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mea culpa


>hating on one of the best games released this decade

Cool, they made a special pack with all the map dlcs

and everybody over 18

PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS deserves the #1 spot and you know it

I haven't bought any of the DLC but Euro Trucks 2 is an incredible game. I wish there were more large map driving simulators.

why the fuck would i want to pay for the tedium of driving in a fucking video game

it's annoying enough in real life

The average pc gaymer, aka spergs without jobs

I dont get how it's always a simulation game or Football manager at no.1

It's such a small community but they somehow outblast triple As and flavor of the month everytime

>he doesn't want to get comfy
lmaoing at your life rn

because you get money for it which lets you expand and have a feeling of progression?

also multiplayer is hilariously dumb

if I pirate this, will it work with my steam copy? I would buy it, but thats more than I paid for the original game

driving a truck in an idealized world where you have (essentially) no consequences, and no one does dumb shit except for you, and no one cares about it. it's actually pretty fun, but if you sit down and just drive, listen to some comfy jams, you'll have a /comfy/ time.

Does Yuro Truck have multiplayer or VR mods?

driving is great

Yes it has an (un)official MP mod. TruckersMP

And the game officially supports VR

>tfw have like 600 hours in Euro Truck Sim 2.



>spergs without jobs buying 1,200 bucks worth in PC Hardware.

Sonynegros literally pay their consoles with welfare. Or worse with "good boy points"

sounds gay desu id rather just chill in elite dangerous and jam, that sounds way more cool and way more /comfy/

the eternal kra*t

>tfw we never have comfy ETS2 threads anymore

why cant it be 2012 anymore

it's comfy as fuck to play with a podcast on

i would, but i'm poor and i discovered that you can pirate dlc and it still works on steam

people that like fun

So you think it's gay because you don't have the autism to enjoy it? Ok.

Post your trucks niggas

>favorite truck design are Renaults
>they're underpowered as fuck and have issues pulling large load
>don't want to download mods to make them more powerful because it feels like cheating

You guys are the weirdest, how is this any different than doing missions on any other game that allows driving?

Truck games are better then most of the fucking trash on steams front page and coming soon.

I thought the Renaults had the best engines in the game pre-Scania Tuning DLC?

Or do you mean the Heavy Haul DLC that requires the 8/4 axel setup (only Scania and Mercedes-Benz has those so far)

>not playing based ETS2MP

Fucking homos

is it out?

i'd play it

Europoors can’t afford to drive IRL

Plus emulates the feeling of leaving shitty country

If I pirate it, do I need any mods?

>he's too poor to drive irl

What, games on Steam, further eroding PC gaming?
You fucks do. Then you make threads celebrating spending money on that platform.

>not heavy hauling

PC mustard race sure looks good

>play with controller
>either the steering is way too sensitive or the truck fishtails wildly even while just taking a wide turn
>reversing doesnt work, even though it recognizes the button Im setting it to

Trucking is one of the most common jobs in the world.

I love driving/racing games, and ets2 is one of the best.

if i drive down the motorway the wrong way and crash into a big convoy of autistic lorry drivers then i will get in trouble

*blocks ur path*

You prefer keyboard tapping for small adjustments?


I didn't understand it too until i visited a friend with a proper expensive wheel setup and it's actually really fun desu.

Unless that truck drives itself, it is still trucking.

>Dethroned by a fucking truck simulator

>not heavy hauling with standard 360hp engine
For some reason I love making my life harder in ets2.
Respect for going Scania though.

I dunno, I remember having massive issues pulling loads out of the quarries and up hills in general despite having the best engine/transmission/etc I could afford
then switching to a scania and with an axle that had more wheels and it becoming a cakewalk

admittedly I haven't played in 3-4 years though

Download the official ETS2 Steam Controller configuration. I think you have to be in Big Picture Mode to access the configurations, but set it up as an Xbox Controller and look for the template for Xbox Controllers provided by SCS Software

It's what I use and it works like a dream

and most boring

When will you brainlets fucking learn

No, but nothing stops you.
If you want, I would suggest tsm or promods map expansions.

Europeans don't have wide open roads and they're too taxed to death to be able to actually afford cars anyway. Germany's Euro Truck Simulator satiates their desire to get comfy behind the wheel and the simple, relaxing gameplay of simply driving along transporting goods from vendor warehouse to retail outlet can entertain for hours. It's not like in real world where everyone becomes increasingly flooded with road rage the longer they're on the road and their precious time is being consumed by tedious, slow travel speed.

