He did nothing wrong

He did nothing wrong




>you can overthrow Logan and become even more of a tyrant than him
>instead of having a sensible option of just not overthrowing him
The most frustrating part about this game's story. At least you have the option of sparing him if you want, but he still disappears from the game.

For someone who only watched OutsideXbox, was his decision to have your love interest killed over a bunch of peasants justified?

>but he still disappears from the game
No, you see him at the end

Meet the lord of 'Did nothing wrong'

The fact that a third option exists where you can achieve his goal with none of the bloodshed/tyranny proves he was wrong. Cunt should have gotten out there and busked.

He lost

Ah yes. The original Westeabu.

All he had to do was become a rock star

the lore of Fable is really cool, I'm pretty upset the series is dead now.

>we will never know whats on the other side of that giant desert door

Why was this game such fucking dogshit compared to TLC and Fable 2? They ruined the systems that made this series fun and slashed the enemy roster even further.

The moment you can either kill or spare him and have to go to war with that other country the game turns to shit (as if it wasn't already).
I'm still mad there's still no Fable 4 (as much as I hated 2 and 3).

Fuck that I wanna know about the Old Kingdom, who the Knight and Queen of Blades were because Jack has their masks dangling on his chest. Why did petie ruin this series?

I love how Avo and Skorn never were real gods, but were just stories this guy told and everyone believed him resulting in these 2 waring religions

>We will never have enough money to save the kingdom
>Literally just play lute and get very good at it and the villagers will tip you more than enough money
Bad game. 2 was also bad.

>>okay guys there's a horrific eldritch monster army coming in a year so we're going to declare a national state of emergency and martial law until the dark army has been defeated.
>>taxes will temporarily be massively raised and a draft will be instated in order to prepare for the coming war. Noncombatants will be evacuated prior to the invasion because we literally have a fucking magic fortune teller giving us the enemy's D-day.
>>After the war life will continue as normal with the existential threat annihilated and as king I will retire to the countryside to sire as many hero-blooded offspring as humanly possible for the good of the nation and my dick

Why the fuck wasn't this an option again? And don't you dare say the state taking power in times of emergency and then properly relinquishing it never happens, if fucking Emperor Diocletian of Rome can abdicate and tend to a vegetable garden then fucking Bowerstone can put up with martial law for a year.

The "good guy" ending in fable 3 is to literally be a fucking over generous asshole who, like some negazone Johnny Galt, goes to enormous efforts to amass a fortune completely fairly (aka afking for a few hours to collect rent from the stupid mansions) then gives it all away so that the common man need not be inconvenienced whatsoever by the fact they'll all fucking die without massive military spending.

It's so fucking stupid, and the shit Logan was doing was STILL completely indefensible because he did lots of retard tyrant shit that had no bearing on war preparations.

The only good part of fable 3 was the fact you could cuck that one guy and steal the childhood friend girl back from him, then knock her up and leave her in a mountain shack while you played monopoly with the entire kingdom's real estate

I have a feeling it was rushed in someway

I enjoyed it

he didn't tell people WHY he did what he did so yes he did do something wrong

if he had said from the beginning what he was after I'd have joined him

I thought that was extremely shitty. Avo and Skorm could have been the forces to why you turn super good or really evil. And it's never explained. I mean there is an afterlife in fable but it's never gone into detail.

because prove there's an eldritch thing, get people to care about it and not want to cut your head off for suggesting such

>burns down mt. hiei and everyone on it

>killed his brother, sister and caused his mentor to commit suicide since he threw his dad's ashes over his shoulder like an autist (since its what Sumo do)

Is there? we are never shown any evidence there is an afterlife other than ghosts, but that doesnt mean there is a place you go after you die. Maybe if we were able to travel there in a game, would have been cool

>finally become king
>alright, now to rule and face this monster
>game ends 5 minutes later

This bothered me until I realized xcom operates on the exact same logic

>can't openly combat the alien menace

>instead have to give saome guy 20 bucks and tell him to do it himself

>OCD as fuck and like doing everything I possibly can to get the perfect ending
>literal point of no return that the game never tells you about; not even having your butler hints "hurr after this order you're gonna be real busy until shit goes down!"

forever mad

All he had to do was manipulate the 360's internal clock

>Mt. Hiei was harboring 1500s ISIS with the Ikko-Ikki and no one wanted to touch them because they hid behind their religion

>Brother kept rebelling against him despite Nobunaga showing he could lead the clan

There's a quest in fable 2 about souls of old kingdom warriors using a magic gem to chain their souls to the world and not pass on to some hellish afterlife where they'll be tortured painfully. So yes there is an afterlife and it would have been really cool to see it, find rhe true gods of Fable and not some stupid fucking steampunk robot garbage.

