ITT: Games so bad they ruined their series. Pic very much related

ITT: Games so bad they ruined their series. Pic very much related.

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Only nu-Sup Forums defends MGS 4.




there's always that one shit taste nigger

Sup Forums loved mgs4 when it came out

This was a game so good it ruined its whole series.

Holy shit, how can someone make a lie this blatant?

t. newfag

Not only is this statement not true, but it's also obviously false.
>Sup Forums loved [x] when it came out
This statement is false regardless of what you substitute [x] with.

No, a certain group of people with a strong attachment to the Sony brand pretended to love MGS4 only because they had fuck all else on the no games station to play and were roundly being mocked for it.

Sup Forums was butthurt because it was filled with poorfags who couldn't afford to play it.


Still better than MGSV.


Mgs4 was the best in the series. You cannot refute this.

Wrong. Sup Forums was filled with kids who got their parents to buy them a PS3 and MGS 4 and were desperately trying to justify their buyer's remorse. They were a very mocked minority, though.


I'd put them about even. gameplay not as good as V but level design has more meat.

Story is shit and invasive (seriously star wars episode 1 tier) but MGSV has no story.

You posting this thread every day makes you look desperate. I don't even like the game but the people who made it are more successful than you'll ever be.

I liked the first two acts and big boss showing up at the end.

Not OP, but you sound quite desperate yourself.
Do you do this to every negative thread about any successful video game or just MGS 4 in particular?

This. MGS 4 is literally the worst game in the series. The plot didn't make an ounce of sense, it was filled with plotholes. The gameplay was really subpar, generic 3rd person shooter except with shit controls, and it relied on fucking gimmicks. Graphics were shit, soundtrack was shit, gameplay was shit, it was fuckin shit. It was a cashgrab aimed at nostalgiacucks. either you know this is true, or you're one of those delusional nostalgiacucks.

You're retarded seeing how it was MGSV that got Kojima ousted and wasn't even a great game in the end anyway.


Capcom kept trying to recreate the hit they had with 4, but with a co-op mechanic to try and broaden the audience.

To their credit, the co-op is fun, but it can't hold a candle to the first play through of Re4.

I thank god mgs4 was my first metal gear game. I just played it like a run and gun 3rd person shooter, no stealth and wasn't offended by shit story as I didn't know wtf was going on at all.

forgot about the game because my next game was dead space which was amazing. only in retrospect do I realize how shit mgs 4 was.

5 was worse

It pretty much killed the series, but not in a bad way at all. It just provided the logical extension of what a 3D Fallout could do. Further games would either just be a new setting but same core game, or have to take the series forwards like FO4 did by essentially making Fallout a sci fi series. Don't see many interesting future paths for the series in the AAA format.

>posts the best game in the series
>posts the game that has stood the test of time

no, 5 was better in every way. it has fucking top tier gameplay, and it just did away with the story so it was automatically better.

I love when people bash 4. It just outs them for the plebs they are.

>You're just too plebian to realize that this pile of shit is kino. The smell of fecal matter that assaults your senses as you approach it is very much intended.

Oh no, you got me. My synapses have been decoded.

5 has garbage gameplay and plays like a worse version of modern Far Cry.

5 hasn't come out yet retard

t.literal cucks

>preferring the old virgin snake instead the Chad Boss

MGS 4 is trash

It's been ruined since 2, 3 saved brought it back. Back in my day, nu-Sup Forums was the one that defended 2

But user, it did ruin the series. They cannot ever top it.

I'm playing mgs4 right now and I love it

MGS4 is the best in the series only adhd autists bash it.


I disagree.
Mgs4 was a clusterfuck but nowhere near the level of the following games.
While there was little gameplay i still prefer its cqc system, i think is the best across all games.

I liked it just as much as 1 and 2

Only retards like it

PCeasant here. Only played MGS5. Can I get a quick rundown about what makes mgs4 so controversial?

Stealth gameplay only exists for the first third of the game. Cutscenes are constant, and despite their great execution, the story they tell ruined the story of the series.
The only redeemable thing about it is how easy it is to make fun of it.

