>remembering old online friends that you used to play vidya with but don't talk to anymore
Remembering old online friends that you used to play vidya with but don't talk to anymore
>having friends
>being alone and knowing the feeling of having friends to play video games with but not having anyone
they probably got married. Maybe you should do the same. You can't be a manchild forever
That faggot recommended me some annie-may and now I'm 2 years away from being a wizard. Thanks
I know that feel. I wonder if I could still connect with them even without a video game to give us something in common. Sometimes I think it would be annoying to message them without a purpose besides to chat, but I think if someone messaged me out of the blue just to talk I'd be pretty happy. So maybe it's worth trying.
Don't get sad over them, they're probably not even thinking about you, nor will ever think about you.
I still chat with my best online friend everyday
I have weeded out lot of shit too
>Remembering an era in which you could actually meet new friends online in game chat
All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.
>remember all those old friends and family you used to have
>look in the mirror and realize you lost it all
I was admin on his gmod server way back in the day. he kept it real. when I said some stupid shit he would say it was stupid shit. When I had issues he told me to cut the bullshit. honestly hes the only guy that kept me from becoming a complete internet retard and kept me in reality. thanks man. even though I was an annoying kid you still talked to me and gave me advice. Hope youre doing well. After you went to college you stopped getting on. now youre long graduated. youd call me a faggot if you saw this too. thanks again for keeping it real.
Remembering having friends at all. Not sure I even remember anymore...
The marriage meme. It still doesn't fix the having no friends problem.
Hits close to home.
>Friend you played vidya with dies
>Never gonna get to coop that one game he really wanted to play with you
>Can't even watch a specific movie he liked a lot without crying like a bitch
Turn that sadness into bitterness and blame women and minorities for everything wrong with your life. That's what all the cool kids are doing.
> even your old online friends are now gone from your life.
>make friends with a guy from Las Vegas on Halo 3 back in 2007
>become great friends, skype together, exchange our cell numbers, play multiplayer everyday together
>current day and year
>haven't spoke to him in years
>still have him on my friends list and see him online
>sent him a message saying "hey, is this Zack?"
>replies back several days later "yeah it is"
>reply back "hey man, it's [user], been so long! what you been up to lately? Hows life going?"
>no reply back
>that was 6 months ago.
You can, who the fuck will stop you?
>14 years old
>In Maplestory guild
>Super homies with the guild leader
>Just shoot the shit about life all the time, he's 20-something
>Asks for advice one day
>He's dating a girl and turns out her brother raped her and got her pregnant, and she got an abortion
>Wish him luck but tell him I haven't even dated a girl for more than a few months so I'm the worst person to ask advice from
>Continue life as normal, he drops me updates from time to time and ends up dumping her
I'm happy you worked it out Marsh, but for fucks sake what were you expecting from me?
>tfw you managed to keep in touch with most of them, even talk to some of them on a daily basis
>but the ones you can't find keep coming back into your mind
>good internet friend becomes a tranny or a furfaggot or something
>tell yourself that you don't really care about that kind of thing and they're still your friend
>deep down you're weirded/grossed out and slowly stop all contact (or quickly in the case of the furfag, that shit's vile)
>used to play vidya with group of internet friends
>slowly lost interest, ended up leaving group
>now have no friends, IRL or online
>never stop regretting leaving
I was such a fucking moron.
Good work, you conformed within Sup Forums guidelines and hated who we tell you to hate. Good thing we'll always be your friend, right? If you're having a hard time, you can talk to us and we'll care about you. you really are one dumb ass faggot
Every time an old friend from xbox or something messaged me out of the blue I'd be really happy to hear from them, do it fag.
t. furfaggot
kill yourself
They weren't your friends
>being that one friend that quit, block all friends' contact and disappear
What a faggot, fuck that guy user.
I used to have an online friend that lived in Japan because his Dad was stationed there. We would voice chat each other every day for nearly 10 hours and watch anime, share music, and watch dumb shit on youtube. It was nice, then his Dad got stationed in Washington which is where I lived and we hungout once and it was pretty awkward. He was an awkward guy but that's okay and understandable. I wish I still talked to him, he felt like my little AI buddy. I'd video skype him whenever I went out and did shit and he'd live vicariously through me. Like one time he watched me play Initial D type 4 for hours at the Gameworks in Downtown Seattle. Or this one time I skipped school and had to wait for my mom to leave the house for work so I walked around in the forest pretending to be Bear Gryls while he watched from my phone. Good memories
Nope. But keep it up, you really are a pro 4channer. Look at you go! Strawmanning and memeing to dismiss points you don't like, just like the professionals.