Why the fuck would anyone play a game about doing a job? Jobs are boring and shitty.

You have shit flavor of the month taste

>grandad loves driving
>has driven through every state multiple times, driven through europe, japan, italy
>truly his one joy in life
>fails driving eval due to age/not safe to be on road
>absolutely devastated, just wants to end in all

but then...

>i purchase an overpriced powerhouse of a gaming laptop, vive, g27 wheel
>bring it over to his house
>"user i told you i can't figure out these fucking computers why are you bringing this shit into my house"
>tell grandad to give it a chance
>hook him up to the setup, have to set wheel on his tv dinner stand
>he bitches the whole time i'm getting it ready
>load up the game suddenly complete silence
>get him going on the starter mission, explain he can earn money for new trucks etc so treat it like hes actually driving
>gets the hang of the controls almost instantly
>starts asking me about all the different places he can go, "can i drive all the way to X???" tell him yea
>starts audibly sobbing
>tells me to fuck off while crying and get him some smokes
>tell my nana to watch him so he doesn't break something while i run to the store, she looks worried and happy but agrees
>come back with smokes, hes going strong, completed his first delivery

he doesn't talk about killing himself all the time now but now i worry that his life is 100% about this game. i guess if hes happy its ok.

and to answer your question, i buy this shit user.

if a truck trucks itself is it trucksturbation?

>t. wageslave

That's the plan for it so far.

You gotta pay for internet, games and anime somehow.

t. poorfag without a wheel/pedal/shifter who couldn't possibly understand the joy of driving

Driving a truck across countries, never being home and having time to relax doesn't sounds comfy at all.


Go max sensitive and play with linearity. I would suggest go to middle with second and try go lowest possible while keeping truck stable at highway.

i play with the xbox controller and i love the game so he doesn't even have that excuse


>Europeans don't have wide open roads and they're too taxed to death to be able to actually afford cars anyway.
Imagine being this retarded.

>tune into ETS2 radio
>request link related
>DJ says he's never heard of it
>plays convoy for the 9000th time


now invent a story to justify forklift simulator 2017

I'm also surprised as to why people keep buying PUBG, OP.

>the humming of the engine while the rain falls on the windshield in a cold winter's day.

if you faggots don't understand why this is great you need to grow the fuck up

The totality of Germany's population

>not playing it for the multiplayer mod

go be a pleb elsewhere user

Oтпpaвляйcя c cyки, пycть люди тpaтят cвoи дeньги, кaк хoтят

Being in the military is one of the shittiest jobs on the planet. Almost all games out at the moment constitute nothing else than being a part of that profession without being paid at all.



Oh shit, when it came out?
>Mfw i can know ride in my country

Dove stai?



>My late granduncle was a cardboard box in the War
>He got stuck that way after an jap officer busted his corner and tried to close his top iris-style, totally jacking up his flaps
>He could never get around on his own after that

He enjoys Elite, so I think it's rather too much autism to enjoy it.

>Being in the military is one of the shittiest jobs on the planet
t. POG

>tfw i just reinstalled the game and all my progress is gone

feelsbadman, i thought this thing was sync'd with something.

Su Sup Forums a shitpostare ogni dannato giorno.

I hate this fucking place because I can't tell who's being ironic or not.


Sup Forums always liked ETS2, you dumb newfag

Right, friend. They "liked" it.

I don't know, but somehow I want to buy it
It looks interesting even though I'm fully aware it's just driving a fucking truck
Are the memes true? Is it because I'm german?

you can upgrade your truck with the money you make, buy headquarters and garages with more trucks and hire truckers to work for you for more profit.

it's a Tycoon game where you actually drive and improve your vehicle instead of seeing it from above, also pretty scenery and comfy feelings for the cold winter nights

Whether you consider it fun or not is up to you.
It's still a job like any other and user said playing virtual jobs is nonsense.

I just want to drive in a rainy or snowy night but euro truck is too complicated for me to set this up.

fuck you I just bought Farming Simulator and I'm already addicted to that
Do they put something in our tap water that makes us crave for these games?

you can set rain probability to 100% in the default gameplay menu, you nonce