What went so wrong with Fire Emblem?

What went so wrong with Fire Emblem?

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Random stat growth was never a good idea. It's even worse in that gachascam game.

>there are people out there who make support conversations like this

Increasingly every game after 4, especially 6, 12, and 14.
Most flaws in other games between those points can be attributed in some form to the listed game(s) preceding them.

It finally realized the only people who play it are waifufags

Except stat growths are not random in Heroes

Is this real?

Nothing did. The games still play good and the girls are still cute/sexy so I'll continue to play them while you make shitposting threads on Sup Forums.

She didn't follow through with that threat.

If Nintendo hadn't decided to leave Marth and Roy in the international version of Melee, Fire Emblem wouldn't even be a thing in the west.

It was a fantasy anime game about swords and waifus that turned into a fantasy anime game about swords and waifus with a different art style, and for that it is unforgivable.

This expect for the horrible localization, also
>muh weebshit

>what is importing

shit was huge comparatively in late 90s early 00s by the way

honestly hope vesteria saga and thracia gets translated witen the next two years. Haven't had a real fire emblem since 2007 and even that was sjw furfag shit.

Hopefully FE16 won't be localized by cuckhouse or 8-4

Luckily the gachascam game fixes that, along with all the other random trash

Gameplay wise even the newer games are horrible at giving you all the information you need. You can't really look up skillsets for the classes, you don't know what stats a character will (most likely) end up with and they keep putting in more god damn seals and class items.
If some guy joins me as an archer but is actually way better as a general because of how retarded the devs set this characters statgains, then something is wrong.

The soldier breeding programs are even worse on this, if you go in fully blind you will probably end up with completely stupid shit which you have no way of knowing about unless you play it all over again.

>fattening hex
and away we go

That is the best kind of hex.

>>what is importing

Importing games is easy now. But before online shopping became big, you had to find game stores that sold import games, or know someone who travels to Japan.

Nowadays anyone can hop on eBay or whatever and buy all the import games they wanted, so it's easier to play games that weren't released in your region.

But back in the 90s and 00s, most people in the west just didn't get to play games that didn't make it out of Japan.

fire emblem was always a shitty series littered with fucking RNG and no actual strategy to speak of, and not to mention terrible anime trope characters and story.

>Random stat growth was never a good idea.
This to be honest. RNG combat is one thing, but character growth being determined by fucking dicerolls is fucking asinine.

You can beat every FE game with no growths.

>This makes the concept of random growths not completely shit somehow
lmao are you fucking autistic or something?

i dont know

easy=/=more common. import culture is dead.

Yeah its not a problem. The newer games always give out high growths rates. RNG growths are there for mutiple different players having playthroughs be different.

Honestly, I only play them because they're the only games to mix battle strategy with breeding mechanics and character relationships.

>Yeah its not a problem.
Lack of consistency IS a problem.
>The newer games always give out high growths rates.
Point is growth rates are shit altogether.
>RNG growths are there for mutiple different players having playthroughs be different.
So instead of being like a good game which has different options to build your character just do the cheap way by having a shitty RNG growth system. Nice.

The gacha is the best thing to happen to the series, if only for the art.

How is it a problem? The games are so easy and if you can beat them with 0% it shows that they don't matter. Conquest already gives tons of ways to build units in addition to growths.

If you admit they're so easy then why are you defending them? RNG growth is inherently bad game design regardless.

Blatant sexualization and catering to the lowest common denominator
Compare a design like this to someone like Camilla and it's pretty fucking obvious

I'm curious to see what they'll do with the localization of an upcoming Fire Emblem game on Switch, since Treehouse has now been put on a leash.

>So instead of being like a good game which has different options to build your character just do the cheap way by having a shitty RNG growth system. Nice.

You clearly have know idea what you're talking about.
Skill tonics/consumables, weapons, skills, reclassing, and support bonuses are all "different options to build your character" and adjust their stats. If you had any knowledge about FE beyond the surface level, you'd know this.

yep and its only gonna get worse

Because its such a non issue. You can beat the hardest game in the series (Conquest lunatic) at 0% because the game gives you so many options to build around it.

>liking cucks

Not enough Hector.

if it's a non issue why are you defending it

How would that even be possible on conquest? Just tough it out till you get Camilla and Xander and then steamroll or what?

Because its a non-issue and you're attacking it like the you are brainlet.

Stat boosters, capturing generic units, supports bonuses, etc.

> there are people who dislike Tharja the Emo Chuuni Titty Witch
baka desu senpai

>there are people who like Tharja the Emo Chuuni Titty Witch

6 is one of the best in the series, redditor.

Oldfags still haven't killed themselves.