As I said, user, keep it up. Being cool on Sup Forums is more valuable than having a friend.
I'm in almost exactly the same situation. I keep thinking about it. Fuck.
This actually works fairly well. I can't even stand my brothers wives anymore and that fucking paki at the dot shop is gonna get his.
I'm so autistic I never could make friends online and lose friends as soon as I'm not in proximity. I can't even hang with people 1 on 1 without feeling akward. Yet I've been with over 20 women (that I remember, booze helps). Butterfaces were half desu because faces don't matter much to me compared to her body. Even good sex is overrated. Keep your bros close if you have them.
>y-you only hate us because Sup Forums tells you to!!!!!
No, I hate you because furfaggotry is obnoxious and disgusting and injecting it into your very identity makes you absolutely insufferable to be around. Yiff in hell
>best friend for 6 years
>decides to steal $315, my 3DS XL, guitar, cell phone, and computer one day
>police won't do anything because he said that I gave it to him
kinda sucks, nothing that I can't replace but I guess the moral of the story is to not trust anyone
>tfw you work your way up through a guild for years and eventually you're the heir in a lengthy line of succession
>leader leaves the game and promotes you to guild master
>3/4 of the guild leaves
You quite obviously haven't tried hard enough with the police if that's his excuse
t. furfaggot
kill youself
>Add a guy on Steam I played with in WoW
>Start playing games together, introduce each other to different games, shows, etc
>He gets a new job, but it cuts into our vidya time
>Hasn’t been online for 3 years
>go to GameStop
>cashier sounds awfully familiar
>I ask if he was the person I used to play vidya with
>Turns out he was his younger brother
>His older brother who I played vidya with moved to Russia and lost contact with his family
>find out friend is a tranny
>suddenly dicks in his ass
wtf? im gay now?!?
Maturity and knowing better
>nigger steals my phone out of my hand in the street
>get police involved
>nigger gets out scott free because he said I just walked up to him and gave it to him
thats not how that works. you either have the worst police force, you didnt try at all, or your lawyer got his degree from a serial box.
I never had any trouble dating. Fucking fell for the marriage meme. Have a shit time making friends though. The guys I run into seem to be into sports, cars, or some other greasy shit and they barely play games. I don't bother keeping female friends because I can't stop myself from thinking I want to fuck them, and that's not a good thing when you're married. So, fuck friends, I guess?
Kill yourself
I was a normie (Non-virgin, what makes Sup Forumsirgins call someone a normie) until one of my Dota buddies recommended me TTGL and then everything went downhill...
And now here I am.The last time I had sex was 4 years ago
o 1
I O ly ever really had online friends. From when I was like 12 all the way to 16. The only two girlfriends I've ever had have been online ones too. I have zero friends now though, I quit the website where I talked to the hundreds of friends I had 4 years ago. One of my bestest friends that I ever made was a Canadian dude who was only 2 years older than me (I'm 20 now). I don't even talk to him anymore, despite us skypimg all night and playing mine craft and shit. Good times, I miss them.
>hiring a lawyer for thousands of dollars to get back a few thousands of dollars of stuff
I'm not a furry. Why are you so mad? Did I touch a nerve?
>yiff in hell
>kill yourself
user please, we're already very impressed.
>hiring a lawyer for thousands of dollars
>get back a few thousands of dollars of stuff
So, it makes sense?
>tfw me and ten other guys I know IRL all used to play online together and had a Facebook group chat we'd shitpost in on the fly while we played.
>tfw its all over now
Why the fuck would you move to Russia? No disrespect to the people there, but what is the motivation? Must have been pussy or somewhat extreme ideology.
Your ass could literally go to judge judy on this
Small claims court does not require a lawyer and is used to settle stupid shit like this.
Did you use tinder or did you have a peer group that gave you easy access to fresh pussy?
This seems to be my dilemma, I have no male nor friends friends, thus I'm not able to meet potential dates.
