>BF1 developed as one of the best graphics running smoothly on PC, huge battles, ultra realistic sounds
>yet no one gives a shit about this game after 2 weeks of release
What happened guys?
>BF1 developed as one of the best graphics running smoothly on PC, huge battles, ultra realistic sounds
>yet no one gives a shit about this game after 2 weeks of release
What happened guys?
It's not very fun
pubg happened
This guy gets it.
Titanfall 2 is where it's at.
I had a fucking blast with it for a while but it became stale. Not enough vehicles, the weapons are all super similar, the maps are cool but mehhh. World War 1 setting just isnt as interesting for gaming, not that the game is even attempting to be WW1, just the boring WW1 asthetic. I mean a giant box for a tank is pretty lame. Doesnt lead to many interesting moments going 3 mph
next time don't make a WE WUZ KANGZ fanfic of ww1
None of that means diddly squat if the game is no good.
It's boring and the DLC split up the community.
Plus, EA.
Fuck EA.
Zero gun variety along with shitty guns to begin with. Vehicle battles were boring as fuck too.
It had one good shotgun too. It's just littered with bad decisions like making the double barrel an exclusive primary for a pilot which is useless on the ground as is.
Not one of the lmgs was satisfying to use.
Died long before pubg
So much this, and plus, even the balance is fucked up. You can start rounds with 10 vs 21 because your teammates leave at the beginning of the match and all the new players aren't automatically put in the team with lowest players.
>buying ea games
the game didn't even look interesting to me. it wasn't a ww1 game. from the vids everyone was running around with automatic weapons. give me a break. then you have all this experimental tech that didn't actually exist put into the game and why would i want to play this shit? i like bolt action rifles. it doesn't need to be cawadoody styled tricked out. just a basic bolt action and a bayonet
It's another reskinned battle of duty 16.
Wtf you talking about? I still play operations all the time. Better than call of duty, but to be fair that's not saying much.
Graphics don't mean anything when the gameplay is shit.
Battlefield hardline is my favourite battlefield game.
Its big on console, i play it regularly.
One of my fav bfs and ive played them all since the beginning.
Im really worried about loot crates for 2018 though.
Hoping for coldwar with korea and vietnam or ww2 setting with unusual battles like borneo campaign, french vs german, russia vs japan etc
>excited to play
>click button to join any operation
>finding one takes a while because it's late
>finally get in
>waiting for everyone to be ready so we can play
>game doesn't start
>game requires ten people on either team to be ready
>neither team has ten people
It's even worse with the DLC operations.
they puta nigger on the front page of it when there was no blacks in ww1 and if they was they was less than 1% of the army
SJW pandering kills games when will devs realize this? if it was vietnam or the iraq war fair dos,there was blacks in those wars.....but shitting on historical accuracy to pander to sjws is a big no no.
Battlefield won't be good again until DICE goes back to a 32 player cap and designs everything around Rush.
Conquest is fundementally flawed and ruins the level design and gameplay for every lower pop gamemode as maps through necessity become nothing but a series of tiny TDM arenas at the cap points where players constantly die and respawn on eachother over and over again until one team eventually gets pushed out with a heap of empty space between that goes largely unused.
Bad Company 2 remains their best overall game and will probably never be dethroned.
>best graphics running smoothly on PC, huge battles, ultra realistic sounds
Things that don't register in my brain as having literally any relevance to fun.
I regret installing the free trial. Fucking boring.
>huge battles
The blokes from Dice tried to make a fictional WW1 game and it fucking sucked. Who woudl have thought it?
You are the SJW
just as boring
"zero gun variety" is code-word for "I came from twitch shooters and started at BC2 at the earliest"
That's a neo/v/ perspective.
Old Sup Forums was pretty staunchly against 'muh triple A console shooters' to the point where CoD kiddies became a meme. Battlefield is no better.
What happened is they milked a game franchise dry with iteration upon iteration. Whay happened is they thought gamers wanted GRAPHIX when what they wanted was story, atmosphere, immersion. The BF franchise was as far from that as you could get.
Back in my day, we could actually pilot the behemoths and had more than one in a map.
Say that to my face and not online fucker.
didnt it only have like 5 maps or some shit
>Ultra realistic sounds
>Fucking loses to a MMOFPS from 2001
The sounds were shit and the battles were tiny. It was also a modern setting shooting pretending to be WW1.
Absolutely worthless trash.
and everyone on the server started yelling and cursing in chat cause the guy was driving it in the wrong direction
It's probably because WW1 is a terrible idea for a time period. It's barely taught in American schools, and it's not glorified in TV and film like WW2 is. Oh fuck horses and guns most people haven't heard of, how fun.
Bold move, but stupid
>yet no one gives a shit about this game after 2 weeks of release
On PC we have a metric fuckton of shooters to choose from
this just looks pretty, and it offers nothing over the others so it dies like the rest, deal with it
I like it because I love the German Dialogue, still makes it worth playing to this day.
