Demon's Souls

They weren't THAT bad.

I don't even remember these things

This boss fight is what made me stop believing in God. If God truly does exist, he wouldn't have made me die 100+ times. He wouldn't have made an individual so unskilled that he can't even be good at the one thing he knows how to do in life, which is playing video games. No "God" would be so cruel. There's something beyond God out there, and he's not a moral one. Some vile, supernatural being sent down to Earth the abomination that is me. There's no God, folks.

On my first playthrough, it almost drove me insane.

Everyone says that these were hard but I never understood. I did world 5 first for a high level blessed claymore since I was doing a str/fth build. Everything after that was super easy. Did I fuck up and make the game way easier than it was supposed to be?

Still nothing compared to the brainsucker on the steps to that worlds final boss

RIP demon souls and old Sup Forums

Never had any problem with them, died once because they sent me flying over the arena but got them on my second try. The Flamelurker however, pushed my shit in for quite some time.

Got this boss on first playthrough EASILY

One of them bugged out and got stuck in a flying loop, and one was simple to beat on its own

I read later how many people struggled with the boss and thought it was a meme until I tried it again second time...

glitchy, yes, but not that hard after you figure out you have to use the structure in the middle of the room

You mean the TWO brainsuckers with near instant kill attacks that you must fight after a minute long unskippable cutscene.

Demon Souls difficulty is all over the place, with the Maneaters being super hard. I really have NO clue how you're supposed to beat them.

I remember those. I stealth waited for them to pass and then ambushed them. They are fine if you can attack them and stunlock them. But if THEY get the first attack you're screwed.

>theres still no porn of this cutie

Use the cauldron in the middle, it can shield you from their attacks or fuck with their ai. Equipping the thief ring can make them to lose track of you, though sometimes they can glitch out of this. Attack the tails, don't get pushed off. Though this is one of the few actual "get good" bosses, there are some cheese strats, but it's better if you just learn their pattern and keep the environment in mind.

The Dark Souls of Gargoyle bosses.

It takes about 20 minutes to beat them purely because they spend 90% of the fight flying around. Then, after all that waiting, you just get knocked off the fucking edge after missing one roll.

It's a joke of a fight, it's not hard for any other reason than requiring a lot of luck with regards to their flying rng, and even more patience. Couple this with the fact that you've got to bonfire run up a massive set of stairs with a really fucking annoying enemy that can 1-hit-KO you if you're not careful, and you've got yourself one fucking bullshit boss.

>game is so hard coz there is no god
Wow edgy

>Equipping the thief ring can make them to lose track of you
They can lose you around the couldron and fly off, burning time while flying and then returning with the second faggot in tow. I'd suggest against it and just getting your DPS on the level that you can beat the first before the second spawns.

Make it yourself or better yet, commission it

That strategy is more surely more useful if the second one is already around, since that guy spends much more time flying around and ends up out of your range.

They're bad, but only if you don't hug the brazier. It's just slow.

That's what I ended up doing. I beat Old Monk about an hour ago.

I'm not even blaming the game. I'm blaming myself. I'm a skill-less, unintelligent, no friends having piece of shit. And for that, I don't believe in God.

I do believe that there is a vile and cruel celestial being out there, doing these things to me.
