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final fantasy really has the worst boss designs

Play game
Drop it
Renew sub when interested again
Rinse and repeat

Anyone else? Anticipating the December 15th Live Letter though.

How much Gil for a night?

Cannot unhear the Warring Triad theme




I'm in the same boat. The only thing that I have keeping me subbed is a house I now regret buying in shirogane.

I'm not saying that I worship Susano now, but I am saying that I have come to respect his love of revels.


only the male ones

This is the most shilled game on Sup Forums.

Why was Lakshmi so disappointing. Her whole fight boils down to use vril when she has her chanclas. Sucks cause the music and boss design are great

All the boss fights in stormblood have been extremely uninspired. 4.2 better do something great or else this could be the end.

Reminder: if you are happy with your character's appearance (provided you're not going out of your way to make them look obnoxious), that's all that matters.


Scathach-esque boss when?

t. Heterochromatic eyed, neon highlighted, kirito abomination

My Queen is as precious as ever.

I can join them in the next expansion instead of getting 2 new shitty jobs, right?

No, but you can watch as we single-handedly defeat the empire overthrow the emperor and bring peace to the world


The opposite actually.

>take a normal woman
>slap some shit on her
>"heres your oc primal donut steel"


bitch hasnt seen a single fucking eclipse baka

Just beat Ifrit for the first time. I'm unironically having fun and enjoying the game.

Is that the giganigga you used to see on Sup Forums?

Best of the Triad. Prove me wrong.

hope you like fetch quests
>mfw the whole costa del sol banquet questline

> starts playing

>get triggered to have the divine revelation by eating it
>everyone's talking about Golden Girls and Bonanza in local chat for some reason

Any guesses on what other major summon will be next in XIV? I'm guessing this motherfucker here.

>take an already perfect design
>give her grey Au Ra tranny skin without the scales
>remove her iconic disc
WoWfugees are the only ones who defend this because they don't know better.

35th for /xivg/

cute nose at least

>Au Ra tranny
What is this meme?

I want to hang that cat and watch her gasp for air as she shits herself in the process~

transexuals play au ras

I want to resub but Idk what class to play. DRG, NIN or SAM

Garlean will never be a playable race
Garlemald will never be a starting area
You will never be able to side with the villains
Stop asking

>Garlean will never be a playable race
This is already not true

SAM and NIN are fun

How are they going to do more primal fights in 4.X? They've already blown their load on beast tribe primals (unless the Namazu get one). And I'm not sure how they could do another Warring Triad type thing without it being stupid.

you shouldn't resub

>dude something gets summoned lmao
Why not try a different formul-- wait

4.1 patch was so empty it kind of killed the game for me

Neon highlights are shit at all times.
Heterochromia is usually done poorly, but a very small few can pull it off (I would never use it myself).
Kiritos are inevitably going to be bad unless they're a parse autist.

Hashbrown and Argath are fun bosses with fresh mechanics. Even better than anything in this Savage though that's not a high bar
Shinryu first phase isn't bad for an ex primal either

Namazu will definitely get one. I can see it being Famfrit to fit their theme.

I think for Asura it could be an ancient god in Othard that would have been worshiped by a small sect of Othardians or one of the Au Ra tribes. There's also the Wolfman they introduced near the end of Stormblood.

If Famfrit gets in, it'll be as a Return to Ivalice boss.

Reminder that if your character looks bad, you are very likely a bad player.

Four fiends

Magus Sisters then

But """top players"""" characters all look like emo trannies

four fiends is probably slated for omega at some point

Rival wings break my balls

lalafell are cute!!!!

why is Sup Forums so transphobic?

Sup Forums hates everything, trannies are no different.


When's Diadem 3.0? With the relic prog, right? Any time soon?

4.3 maybe, please look forward to it.

How is that official? That racial design is so damn lazy.

Some time in January. I'm not stoked for Diameme but I wanna get off the shitty 4-boss treadmill so bad even if it's just another treadmill

That fellow's arms are too numerous and far too large. How does he fit through doorways? Simply unrealistic.

Would having a tier higher than Extreme for the Primals be helpful for content? Maybe with effect variants of up to then versions of tier-bellow-highest ilevel gear? Or are we stuck waiting for Undending versions of them?

he turns sideways

Why do they insist on repeating diadem. It was grindy but ok on release, then they gutted the drops and rates because raiders cried about it and ruined it, leaving it to only be used by gatherers. Then tried a second time to revitalize it only it's still boring and still only used by gatherers. I'm sure this third time will be no different after everyone gets their 2000 tokens from ~1500 fates, only people who would run it will be gatherers making money off the mats required for some relic step that requires 3* specialist crafters

trannies are shit, cute boy's dressed as girls are okay


What disgusting manlegs.


Pls, no

I liked Diadem 2.0 mainly for the Gathering. Was really nice getting the unspoiled nodes and then flying around looking for hidden chests. Only problems were the combat stuff, and the Emergency Mission from week 2 on. Kinda wish they'd make it so when you enter, you're automatically slotted into an alliance. That way there's less incentive to just bail when 1 or 2 leave.

Because it's one of the only "open" content in the game besides Hunts & FATEs. The concept is grand, it's just never stuck the landing. They honestly need to nut up and not let the 2% ruin things for everyone else.

bet your face is resembling a monkey faggot
99% of the time this is the case with """""traps""""", that's why you only see angled bodyshots/legshots
i would totally do a passable one though

shit thats literally Rando

Why did they bother to reveal this part of the map if we don't get to see any of it?
I was really looking forward to my giant desert worms.

It would be really fun if the rewards were gear with some boosts (+10% EXP, +10% GIL, Increased shard amount from gathering by 5, consumption of clusters reduced by 1, etc) or something. Doesn't have to be combat related at all, I'd definitely grind and so would many for gear like that

I fully expect to see more of it in the rest of 4.0. I would genuinely be surprised if we didn't.

Or maybe it'll be a 5.0 thing and we'll fight the Godzilla monster to the top left of it.

4.5 look forward to it

It's almost like it's good, gets updated constantly with new content, loved by many people and posters like talking about it.

I wanna go to the Archipelago which is said to have been the origin of the Roes.

See now that's some idea. Something for the non-raiders but is still wanted.


That way up north buddy, way up into garlmald. Expect for 6.0.

Is it true that this map doesn't show like 50% of the world yet?

I know there's still not Australia at the south not showing up for example.

I'm honestly terrible at Eorzean Script, did anyone fully translate the new map?

I don't think it is a au ra thing, but a raen one.

What is the best Red rapier for a RDM?


Yeah, maybe in a dungeon like Xelphatol that is 80% indoors. I want to have a map there. I'd gladly give away one of the three Mhigan maps that look exactly the same for it.

Chicken Knife

yeah, Meracydia isn't even on the map

The TRIGGERED sjw tranny picture was a xaela

ARR primal housing miniatures when? I need me some Garuda and Shiva.

Was it? post it


I want to cum on your wife's tits

I don't have gross things like that saved, son. You have to lurk around until someone posts it again

Screw that, let me go to Old Sharlayan first.