Verdun exists, and now so does tannenberg.
no one wants ww1
also they removed all weapon customisation for lame skins
And the maps are forgettable
its not dead tho
Conquest has been functionally stripped of it's gameplay mechanics.
There's no heavy vehicle spawns or rearm/healing stations in the game anymore.
Why bother attacking capture points for nonmetagame reasons? Is watching ticket drain and grinding experience supposed to be fun by itself?
the problem with it is none of the guns feel any different at all. it's a fun game to shotgun rush in though
>Tfw you charge and bayonet that qt russian sniper and you see her face filled with absolute horror when she dies in pure agony
No german sturmtruppen campaign where you play as Ernst Junger, and collect bugs as easter eggs.
What a dumb ass assumption lol.
A lot of the guns in their class feel too similar. Even with different recoil patterns and fire rates, they still feel too close.
Use an lmg, smg or an assault rifle in bf4 and tell me they feel the same.
Well gee whiz, I guess theres literally no possible way to fix that, huh? Guess we should just remove the concept all together.
This is what I miss most in bf1. The vehicle spawn system is shit and you always get niggers with 1000 tank/plane service stars slamming their keyboard so they get their vehicle and keep it most of the game. Special points could have worked so well in the setting too.
What I wouldn’t pay for Storm of Steel: The Vidya
Well do tell, how do you fix that? A giant important object that anyone on a sever of 64 people can control and swing the tide of battle in an instant. Other than putting it on rails or vastly limiting its potential to a shadow of what it was. Or just accepting the endless griefing that was in 1942 and original battlefront.
it's ww1, it's super fucking boring and totally inaccurate so it has nothing going for it. like the other dude said, titanfall 2 is the best FPS out there and the best in the last decade
Happened this:
-Mouse Smoothing in all games.
-Low optimization
-Extreme resources demanding on PC
-A lot of medieval boring games
-A lot of otaku games [blades, hack n slash]
-Ruined sequels: RE, FF, Silent Hill, NFS and more.
We wanted Battlefield 2142
AAA gaming is all about hype, day one buys and then moving on to the next over hyped day one buy. AAA gaming is a joke. Nobody honestly enjoys this shit anymore.
>what is votekick
Operations are in the server browser now and theres allways shitloads of full games
Shouldn't have gone with not-WW1. I would've played BF if they went for some setting which actually allowed them some creativity in adding new mechanics and actual variety in weapons/vehicles. This would've probably been some soft sci-fi setting where any mechanic can be explained by space magic.
>Slaying wh*te animals as an Ottoman on the back of my horse
I was satisfied from day 1 desu.
Votekicks in 64 player games are jokes.Red Orchestra games being a prime example of how retarded herds of people are. Guy spamming mic for 20 minutes, 15 failed votekicks later they get kicked out. Not to mention false hack accusations or just faggots wanting to grief and kicking top players or a group of people start using it to bully and get their way so they can get their preferred role/vehicle.
I don't what the fuck any of you are talking about. I play on PC and there is plenty of players right now, and with premium trials half of the servers are full of players on DLC maps. They also fixed the operations (fucking finally) by just adding them to the server browser instead of that broken matchmaking.
people like to shitpost and doomsay
>anecdotal shit
Votekick should be in your game regardless of what the content is anyway.
No heavy vehicles (even tanks, aircraft or special classes) ever spawn on the map, you buy them with in-game credits earned throughout the match, battleships and such have an enormous cost and the losing team gets a credit bonus when the ticket difference exceeds 200.
Leads to an infantry heavy early-game and natural escelation of scale dominated by vehicles late-game, gives the defenders a chance to bounce back but they have to earn it, it worked great in Homefront's multiplayer.
Well I say it shouldnt, boom. Rekt.
Thats the jist of Battlefront 2, so they might do just taht in a new Butterfield.
Everyone had already played run around and get sniped simulator for like 10 years. The new coat of paint just wasn't fooling anymore
They have pretty clear that they want to differentiate between the two franchises so I doubt that mechanic will cross over into Battlefield 2018. Its the same reason why there is no conquest mode in nu-battlefront.
>what happened?
Games just aren't made to be fun anymore. I have a son and he loves playing with my old Nintendo consoles. He asks me why aren't good graphics games as good as bad graphics games.
best bf since bfbc2 desu
Listening to le retro :) battlefield fans is a surefire way for disaster. What that entails is that all the maps must be giant wastelands where the only viable thing is camping in a tank or sniping a new guy who thinks he can run out in the open with an assault rifle. PC cucks think this is le classic fun gayming and its just garbage.
Their best game is Bad Company 1 with 2 as a solid, but not as good, sequel. BF3 was made right after the BC series ended so it was fortunate to carry some of its designs and that's what made it decent. Everything before and after? Pure junk
failed to compete with the reigning ww1 game
1 second after they release a game they are already working on the next game. Companies have done the research and it speaks for itself. There's no reason to make a game fun or replayable for months or even years with user created content, mods and maps. If you are bored in 2 weeks thats actually a good thing because timed-release DLCs keeps you coming back like drug addict for your next quick fix that lasts only a little while.