Also fuck captcha , Jesus christ
>mfw my two buddies who I have grown up playing vidya with now only play sometimes and when they do it's only cod and they're both always really stoned and have their annoying gfs in the room
Do you have proof that you own those things? Do you have proof that he frequented your house?
Claims like that are hard to prove unless you have a witness that can help you.
There's no way you'd be this ass-devastated unless you were a furfag or an incredibly oversensitive tranny, so no.Yiff in hell furfag
Where, in a general sense, do you live? Rural area where people are kind of obsessed with masculinity, you could try shooting to see if you like it. But I guess that's pretty greasy in a way, have to clean and oil those shits and theres always gonna be some bubba fudds.
>I'm not a furry.
kill yourself
>Everyone of them just fucking plays MMO's all day now.
I cant think of a more boring genre. It comes down to them having normie tastes to be honest. It's a wonder I ever hung out with them at all. How people can play MMO's years on end is beyond me. It's the exact same fucking thing in every GOD DAMN time in EVERY GOD DAMN game.
>do boring introductory stuff
>go to NPC to start quest npc chain all the way to end game
>pick the same boring generic classes because MUH TRIAD, that always play the same regardless of what flashy effects/animations they're given. Because the MMO neckbeards fear change more than blacks fear responsibility
>OSHIT A BOSS...dodge lame ass AOE's and attacks that are completely telegraphed
>proceed down chain again and get more gear EVERYONE ELSE IN THE GAME HAS
>OHSHIT SPECIAL ATTACK that does 45624562456 DAMAGE "UR COOL NOW" (keep playing goyim)
>go through the same shit again just with different attacks
>Nother boss
>UH OH WE WIPED BECAUSE the flawed fucking triad mechanics means actual finger skill and adaptability doesn't matter, only gearchecks and planning and watching youtube vids.
>UH OH YOU didn't watch the youtube vids? BE PREPARED TO BE SHUNNED
>repeat until endgame
All this while dealing with angry clan members who naturally suck at videogames, or dealing with pubs for raids, or dealing with ERPing faggots trying to ride your ecock for free money. Also greedy faggots in trade markets making the economy CONSISTENTLY BUSTED IN EVERY DAMN MMO EVER, golders, abusive GM's, oversensitive casual gamers who report you for literally SNEEZING WHILE EXISTING.
Why do people still play this shit.
I have the original box for the 3DS that has the serial number on it and countless receipts/invoices for the computer parts.
Or if you live in a city or suburb, you could try to get into one the arts. About the worst time in history to do so, but it's an option.
Astronomy and general science is a pretty patrician hobby, imo.
Literally this but they also play only League as well
>taking the most ridiculous example given and ignoring the other 2 more logical options
point still stands. theft is theft and "he gave it to me" is not a case. get your beta ass to the authorities and actually do something instead of just saying you did and lying about it. unless you dicked around for too long pretending like it was out of your control.
Or gardening or cooking or both in tandem. Some people will judge, but I love both.
You caught me, user. It might have seemed like I was making fun of you for letting Sup Forums decide who you should be friends with, but you saw through that and exposed me as a furry tranny who is absolutely furious.
Imagine I wasn't, though? I wonder how you'd respond to the point if you didn't have a strawman. That doesn't matter thought because I actually am a furious furry tranny. I can tell you're going to have a very happy life surrounded by friends who enjoy your company. I'll probably kill myself before sunrise. So long, user. And don't forget, you'll always have Sup Forums.
You can prove he has the 3DS/parts in his possession? Anything from facebook posts to other kind of messages/pictures? You really need a witness or someone to vouch for you.
>know this one chick from city of heroes
>talk to her a lot
>get to know her
>she has a lot of fucking problems and is pretty much a nutcase
>still like talking to her, kind of relate
>she introduces me to Lord of the rings online
>get in to it but she suddenly vanishes shortly after and I never see her again
>year or two later in the LOTRO forums I see someone there using the name she always used
>lists characters she has
>try contacting one in game saying who I am
>she instantly goes offline
>never see her again
Like, I was fine if she just didn't want to talk to me anymore but you can't tell someone you have tried committing suicide multiple times and have schizophrenia and then vanish and expect them to not be worried about why you suddenly vanished.
