I'll take this video game, and play it.
I'll take this video game, and play it
The swimming mini-game was bullshit.
How did it play?
Mello and Near can go suck a cock. What a load of shit they were.
>that terrible Netflix Deathnote movie
Anyone actually see it?
Yup, solid 4/10.
Too much shit changed from the source material, about a decade after the source material was last relevant.
sorta like ghost in the shell movie that came out this year. Only that was a MUCH bigger production.
>movie Light went and fucking showed the note to some bitch in hopes of getting pussy
He was a true retard
Watched it with a parallel universe in mind. 6/10 for me.
It just didn't take itself seriously at all and neither should any audience that watches it.
Also, for the series in general
>Near had a figure for every person involved except Light
>Instead he had a Kira figure
>Still couldn't figure it out himself
What a hack
I'd agree but it isn't just the lore and concepts behind it that bothered me, but the acting was pretty subpar. L especially was just awful. green goblin was also pretty bad he doesn't really fit anywhere but spiderman.
It's fun. I know it's bad and knew it would be bad going into it. Made it a solid good time for me. I keep recommending to people and they all hate it, but I still like it and actually want a sequel. I know it's trash but I like it.
Can you actually kill people and see what happens? Or is it just scripted fest puzzle-solving?
Looks like a game of chess with characters as the pieces.
Who would win?
>ugly light
>near's faggy brother
Genuinely a tough question.
That scene will never not be funny
Could Light defeat 2 L's and 2 Nears? Could the four of them even work together?
He already knew Light was Kira. Hell, L knew Light was Kira. They had to find a way to take him down without getting themselves killed.
>They had to find a way to take him down without getting themselves killed.
I think it had more to do with having proof, not avoiding death. They both knew that he couldn't kill them unless he did it physically
>unless he did it physically
Are you forgetting he has a notebook of death? He was trying to learn their names to kill the only people who could catch him, they were trying to take him down and get the notebook out of his hands. All the proof in the world wouldn't help them if he killed them.
>Are you forgetting he has a notebook of death?
Are you forgetting that L figured out how it worked and they worked side by side attached by a pair of handcuffs? He knew Light couldn't kill him without getting his name, which he could never figure out.
well he could indirectly figure it out, which was the point of Misa
Yeah, if only Light had some kind of followers that could see names
But regardless, L had Light basically in captivity. He just couldn't do anything because he needed proof, at least for himself. Even after Light lost his memory L knew that he was still Kira and wanted to know what happened.
Of course he's trying to avoid death the entire time but he knew that there was a good chance that he was going to die since the beginning.
it needed to change the source material you weeb fuck, there already a live action death note movies with nips.
>wanting faithful stories to the source material is weeb now
The conversation was about Near before you butted in user
>reuse story
>change story
Moviefags are fucking sad.
Oh, sorry. I guess you can look and see that all those replies were by me and not someone else then.
ryuk is probably the best thing about it. Voice acting was kino with the effects being miles better then the jap live action movie
But he looks terrible. His head is huge and he's like 6 inches taller than light
Deattaed vs Etonhhnote
Absolute garbage that completely missed the point and ruined the characters of the original, and I didn't even like the original that much.
Wasn't he always taller?
Yeah. He's flying but look how fucking tall he's supposed to be
you're putting words in my penis. I never said they were unoriginal hacks, that is what a fucking movie adaptation should be, not the directors vision, just what you like as a movie. I liked the 3 jap Death Note movies I saw. well, the L saves the World was pretty gay, but that was because it was an original story