It turns out CoD with vehicles & destructible terrain just isn't fun when the average lifespan of someone on foot is
It's almost as if you need more than graphics to be fun.
I completely forgot it was a thing.
I hate you and everyone like you. Modern and futuristic themes are so fucking boring for fps. Jet packs! Drones! Hover tanks! Mechs! Wowee! Such gay shit.
I eill agree the weapins needed way more variety.
>BF1 developed as one of the best graphics running smoothly on PC
Have you played since the November update? Performance is shit now, I ran the beta at medium/high flawlessly, now I dip to 40 FPS on low settings
That character was from the Harlem Globetrotters or whatever the fucking all nig squad was called in WWI.
It's the WE WUZ KONINGZ in the Bundeswehr that did the game in.
Pull your underwear down and allow me to sniff your anus.
>huge battles
>Use the server browser
>Never have this issue
Console kiddies are fucking jokes.
>one of the best graphics running smoothly on PC
I don't like my FPS MP games to be laggy as shit
>jet packs and lasers aren't interesting
>but wooden guns and tin can tanks are
Yeah, OK. Commit that suicide as soon as possible, underage gay cunt
Shit gunplay.
>OK let's make it so if you try to burst your weapon like you would in real life, you'll get huge random spread penalties
>So now the meta is just spray
>Except snipers, make those retaredly good for whatever reason so now it's just shotguns and snipers being reliable while everything else is trash
>Oh and let's make it so suppression gives you RNG spread penalties too
>Tanks were already really strong in BF4, let's make it so you need like 2-3 people surrounding a tank just to hope to kill it!
Game was designed for casuals. Spoke out about it in the alpha and nothing changed. Now what a surprise, all the big youtubers are realizing BF4 is way better and are going back to playing it.
Leftie propaganda. That's why.
Too bad the gameplay is bland as shit. The only fun I had with the game was during the beta where the horse was overpowered as shit. It was great outmaneuvering and killing goddamn tanks with a horse.
Im tired of the same ops day in day out, all the tucking servers sre running the sqme two fucking ops while you cant even find a kaiserschlat op which runs the best maps.
>Harlem Globetrotters
>muh RNG
>tanks are too powerful!
Nice hot opinions from a player who is nowhere near the level cap
I wish the hit reg wasnt so fucking gay but i guess they are actually working on it, a & d spamming patch is incoming.
Make snioers to a one of per squad so shitbirds cant have half the fucking team camping and makes fights at the obj feel more intense.
I liked it a lot before the first expansion pack was released.
Operations were always played on pc.
After the release of the first expansion there were no operations anymore and I also had really heavy fps drops every 5 seconds. The gunplay became very weird too. Recoil and spread: the game.
>no operations on pc anymore
>technical issues
>unsatisfying gunplay
People will call this bait but it's absolutely correct. BC1, BC2, and BF3 are the best battlefield. BF4 is okay and BF2 was alright when I played it but I was 14 years too late. 1943 was also decent.
You okay user?
thats such a dumb statement to make. maybe gamers just don't like bad games? you realize they ARE playing other games right? better games, rather than some garbage EA shit
It's not opinions, it's fact. In BF4 guns start with low spread multipliers and increase as you shoot, how guns actually fucking operate. In BF1 guns have a huge first shot spread multiplier and it settles to a lower deviation as you fire, meaning your shots go all over the place initially until it settles into a tighter cone.
Suppression penalties in BF4 made your scope/sight sway, but your bullets went where you shot. Meanwhile in BF1 if you're suppressed your shots will not go where you're aiming unless you just happen to get lucky.
Tanks in BF4 could easily dominate leaderboards, but a single player could still get them if they got a decent enough flank, even with a SMAW (which did relatively lower damage compared to the RPG). If they got a disabled shot, active protection wouldn't save them unless they could manage to kill the attacking player in that time frame. Otherwise they were a sitting duck. In BF1 tanks have ricochet values but they also don't seem to really matter if you're hitting slopes or not, I've had shots at 90 degree angles bounce or just flat out do under 10 damage with an AT rocket. If you disable a tank, it just auto-repairs, fixes everything, blows your ass away, and laughs all the way to the top of the scoreboard. Plus they are even more durable than they are in BF4 ignoring the previous statistics, as weapons do less damage even in favourable scenarios.
>In BF1 guns have a huge first shot spread multiplier
Post your play time.
why do people always come into these threads making excuses for Titanfall
EA shit by any other name is still EA shit. Get the fuck over it.
I cant play normally without big fps drops on i5 4690 and 1070.
Both Battlefield and Battlefront aren't that good.
One reason I stopped playing was that there were too many snipers, especially on Operations which is my favorite mode. Hard to push forward when half your team is camping on hills and mountains, while the other half has to push against many snipers and non-snipers.
Plus sniping is too easy. There is barely any bullet drop. You barely need to lead at all.
This Ive dumped hundreds of hours into red orchestra and rising storm but battle field gets boring after a match or two. Graphics aren't what make games enjoyable.