>be a complete waste of human life
>almost impossible to make friends
>make 3 friends over 30 years of living
>lose first to middle school
>second to college
>third to getting older
Now I'm too old for gaming buddies because most people play stupid shit like mobas, battle royales and hero shooters. All I want is another miserable aging loser to play old games with while we reminisce about how good the 90's were even though they were really shit too
This. I blame my horrible choices on niggers and women. Iif it weren't for them I am sure I would have a happy life.
>meet girl on Runescape 10+ years ago
>used to watch porn with her
>probably never have that type of relationship again
I used to have them, I moved to PC since all of them moved to xbOne. I still got that console now.
Anyone remember hydro thunder hurricane?
I don't have Facebook, but I don't think so. It's stupid too because he collects 3DSs and amiibos.
You're not witty or clever, you just look like an enormous faggot.
What point are you even trying to make? That only people on Sup Forums don't like furries? How delusional are you mate? That shit isn't normal no matter how you look at it.
Welcome. Don't forget to subscribe to all the hottest right wing or "skeptic" youtubers.
I have had 3 friends go tranny. Never had an issue with it. It's good not being an alt right faggot
Why is it so hard for furfags to understand that it isn't the Sup Forums hivemind that compels people to dislike them but rather their own behavior? It's pathetic
>nuh-uh im not a furry im just incredibly mad you dislike furries!
We should really be blaming the government sanctioned racism of affirmative action if we're taking that path. I see soooo many fucking black women that have no single idea what the fuck they are doing in every position.
He doesn't seem ass devastated at all. You sure as fuck do, thouguh.
>furshitters getting THIS mad
>nuh-uh im not a furry im just incredibly mad you dislike furries!
Not a furry, and not mad that you don't like furries.
Just making fun of people who literally let memes dictate their lives. But I guess 14 year olds on Sup Forums are desperate for approval.
Why did you suddenly turn it to be all about furries? Also Sup Forums loves furries.
I don’t know why specifically moved to Russia, but I presume that he was drugged or lured into moving there. I’m not sure what happened though.
Alright, Shouldn't we be back on topic now?
lol fuckin soyboy bet u voted for hillary n dont even eat ur steak well done with ketchup
>visit cousin
>he watches nothing but Colbert, John Oliver, and Trey whatever on daily show
>leave slightly disgusted
>he goes trans recently saying he wants hormone treatment and surgery
I've just been ignoring it. Shit is weird as fuck.
>Had a bunch of online friends on Google+
>All slowly grew up with college and adult shit
>Try staying in contact with them through hangouts
>Only stay in contact with a girl from New Hampshire and two girls in New Zealand all the same age as me
>Don't want to drive them away because I am depressed all the time and my old Google+ friends told me I was annoying since I always asked for help or advice with depression
>This includes the 3 girls I talk to
>One of the girls from New Zealand I just to online date in middle school and early high school and she manipulated me but we stayed friends
>I wish I could move to New Zealand just so I had one friend to talk to even if she will never date me for real because I am a social anxiety, fat, depressed loser
Is he cute?
Isn't he making fun of someone who literally dropped a good friend because they found out they were a furry? Sounds like that guy is the one who is mad. I'm glad I'm not so easily triggered. Who the fuck cares as long as they aren't fucking actual animals or shoving their OwO what's this? shit in your face all day.
>have schizophrenia
Nah, I got lucky in some sense. Pussy came to me through Myspace because I was attractive and that stuff was new to them. Female ego hadn't inflated yet, they were just on a buying spree.
If it makes you feel better, I've fumbled more surefire pussy than ive scored.
Sup Forums has always hated furshits, don't take the constant furfags posting on Sup Forums like its a sign you're welcome here. porn is porn, it doesn't mean people here like you.
Ugh there is nothing worse than when a friend turns out to enjoy liberal media. Cut that shit from your life, you don't need friends who enjoy jokes about the presidential office.
Don't bother faggot, that place went to shit already, I deleted my account a few weeks ago.
>the fact that furries are obnoxious is merely a meme
t. incredibly mad massive fucking furfaggot
Just use something like Tinder. I used to use a dating site that was popular here. Never had a problem getting pussy when I did. It's not hard, especially if you have some kind of job. It's even easier if you have a vehicle. If that fails, be the guy who does drugs. Chicks flock to all that shit.