It's made for people who grew up playing MGS games. So a lot of delivery is based on your attachment to locations and characters.
It also has bad cutscenes distributions. It's a 20hour game so there's enough gameplay there, but it also has cutscenes that take 5,15 and up to 40 minutes.

>It's made for people who grew up playing MGS games
Only if they're brainlets. Anyone remotely intelligent hates the series raping that MGS 4 did.

mgs4 was perfect ending, kojima's love letter for fans, all of the epicness and fanservice one could ask for. bunch of nitpicked dumb moments does not make it bad





Pictured: The brain of the average MGS 4 fan

Non brainlet who actually played these games as a kid were more interested to the fate of the characters and how you were playing the last game of the franchise you loved so much instead of caring whatever bullshit excuse we have for the events in the convoluted mess that is the story.
Did 4 fucked up trying to pull a George Lucas and give everything an explanation for being there? Yeah. Should this kill your enjoyment? No, it was the end and it was delivered as such. The series ended in a high note. I'm sorry for those that think otherwise. I replay this game once a year and it's always a great ride.

mgs4 will remain the best of the series my friend, the mgs4 is bad meme is just coming from the fact that kojima will unveil another masterpiece in a couple of days, so the anti-koji force is out full force.

It's retarded and poorly told and thus not a "high note" at all.

>implying one game can ruin a game series.

I struggle to imagine what went through the head of Sega executives who handed the game to Rebellion instead of Monolith. "They made one good game a decade ago, preceded and followed by a veritable avalanche of turds? Sounds perfect!"

Thanks to them and Randy, the only Aliens fix I can get is SS13 Colonial Marines.

Ok my man. I'm gonna do another playthrough this holyday and my wish this christmas is for more "poorly told" videogames as mgs4.

>implying it can't

I bet you are young enough to get Roy Moore's willie up.

I like Sony brand quite a bit, and I loved Kojima games up until 4. 4 made me quit the entire series it was so fucking stupid.

I can handle wacky anime style plots, but I can't handle losing control for 10 minutes every 5 mins of playtime.


Going off of this, the interactions with the characters are so bad, the game is almost past that "Oh man, this sucks" bad, and into the "This is so bad it's funny, like b movie zombie flicks."

Why do faggots like you pull this shit and then whine when Sup Forums shows up?

Newfags don't know, oldfags don't remember.

Blank .jpg? I can't see anything there.

Why do you have to make this political? This is a videogame discussion board you mong. gb2t_d

Also this. Thanks to Doom 3 (more like DINO), the only sequel a once-great game can now get is babby's first FPS.

moar liek a blank game


MGS4 was the best game in the series

MGS2 and 3 were anime shit.

>You were lightning in that rain
Weebs will HATE this

I agree. Peace Walker and V both tried to pick up the pieces but it was already fucked. MGS ended with 3

I like fallout 3 better, but c'mon, that's just trolling.

It's an known belief that Monolith Soft's output has become objectively significantly worse after Nintendo claimed ownership of their soul, and this game is the posterchild of that.

Nah, it was pretty split.

Take it to Sup Forums, you projecting newfaggot.

Always a dead giveaway that the poster frequents reddit.

did she have autism?

I mostly dislike MGS4 just because it spoils the ambiguity of MGS2.

nah, she was just a 7 years old.

Now she is 11 and have boobs because japan.

Everyone disagreeing with this is fucking new I remember the constant 360 begging threads. Everyone thought the post-credits scene was great too until a couple years later when everyone realized it was fucking retarded.

We were mocking MGS 4's shit plot within days of the game coming out. Leaks just weren't as fast back then.

Fuck off with your revisionism.
It was impossible to discuss 4 here. It was all people spamming about watching a movie. Especially because the ps3 didn't had a huge catalog back then.

>MGS4 ruined the series
It's literally the best game in the series in terms of both gameplay and story. Don't be a retard.

In order from greatest to worst:
The rest

>"Why do you have to make my offhand political quips into political issues?"
Imagine having this little self-awareness.