Reddit like 6 though

I think he means how it became "casualized"

Is liking Rhajat more than Tharja an unpopular opinion? Which does Sup Forums prefer?

This post was on /vg/.
How true is it?

They're literally the same but I like not!tharja better because at least she doesn't puss out of her love just cause MC is a grill.


Dat Rhajat

Camilla would be pretty great with normal armour

Whats with all the FE threads lately?

I love it

The localization team gave us boob jiggle lyn. Time to bring those times back

/feg/ has turned into /fegh/ so people who want to actually discuss the main games have to do so on Sup Forums.

Only soyboys hate her

It’s really only Dark Mages and Olivia that have sexual designs in that game, and dancers have always been lewd in the series.

>has always been lewd

what did he MEAN by this?

Making Fates into 2 games and a DLC was a huge mistake

What game is canon anyways?


BS Fire Emblem

Rev most likely.

These are modest designs for a Dancer class. Fuck you!

i will agree as long as the line is changed from "always been lewd" to "mostly been lewd, with one exception". But Olivia's design bugs me because it doesn't mesh with her personality, like chick if you are so self concerned with how you look and hate people staring at you then just cover up abit wtf. also i'd say Nowi has a rather sexual design too, but thats about it as far as i can recall.

The slut class

When will get new FE Switch info?

>Echoes have 13 and 15 years old wearing slut wear

Next year

>Treehouse used to IMPROVE the games they localised

Obviously not they couldn't even bother to put the correct name on the dialog box. Dancers don't hex people.

If you go by the Children of Fates DLC, both Conquest and Birthright are canon. Conquest and Birthright happen in separate worlds, then Anankos from multiple worlds fuse together into a super Anankos, attack and kill everyone in multiple universes, then when the 2nd gen beats super Anankos with the power of a secret 4th song everything caused by his actions after fusing is erased, bringing everyone back to life and separating the worlds again.

>only exposed skin is the neck, head and hands
Did you post the wrong image? Or are you Muslim?

They changed the style and tone of the series to try and appeal to a broader audience in a last ditch effort to save the series from life support. It worked out well and now fire emblem is a major franchise for Nintendo.

I can understand why people would be upset about the lack of depth and difficulty from the newer games but in saying that, I'd much rather have some weaker entries then no entries at all.

When will they make an Advance Wars with romance and waifus? They know it works.

but the gba games were already plenty easy. Unless you wanted to save all the villages and lose no units it was easy. Hardmode was hard enough, and if you were min-max autism mode you could use a 0% romhack or use the weaker units

>about the lack of depth and difficulty from the newer games

Awakening was piss easy

Never, thankfully. We got the good end.

He's referring to Conquest, which has good gameplay if nothing else.

You know I'm not talking about that. Conquest and New Mystery are not lacking in depth and difficulty.

AW already had waifus, romance is for gays.

Conquest is overrated. It's easy if you aren't a brainlet.

Permadeath is fucking bullshit.

Can I get a (Lyn)?



What do you think is the hardest?

I could never play Conquest cause going back to them makes no fucking sense whatsoever.

I'm not a fan of Tellius' story or gameplay, but hot damn did their character and armor design really stand out. Black Knight armor should be ICONIC.

Removed friendship between characters since you can’t sell it like you can sell sex

Awakening’s combat is especially stupid and Fates’ plots are especially stupid, Heroes has both and Warriors is a warriors game

Alm’s game was probably the worst choice to remake so faithfully because holy shit those maps

None of the characters act like they’re in a medieval society

Touching. Not the only reason fates had issues or anything but seriously

PoR is pretty forgettable for a non-portable and Radiant Dawn has a lot of pacing issues

Durability is in a weird place

Sometimes people explode when Marth talks to them

Marketing is in full force on the product and IS hasn’t made anything else to my knowledge besides codename steam in like eight years

>girls are still cute/sexy

That’s not what makes a game, retard.

Now that is some bullshit, but it's kind of beautiful bullshit.

I found it strange how in just a year after the US launch there was more fanfic for Fates than any other FE game, at first I thought they had to be pandering to the shit, and in a way, they did. Shit like COF DLC just cements that there is so much more going on with Fates' world and the deeprealms and a whole bunch of shit, but they just leave it be and leave it vague. I guess that makes it perfect for expanding on.

Or it would be, if 60% of Fates fanworks weren't garbage smut.

Fuck off, soyboy.

>IS hasn’t made anything else to my knowledge besides codename steam in like eight years
For what it's worth, Sticker Star and Color Splash

Notice how you just highlighted whatever you wanted and ignored everything else.

>Sometimes people explode when Marth talks to them

he's referring to mystery of the emblem where the chapter 1 boss kills himself after marth talks to him, the game decides to show this off by having him explode.

Ah yeah, only the neck, head and hands.