Do you play fighting games on arcade stick?

do you play fighting games on arcade stick?

no i play them on an ancient saitek fight pad

t. tekken fag


No, more and more fighting games are designed to be played on pad anyway, so whats the point of dropping 100+ dollaroos just to re learn how to control your character. Only exception is if you want to play stick only chararcters like Zato 1 or Zero from MVCI.


I use a Hitbox now. I don't think I could go back to stick.

Yes you do.

i have that one but the stick is so hard to use

Yes for most fighters. I use a dualshock for Tekken.

You won't improve if you don't keep practicing it.

Yes, but I don't think it is superior. Basically I come from Starcraft and I feel better playing in something keyboard like, I just get too uncofortable doing combos on pad.

Is it hard to get used to?

Yeah, I bought this little piece of shit for 50 bongs used and then modded it with Sanwa parts

All in all cost me less than 100 dollars for a fully functioning high quality stick, even if the base itself is a little on the small side it fits on my lap nicely

Always controller with Dpad for me. Never even tried a stick until recently and even the most basic 236 shit gave me trouble.

i really FUCKING want to.
i'm playing on pad and i'm really starting to feel the limits, not to mention the dpad is starting to get weak again (my 3rd pad already).

Yeah I had some trouble for the first week, but then I found out you're supposed to use your right thumb solely for jumping and everything changed. If you want to get one you should strengthen your left ring finger because it's crazy how weak it really is.

I use that and it's perfect

Nice stick friend, I'm using my hori mini which is good but is too small to play on my lap. I have other 2 custom made sticks but they are trashed, I'm not sure if I should buy a new one or make one.

I'm a poorfag living in australia and I have a hard time getting arcade sticks/parts.


i'm using pad but maybe ishould switch to keyboard.
is there anything i need to think of when choosing a keyboard or layout? will any keyboard do?

i undestand.

hori joysticks usually are way cheaper than other brand, mad catz is broke and maybe you can find some TES+ and TE2+ cheap and holydays are coming and probably there's some nice offerts on fightsticks.

stick is not mine but is really nice and hori components > sanwa

Layout: anything WASD or IJKL is fine.
Just make sure you can press 4 keys without problem. Any "gamer" keyboard will do.

buy a hitbox, basically are keyboards for fighting games.

Yeah I made the switch back in 2015. They feel great.

I use a fightpad for most games, regular dual shock for tekken and nrs fighters. I would like to get one but waiting for a deal


Same, and am quite decent in street fighter iii 3rd strike

Thanks for the reminder, I'll check stick prices during the holiday. I kinda have the money but I'm waiting for the minin4 to break before I buy a new one.

I have that exact arcade stick that I mostly use.

I was planning buying that stick.
Do you reccomend it?

I also have that stick and it is great, I played on it for years while also sharin it with friends and it works fine to this day. I still have it and use it when friends come over.

Yes, I grew up in the arcades and prefer it for bullet hell, beat-em-ups and FIGHTAN.

Pad vs Stick is purely a matter of comfort and offer no real advantage that can't be overcome with practice.

Most of them yeah, my Mad Catz round 1 stick is still going strong without any problems for 8+ years now.

Picked up GG during the last sale and had to switch to pad for that one though. Could not do SHIT in that game on my stick. Maybe if I switched back to the Sanwa JLF? But I can't be bothered.

I use a stick, but honestly I'm still a lot better on pad, it just hurts my hands after a while and they don't last.

Currently using a modded Venom (with a Hori stick and GamerFinger buttons), thinking about replacing the PCB. I might replace everything with Sanwa parts too, as I don't like how the GamerFingers look and the Hori stick is so clicky.

No, keyboard is honestly way better.

I started using stick because it felt uncomfortable practicing combos on a pad where everything is so cramped. Stick is so much more easier on my hands but I gotta relearn how to play