Destiny 2

The expansion comes out in a couple of hours, are you excited Sup Forums?

Kind of

Yep. None of my friends are though, so it's going to be a lonely experience.


I wish. Doesn't seem worth it to pick it up. I used to play with brother but he's not interested in the game anymore. Time to move on for now, I'll pick it up on sale for the campaign, or I might just YouTube it.

If I knew more about the second expansion I'd be more inclined to get the pass. I know the individual expac is going to be like 20 goddamn burgers so that isn't a good deal. But I don't want to buy the pass if I don't know what the other expac is

yeah. i liked what was in the game so far, there just wasn't enough of it so im hoping this will add reasons to keep playing

I take it you haven't seen the livestreams

I'm kind of annoyed. I only got to doing the prestige raid last week so I only have 2 pieces of the prestige gear. (PC)

Like none of my friends are getting it and none of them were really good enough, I just kinda used PUGs to get around.

Hopefully they'll wait til March for the next pass so we have time to digest the content rather than them shitting out expansions.

Some of the patch notes and the future additions are really good though, happy that they're letting people circumvent shitty RNG engrams

i have destiny 2, but not the expansion. so wtf will i be able to do?

I didn't play destiny 1, I haven't watched any gameplay and I have a ton of free time this month. Is this worth putting a bunch of time into?

>people circumvent shitty RNG engrams

Ey yo, what ?

i havent
are you about to hurt me

Either wait until it's ~$30 again or wait until they release everything in a year and a half. The mechanics are pretty fun, it's just that you run out of stuff to do and unless you like the grind (which I will admit tricks you into liking the progression to a point) it won't be up your alley

I mean, I'll check it out, but I don't have high hopes.

The game has many problems right now, but the one that bothers me most right now is the lack of kinetic or energy weapons that are actually really fun to use. IMO the most fun weapons are sunslinger and hard light, and that's literally just an explosive pistol and a normal ass assault rifle but it has bouncing bullets. Like those two slices of mediocrity are actually the best. What a world we live in.


Not really. I think the content certainly looks good. I just think the map is really tiny you can't use a sparrow anywhere in it and it won't be what people are hoping it will be

I mean I really like Origin Story and that other scout rifle. Those feel pretty good to use. I also like riskrunner even though it's a pain in the ass to find enemies to use it on, and I don't like wasting a grenade to proc it when I can't.

you can buy the armor with tokens rather than roll for a random chance from the vendors

If you checked out the state of destiny blog, they talked about a whole bunch of features that they're adding to the game over the next couple of weeks.

On December 12 they're adding the feature that you can buy faction gear off a vendor directly however it looks like you will need to do X amount of engrams to do so.

It's not ideal but it means you know that you can definitely get a piece of gear you want rather than opening dozens of engrams and being fucked by luck (like I was in the recent Iron Banner)

>talk about putting in guild/local chat "soon"
>it's magically nowhere to be found in the State of Destiny™
I'm still mad

>Paying for"DLC" that should have been included since the beginning

All the stuff in there is a step in the right direction I guess. I'm annoyed that most of the "features" they're adding were already in Destiny 1 and its fucking retarded to say they're new but what can you do.

You'll be able to be locked out of content

How much is it?
Not gonna pay 20 dollarydoos for no content

I would really like it if they made crucible fun

i regret buying this game on pc launch so much

I'm just glad my friends didn't convince me to buy a fucking xbone and live and this game

>my little brother is a shooterfag who was definitely going to buy this
>borrow his copy at launch instead of spending my own money because Destiny 1 was such a disappointment
>realise it's garbage aimed at 10 year old MAHVEL fans
>delete it after realising the ruined the exotics, perks and raid drops
>go back to my superior Japanese games
this series could have been good, it's such a shame it turned out the way it did

Been playing Warframe for about 2 weeks now and i dont think i can go back to Destiny
Its not perfect ,but all memes aside it feels like what Destiny was marketed to be for the most part

So are there new story missions? I'm level 231 in light. Can I play it or do I need to grind like a faggot some more? The amount of grinding is a bit retarded

>Unironically still playing this garbage
>Actually buying the DLC that was so clearly in the original game but stripped out so idiots will pay for it again
Why? Why do you still put up with Bungies bullshit?

maybe since I like the game

2 tokens and a blue

It's actually sad they call this an expansion

I don't care if you like it. You should be smart enough to see that Bungie and Activision are bending you over and going in raw each time you spend money on this shit game

it's bad that they got away with as much as they did in the game's launch.

i think that next year they are just going to announce destiny 3 and stop all work on this game.

>Paying for more sliced off content sold as dlc from a 'sequel' that is really just a copy of the original game engine, which also had sliced off content resold as dlc after selling as a full priced game.

Nah I'm good, also if you support this game you are an idiot and hate buying full games, support microtransactions, lookboxes, Activision and the death of the gaming industry.

Destiny2? The overhyped Activision borderlands for nostalgia fags of bungie and suicidal millennials who feed the bottomless pit in hopes of filling the void where it really doesn't fucking matter your gear? The game where you fight two factions with no enemy variety? Nah I'm not playing that waste of time reddit shooter.

>jack fuck in terms of content
fucking lol

Not really. Friend bought it for me on sale and it's honestly insanely boring.

