ITT - post vidya apparel
ITT - post vidya apparel
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Commence the thick thread
Despite her larger size, I would enjoy relations with that woman.
huge berry
gatdayum bihh thicc ahh a mf
when will the fat """"""""models""""""""" meme end
I'd be afraid of her absorbing my body upon contact
>huge belly
>one chin
shopped right?
>that belly
son you ain't seen nothin'
Maybe you can't handle a real women, user.
What's the matter, can't handle the sight of a strong nord woman?
She could be really attractive if she wasn't fat.
Yeah she's not fat 2B is heavier than her.
>grand fucking canyon between front teeth
Tsk, you almost had me.
brown hair brown eyes, she is not nordic
At first I thought it was another shoop of Chloe Moretz
Chloe is pure muscle and no fat
Welp, she looked a lot better from the front, rip
Despite her size?
Or perhaps...because of her size?
They said "How well do you know traffic systems"
and I said "Well, I do know how to get the hospital to the church very, very, very quickly and here I am. Director of Traffic."
I actually want this shirt.
Because of her larger size, I would enjoy relations with that woman. BETA DATING STRATS HOOOOOOOOO
i don't know if thiccposters are being ironic or if people generally find fat people attractive now
bros plz
I keep posting it in these threads because an user said six months ago he was going to take the plunge and buy it, and I was hoping he'd come back and give some pictures and a review.
dhiggggg :DDD
i like women with a little chub. op pic is too big
Yes, people really like large breasts large asses large hips and soft faces, just shocking isn't it
missed that (you), sorry.
Lmao this is a board that white knights 6/10 crossdressers, what do you think
Heh, are you quoting something or just came up with that?
I thought this was a stretched image. Gross.
>Remove Before Flight
Fuck them. It's because of people like them I have to keep reordering those because teenager fucksticks keep stealing them off my bypass pins.
who is this godess? I want her to sit on my face
I'm sorry, man. GE was giving them out at AUSA and I snagged a couple, didn't mean to upset you.
>person resembles mashmallow
What if I like marshmallows?
Please don't tell me just because you like them that you put your dick in them
Then you're either 8 or fat.
I'm just mad the company keeps making me replace them. I got tired of buying more, so I just did plain red ribbon and I failed an audit.
>person resembles starving african
>considered attractive by anyone
check them t levels guy
There's a thread already up you faggots
How do you post without any image or text?
The woman in the op is overweight bordering on obese.
I never said op pic was attractive.
That means she's not fat enough.
Where to cop for my gf?
happy thursday
Why are you posting a man?
Ok. Because she isn't. If she dieted she would be.
Overweight is too fat.
She's canonically a hermaphrodite. So she.
why do people on Sup Forums get so triggered by THICC.
happy thursday to you too?
holy shit me too
Fatties are gross.
source please google is letting me down
Anyone else an introvert that likes video games? hee hee
Making and keeping people fat is a trillion dollar industry.
No, it's just you.
>disrespectful to your body
Yes boy, I smell the ammonia too.
I'd rahter the world be glassed than everyone be fat.
>Saggy stretchmark tits
>Bloated cellulite ass
>user confusing bone structure with amount of processed fats consumed on an hourly basis
>Chipmunk cheeks and protruding under-chins
But damn. So hot.
Her face reminds me of that character creator image where shes cute up front, but ugly from the side.
The only vidya shirt I have
There is more than one kind of fat.
>everyone doesn't like what I like
roast them on an open fire w your buds
not according to anti-thicc posters
What is a "dog video games"?
You can shitpost all you want but it doesn't fix your brain from confusing obesity as something that's attractive. It's a degenerate fetish. You're beneath foot fags.
need more like this
I wish I could wear stuff like this.
beautiful, good fucking lord
go join your no fun fag friends over at
I mean, you can. You just shouldn't.
This is the standard that should be the dumb ass thicc meme. Chubby thighs and hips, without a massive beer gut that's fit for my 57 year old uncle.
>those hips
>that gap
>stocking digging into thigh fat
Never once been on that board and I never will. Not finding obese, lard-stuffed women attractive has nothing to do with politics but everything to do with being a decent person.
Literally nobody in this thread has said obese women are attractive you fucking autist
thigh highs are my fetish.
Anyone that said OP's pic is attractive inadvertently admitted it.
is this more your speed, boys?
I did. Sue me.
>small cocks wanted
someones fetishes don't determine their character in the real world you autismo.
Sauce pls.