How would you balance this game to make it fun?
How would you balance this game to make it fun?
delete it and install BW
Make it turn based
I'd kill it and make WC4 or SC3.
>install an even more broken game
>fighting against shitty pathfinding is fun
Nice meme
balance =/= fun
Co-op is fun, the campaign was fun.
Multiplayer is just an apm fest and my days of "having to prove" something are long gone.
>wciiii or sciii
balance is not the problem. unbalanced or perfectly balanced games can be fun. it is less fun because it was made with pro gaming in mind, and barely anybody wants to play something like that.
>co-op is fun
It's funny how people always say you should play BW instead and how it's the better game yada yada yada but then you look at the server population in the west and it's just a slight step up from Battleborn all while those same people call SC2 with its 100k+ concurrent players a "ded gaem".
BW being the better game is just a meme at this point that's held up by people who don't even play Starcraft.
dude you're fucking retarded it's an RTS that came out 1998! it's as popular as a game like this could possibly be
Oh yeah? Explain this then.
Fucking destroyed.
remove widow mines
remove swarm host
remove sentry
remove shield upgrade for marine
remove blink from stalkers
remove colossus range upgrade
remove queen
remove hellion and add in vulture back
remove slow from marauder
remove phoenis graviton beam
remove liberator air attack
t. bronze
>t. never played OG sc
>t. never understood what made OG sc good
Actually t. top 1% in both BW and SC2.
Remove reactors and warp gates, go back to starting with 6 workers
wow. so you're one of the problem. congrats.
>he likes anti-climatic game ending such as accidentally losing 10 mutas to two accidentally placed widow mines shot
>he likes anti-climatic game ending such as accidentally losing the entire army to one sentry's two force fields in a choke point
this is why sc2 is fucking dead. because of people like you.
Have commanders be part of PVP multiplayer
Not even that guy but you don't deserve a (You) for being a retard
Same shit happens in all the SC2 threads, bronzies come along and whine about muh balance instead of getting good. Too much talk and no walk.
>neo blizzard game
AYYYYY, sorry kiddo we are not in BW anymore.
>my posts
>about balance
reading comprehension, retard.
>Unable to comprehend that SC2 requires hard counters and strong abilities because of the advanced AI and pathfinding and unlimited unit selection because otherwise every game would snowball with the player who took the early economic lead winning every time.
>Unable to comprehend that this would lead to a boring game where both players just try to outgreed each other every game.
>Thinks that the game should be balanced around his scrub mistakes instead of pro play.
>Has no idea what he is talking about.
>Still speaks with confidence about removing units and abilities.
>Perpetuates the SC2 is dead meme despite the game doing very well for being a 7 year old hardcore RTS
No, user, YOU are the problem.
wow, a fucking retard.
game ending mistakes are seen in literally every single pro matches if you never noticed them. they just dont gg instantly afterwards.
>bw is not balanced
stop fucking baiting
>wow wow wow
>retard retard retard
>players shouldnt lose when they make mistakes!!!! >_
that user eternally btfo, and this is not even considering voobly player count which also has 1000 players concurrent but skill level is way to high there
Fucking nice mang,
Any tips how someone who play fighting games (street fighter iii 3rd strike) approach starcraft now they are free.
I am quite poor so games in which you can sink a lot of hours getting good I really love them, I have spent years playing street fighter but now I am kinda bored since its just same people I get to play against.
I assume you have no RTS experience at all. I think the best place for you to start would be to just download SC2 and start by playing the Wings of Liberty campaign (it's also 100% free). That'll get you used to just playing the game and it's also really good apart from the cheesy story. After that it becomes kinda chose your own adventure of how you want to improve. In my personal opinion the best way to git gud is to play ladder and focus on improvement rather than winning. I think it's quite similar in fighting, you can either cheese and spam a few OP moves or you actually learn the game with all its ins and outs. Anyway, is a good place to ask for guides and help once you played around a bit, the community is usually very helpful if you don't behave like a faggot. Good luck.
>sc2 is dead
is there a more pretentious multiplayer video game than Starcraft?
>playing the Wings of Liberty campaign
But keep in mind that not all units, structures, and research from SP is in MP.
"I'm totally normal" circlejerks on anime imageboards full of people who jerk off to trap porn
holy shit kid, contain yourself.
DotA 2
>you should lose when your opponent gets one accidental that wasnt in his plan and he wasnt even paying attention advantage over you
yep. sc2 fits you right.
i'll play scbw instead.
most people who shitpost about dota 2 actually play the game though
>I unironically enjoy the co-op and the silly heroes/armies they got and have purchased every single one of them.
Should I hate myself for this?
I think the competitive scene, guides and online matchmaking ruined rts for me. I played lot of rts games when I was a kid. Games like aoe2, starcraft, wc1&2&3, empire earth, c&c. We just played with each other or against each other. Wasn't very competitive but it was fun. Getting huge army of dudes was more important than winning. Lot of slow turtle strategies. After I got exposed to all the competitive stuff I just became really self-conscious of how shit I was and how suboptimal all my shit was. Still played lot of sc2 when it came out.
thanks mang, I think I really should try campaigns instead of going directly to ladders
Not that user and I don't play BW but doesn't it have game ending stuff too like reavers?
Dark templars can literally kill all your workers and the game won't even notify you that your stuff is under attack since it takes 1 hit to kill them.
I'd rather have skilful abilities like blink that require precise micro and sentries than that.
The fact that you think that there are no things in BW that can suddenly end the game just further proves that you have no idea what you're talking about, OR you're playing the game at an incredibly low level where people have no idea what the fuck they are doing. Feel free to prove me wrong with a screenshot though. We both know you won't.
It is balanced and fun.
What do you think about it isn't balanced or fun?
reavers can't end game in 1 accidental shot.
dark templars were retarded yes. but sc2 has more than that.
there is very few things compared to sc2. im was plat in sc2 when master wasn't a thing. i don't even think diamond existed back then
Turtling and massing army is fun I used to do that while I played AOE, Supreme commander, c&c etc.
But if every game of sc2 was like that I wouldn't have played for over 1000 hours like I did, it becomes boring after a few games and actually doing something like constantly pressuring your opponent to slow him down while massing an army is way more fun, you don't have to follow guides to be good I got up to diamond by just playing the way I wanted and finding my own "good" build that worked for me.
The only thing you have to remember is to keep expanding and making workers, the ideal for sc2 is about 70 workers, everything else as long as you're spending resources is fine
1 reaver drop in your main can't kill the majority of your workers? sure it wouldn't exactly be an accidental shot since the opponent planned it but at the same time if you don't have an overseer with your mutas you can't complain if you lose them all to widow mines.
Name one game ending thing in SC2 that can not be avoided by micro or strategical adjustments. Just one.
Protoss proxies
remove terran
>removing the only race thats actually fun to play
>removing the only race that actually takes skill to play