Can I make a good Starship Troopers RTS game without the jews sueing me?

Can I make a good Starship Troopers RTS game without the jews sueing me?

the book is like 60 years old.

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I doubt it. (((They))) would never allow it. You could just make clone though. Do what the AAA companies do and make it exactly the same but just different enough to no be sued.

What kind of gameplay would it have though?

I was thinking of making the units seen in the movies, the anime and the book.

Maybe some kind of DF clone where you build a base to survive the bugs.

Starcraft already exists dumbass.

You could just make the exact same thing with another name and minor differences.
I mean starcraft exists, and there's gotta be a million star wars and star trek clones.

Yes, just look at Earth Defense Force.

Of course they can't be 1:1 armors, settings, bugs. Just change them up

estate of robert heinlein sold it to tristar pictures, which is owned by sony. you'll have to contact sony legal if you want the rights to develop anything associated with it.,427&Search_Arg=starship troopers&Search_Code=TALL&CNT=25&REC=0&RD=0&RC=0&PID=LSq1BpseUcjEd-5i1pdt6JpDwP&SEQ=20171205173016&SID=2

There is a Starship Troopers RTS. I've got it on disk lying around somewhere.

Just do not-Starship Troopers. Helldivers does this decently well.

It's called EDF.

So basically 'They are Billions' but reskinned for starship troopers?

Wish someone would make a RTS or FPS based on books though.
>tfw you will never fly jet assisted over a skinny city and drop few 2 kiloton nukes at the outskirts just to mess with them

nigger you know what i would fucking love? something ala warhammer 40k where small groups of humans with shitty weapons die against never ending waves of non-humanoids.

Fuck, I missed the RTS part.

Can you make it but replace the bugs with the so-called "refugees"? You'd get a lot of fucking bad buzz for it. Of course I guess it wouldn't get greenlight on steam.

Tiberian dawn is a mod for C&C 2 it add the main bugs of starship troopers as "tiberium lifeforms" alongisde many other things, i say OP why don't you make a mod for C&C3 that brings bugs into the game and just change the skin of the factions a little so they use the same armor and guns? you can't be sued from mods after all.

Also bump, what other games give that "starship troopers" feeling? theres helldivers and what else?

Yeah I came here to say Helldivers

And what else besides the official starship troopers FPS and starship troopers RTS?

Spacemarines fighting bugs is not especially original plot. Hell, even Starship Troopers was originally written as Bug Hunt at Outpost Nine and they got the rights only mid-production.

>seen in the movies
That one would get you sued or you'd receive a C&D

Yeah this, when it comes to hollywood they don't allow jack shit because they never gave a shit about the fans even if you make a free game with 0 marketing you can still get sued by them.

Command and Conquer 3

Or theres the second Command and Conquer if you suck at making units.

if you can't lookup who owns a copyright you have no hope of ever finishing an entire game

starcraft copies dow40k

but the one thing blizzard got right that games workshop didn't was they didn't sue all the custom games and community projects into the next life.

yes you can

Is because games workshop ony cares about toy sales user, not video games or movies or other things that are expensive and also want to decrease the chance that people don't buy their products because of better options.
and thanks to this warhammer is safe from many shit.

This, make a TC mod for rimworld or DF
Total annihilation might be a good RTS to do a TC on too.

it's still a shitty business model

they've only survived this far because autism reproduces assexually

Literally just play Starcraft 1

theres already a star ship troopers mod for rimworld user.
however it doesn't really fit in with all those massive bugs coming at the same time against shitty farmers.

The Starship Troopers movie has been imitated so many times it looks generic at this point. Just don't use the original designs and names and nobody will care.

I was actually thinking about this the other day. I was thinking about an upgrade tree that instead of making human units stronger would just make them cheaper/more expendable.

Why would kikes sue you for that?
You would only get sued if it's a copyright infringement. Realistically, the only backlash you'd get for making a Starship Troopers RTS is some dumb comments from some random commie losers on twitter.