>Daily quest shittery
>Weekly quest shittery
>Insanely tiny chance to get an upgrade from most sources
>Need to have like 275 item level in order to regularly get items over 265 power, etc
>Randos regularly fucking up at heroic events and other shit
>99% of abilities are super boring with long cooldowns

They just took all the worst, most boring parts of WoW and Halo and made a terrible product that people inexplicably wanted more of.

t. reddit

have they fixed everything that turn people away yet?
mostly about the defensive meta

Well why did you fucking ask me then? The world doesn't revolve around you

Yes. I'm a solo player who only plays a few hours a week so D2 is basically catering to me. (I can see why more hardcore players have been displeased though).

Anyways I love Destiny's art design and lore. Can't wait to see the new environments. Past Mercury and Dark future Mercury look pretty cool. Excited to get some new ships too. My last few bright engrams contained huge and medium gifts of bright dust so I'm hoping the first selection of things from Eververse is good.

Why don you fucks just play grindframe instead? Its literally the same game with better gameplay and content and is actualy less of a scam than destiny even though its f2p

play warframe instead

>Man, if I point out he is parroting Reddit, it will totally point out his opinion is invalid and will be ganged up against on Sup Forums!



Nah. I'm a huge Destinyfag but D2 has been such a disappointment that I wouldn't even bother playing CoO if I didn't already own the expansion pass. I have some hope for the raid lair, it will be nice to have a simpler subset of Leviathan because parts like Pleasure Gardens are just too exhausting to do with pugs.

Not first person, shit pvp, also warframe has no loot

To elaborate on that last bit, I qualify "loot" as an armor or weapon piece that you pick up and can use immediately. Crafting blueprints and materials are not loot. Mods are also not loot since they are only enhancements, not weapons themselves.


As someone who played Destiny 1 off and on thoughout it's life, is D2 worth it?

Part of me misses it, but part of me doesn't want to get back into it you know? Like I had some fun, good times with my clan and shit, but on the flip side it was like this void I could escape for a time, but always found my self coming back.

when did destiny 2 come out?

they called the dark below an expansion desu, and it was like 3 missions, a few shitty strikes and a shit raid

Not really, no

Absolutely not
It won't fix any of the game's issues and the story will be over in 2 or 3 hours probably. Unless it comes with some surprises, it will most likely not include anything new for trials and other end game shit

The dark below was awful. Fuck honestly house of Wolves wasn't much better but it was a good time sink during a bad point my life. And farming those keys on patrols led to some moderately fun/funny stuff. Was honestly surprised the Taken King ended up being as good as it did.

I just hope for some legendaries that aren't fucking boring, and exotics that aren't glorified boring legendaries

>Instead of a raid there's a 'raid lair', which is conveniently behind the big ass door you couldn't go in before
>'Most rewarding public event ever gives you 2 coins and a blue
>Completely botched their chance to bring back random weapon rolls with the forge
>The infinite forest is literally a walkway that leads to some 'kind of' different scenarios, which are completely unrewarding and pointless. Why not be clever with it and use this as a gateway for some fun custom game modes or something?
>New story content can be completed in an hour
>New Mercury area is incredibly small
Fuck off Bungie

>new 'expansion' two months after release
Remove Juden

I preordered the digital deluxe edition since it was like 25% off on some grey market retailer before release. I went into Destiny 2 hyped, hit endgame, went through the five stages of grief, and then accepted that it's substandard trash and that I was scammed by Bungie.

I was holding out some sort of hope for the expansion, their big December patch, and their promise to address player concerns and their plans moving forward, but then as it turns out, the expansion is going to be more story content that nobody asked for, strikes that are just the story content recycled, a new "planet" the size of a single area on any other planet, and another raid that'll be impossible to complete with pubbies, so I'll spend 2 weeks trying to recruit for only to have everyone give up at the boss.

Reading their blogpost aimed at fixing their public image without addressing any actual player concerns is what put the final nail in Destiny's coffin for me, though. Absolutely nothing was addressed, and many of the changes they claimed were "in response to player feedback" were things that nobody had ever asked for.

I feel like I've been violated in a way that I've never felt before when purchasing or playing a video game.

t. actual retard

don't forget that they somehow managed to create a new patrol zone, missions, strike, """raid lair""", armour and weapons, and record dialogue all within those two months. it's totally NOT cut content like all the other dlc

>Two months

How can you be this fucking stupid?

I can't get into Warframe, the combat feels so janky compared to Destiny and the art design is funky.

There's no winning here, Desinty is a light MMO and it needs consistent content updates. Had this been in the game from the start everyone would have already blown through it and would be clamoring for new content by this point.

when did destiny 2 come out desu-kun?

The first week of September. It's been three months since launch and this kind of game needs new content to stay afloat seeing as how most people have pretty much exhausted it's contents 2 months in. The community has been pretty ornery this past month.

How about finishing the game before you release it?

D2 didn't particularly feel unfinsihed to me. Destiny one entirely felt like the first two expansions were cut content. This doesn't really feel like that.

Especially from an story point. The first two exapansions in D1 felt like they fit into the vanilla plotline and we're yanked out.

Curse of Osiris is it's own thing. The story in vanilla D2 feels adequately complete and contained and the plot and destination feel like their own thing separate form the main plot.

All of the quality of life adjustemnts coming this month are free as part of the season 2 udates so I don't see what the issue is.

Any chance that the expansions are going to be on sale over the holidays?

For good reason in my opinion. The state of D2 is pretty fucking pathetic given most of the things people are complaining about were fixed or at least addressed in D1.