feel better user.

Fuck, I do this, there's times I can spend an entire day dicking about on Sup Forums but I couldn't bring myself to play a game.

>Try to convence my friends to play good games like Persona5/Witcher 3/Dark souls
>good games like Persona5/Witcher 3/Dark souls
>good games

jesus i hate ur friends already

get new friends

>well paid job
>15 hours a month
are you a hooker/escort?or drug dealer?

smoking weed makes you feel like a kid again, thats the secret of stoners of Sup Forums.

inb4 some reddit meme tier of DUDE





>>well paid job
>>only work 15 hours a month
Wtf are you an underwater welder or something?

Another dumb Wojak thread.

I'm thinking about getting a Switch, playing on a PC distracts me and there's too much potential for fiddling around (choice paradox), maybe a straightforward experience like a console and actual gameplay-focused games would help.

dude just smoke some weed bro you'll feel better lmao

26 yr old here.
My neet bf gives me shit for it but having a fulltime job has only refined my taste in games and made me realize I don't want to play flavor of the month shovel ware. The games that I actually do play are usually really good.

>I uhhhh
>weeeed uhhh
>hahhha u smoke

You must not be doing anything. If you have plans/things to do, do them and when you get free time when nothings going on...play a game. If you do absolutely nothing at all, then yes, you will feel like you should be doing more important things.

>no other obligations
So you live at home and don't have to pay rent? Save up as much as you can during this time.
>only 15 hours a month
Find that hard to believe, but get a second job. Hell, even something part time at Starbucks might be valuable to you (social interaction is #1 priority at 22, routine, learning about a new facet of culture). That, or learn a craft. Art, music, sound design, beer, anything. Get a hobby to supplement your other hobby
>small city
Leave it by 27 and move to a populated area, make sure you have a job lined up obv.
>can't play the vidya
Get a group of friends, either online or off. The generals are kinda queer on /vg/ but you'll find a range of players in any game there.

Sounds like an old MMO fixation is what's causing your anxiety. Monster Hunter World is coming out, it lets you do that formula without much commitment since you can also just play solo. It helped calm one of my friend's nerves and he's been doing a lot better.

Also, something you avoided in your OP: You sound alone. There's a reason you feel capped right now. Merely existing for the sake of you is not why you're here.

Get a gf. You do this by using your resources to become a better you. You need that experience, otherwise you'll end up like the permavirgins that plague this board.

t. Chadzilla Kuntkrusher

Get more social interactions and try new stuff not only vidia related. Also would cobsider some therapy

This. Get your shit together, OP. Also you need to forget about childhold and school years. You will never go back in time. Try work on your future.

See a therapist because you're clearly broken and a massive fucking crybaby who's put off by /fun/


I wish I only had to work 15 hours a fucking month but instead I have to wageslave 45 hours a week for a fucking pittance.


I get this quite a lot, ut instead of playing nothing i'll just always go pack to binding of isaac because i know what im gonna get with such a familiar game.
Something that helped me is playing new games that are similar in gameplay to those old games you loved. and the real important part is FORCE yourself to play it, turn it on and say to yourself "I'm gonna play this for at least two straight hours" and 9 out of 10 times you will play well beyond two hours without noticing.

I'm a NEET and I just recently got back into videogames. Before that I just browsed Sup Forums all day.