Just what would you put in the game? Starship Troopers has been used as a inspiration from a few games that have come out over the years.

Is the OP still here?

>the book is like 60 years old.
Copyright is life+70 years.

make the game don't tell announce it, hire people that won't say anything, Release it and let word of mouth do its job

Are you going to include the parasite from 2 and the Scorpion Tank and rollers from 3?

>Farship Shooters

For now
I hope and think it likely that it will be "in perpetuity" eventually, suggesting otherwise is literally stealing the food from the mouths of my great-great-great-grandchildren.

Fucking Disney and not letting go of the mouse.

Just call it Spaceship Bugfucker and make your own game

Or use the original name of the movie: "Bug trouble at outpost 9". It's a callback but it's not explicitly under copyright.

I want a good mobile infantry power armor game. Let the Paul Verhoven stuff fizzle out like it should have 10 years ago.

Besides, there is a Starship Troopers reboot coming out that is supposed to be based off of the book, and the mobile armor is supposed to be a central focus of it. Might as well make a bug-killing game where you get to wear it.

Is that a Tiberian Sun mod for Twilight?

I recommend you watching the japanese CGI films. They are a mix of Verhoven (With the Arachnids and shit) and the book (Power armour being standard issue)

I much prefer the bugs over the aliens in the book.

I saw one of them but I thought it was pretty bad. The 80s OVA was much better.

yes? is called tiberian dawn, those are just "tiberium liferoms"

Fair enough. OVA was the best of all the adaptations, but I have a soft spot for the first movie. I'm a sucker for practical effect horror aliens and the Arachnids hit that sport well.


You can thank the Mouse for that.

The first movie is a good Paul Verhoven film but a terrible adaptation. I think I would be able to enjoy it a lot more if it wasn't called Starship Troopers.

And people celebrate the fucking mouse for telling ea to suck it.

Why don't you make NOT Starship Troopers? The single player campaign can star John BICO in his fight against bugs that are NOT Starship Trooper bugs.

Oh, the ModDB page makes it look like it's the first C&C game. I don't see anything about Tiberian Sun.

That is just silly.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day. The fact that EA tried to out jew fucking Disney was hilarious.

That protects you also.

I really don't understand why they don't see all the potential they have in a fucking crime series of shows or books where there is no save the universe ultimate evil crap, or video games that aren't fucking shit. Just shift their profits from stupid plastic models to other media.

well go ahead give it a try, is a different plot but gameplay wise is better.

They have been doing this shit for decades, they are not going to stop being stupid any time soon.

You mean something like this?

Copyright lasting 15 years max when? ISP's being considered a utility when?

To play devil's advocate, the way media is produced and consumed is much different than when the public domain laws were originally written. Mickey Mouse would lose his value and cultural relevance as a character if he became public domain, which is what's happened to every cartoon character that has lapsed into public domain.

Rather than moping around wishing something would lapse into public domain, why not be creative and make your own IP? Then future generations can whine about how your estate won't let the rights expire.

No. But on the plus side it probably won't cost you much to secure a license and your game will almost certainly sell better than if it was an OC donut steel setting.

personally they kind of remind me of the old syfy 3d tv series

I really enjoyed them myself too still need to check out the third one tho.

Nah, I like copyright lasting my life. It means faggots like you wanting to leach off my shit can't.

That's why god created Piracy, you fag.

Are you sure it's not Twisted Insurrection?

is this website legit? is the blue download option of 220mb real?

Yes, my bad anyways how come nobody tried making a starship troopers mod for C&C2?

don't die thread lets kill bugs.

Rico Johnson vs the Vermin

It does have rip in it's title, so the size shouldn't be large. Downloaded countless games from it and they all seemed to be fine.

Yeah but i wanna know is that blue download the legit one? one user linked us to a page that gives Gog downloads but had a warning to never use the word download on the middle of the game link, instead use the down arrow because one lead to adware.