>tell people there is a army of death coming
>expect them to not panic pack their shit up and leave to another country

It's like right now, who is going to tell the world we are going into another global cooldown ice age? No one, because it would cause mass panic and hysteria.

>"If only we'd been more prepared!!" said one NPC.
>Yeah, if only the king hadn't slipped into a fucking coma for five months and his tenants had paid their fucking rent

This game woke me up to preordering vidya. From that day on i swore i would never preorder a vidya again.

Maybe if he would wear his fucking clothes right his brother wouldn't have been convinced by everyone that he was a tosser who was going to lead the clan to ruin

Isnt that the part in TLC where you have to get the fire stone heart thing in that pattern puzzle after you defeat Jack of Blades for the first time?

and the steampunk was in 3 I thought, in a underground city

>play fable 2
>get to bowerstone
>make enough money to buy a shop
>set 360's clock forward
>come back


>Make enough money in one year to prepare for the bad guys by doing the exact same shit Logan has been doing for 5 years

ok... im assuming everyone here has played the main Fable games...

so.. we are all friends here.. who took it.

I liked the steampunk robot garbage of 3, but the world was just so.. dull. No color, no characters, no real Fable charm. It just felt like such an empty attempt to make a Fable game.

And don't get me started on that fucking sanctuary bullshit and removing the map for that 3D inaccurate piece of shit

Fable > Fable 2 > The Lost Chapters > Fable 3

This is objective fact

Poor guy just needed to play the lute.

Imagine waking up tomorrow and Trump said all that shit. Would you believe him? Of course not. And even if you did, would you stay where you are and calmly go about your day to day life? Of course not. You'd run, you'd hoard shit, you'd go into a bunker, something.

It wasn't a Fable game. Fable was about the mystical magic shit happening and all types of magical monsters while you being a hero able to fight it. When the main enemies were fucking wolves and electricity robots it wasn't fable. They couldn't even add in Trolls because of sone shit hammer nobody uses called Trollsbane.

>no characters
nigga what?
Walter? Jasper? Fable 3 probably had some of the strongest characters in the trilogy

So is it possible we will ever get another Fable game? Or is it dead and buried for good?

>Would you believe him?
If the governments and science communities all over the world said they've detected ayy lmaos heading to Earth and that they'd get there in one year, I'd believe them

Walter was the only saving grace

>Teach me to be a hero!

opinions on fable anniversary?

no Ben Finn?

Where did the pacing of villians in Fable go? From a masked freak who came from a place called the Netherworld to an evil and crazy man rebuilding an Old Kingdom relic to wish his wife and daughter back to black, angsty jizz?

I love Simon Pegg, but I forgot that character even existed.

I liked it, its basically Lost Chapters.
I didn't like the character's face though, looked ugly imo


I thought the darkness was supposed to swallow all of Albion?

what do you mean?

Fable 3 and that miserable abomination was the deathnail for Lionhead which was bankrupt of ideas making black smokey shit le obvious bad guy.

I only played Fable 2 and Fable 3. Should I play the first game?

I mean compared to the first two games the Crawler is so fucking stupid and such a horrible excuse for a villian.

yeah, play Fable: The Lost Chapter though, more content

>an enhanced version of the first game is inferior to the original
are you stupid?

How's it feel to be so wrong?

Fable TLC > Fable 2 > Fable > POWERGAP > Fable 3

That whole level was pretty spoopy with your big hairy bodyguard getting frightened. It would almost make you feel vulnerable and afraid if there was an actual penalty for death.

Is Fable Anniversary on steam ok?

That crash landing in Aurora was fucking fantastic. Best part of the game. Great introduction to a brand new enemy, but as soon as you go outside it all dissipates into an empty, boring, wasteland.

>no Fable game set during the time of the Old Kingdom
>episodic style game rather than one hero
>first part you play as William Black, the first hero, and how he discovered will energy and defeated The Court
>second part portrays the downfall of the Archons, the construction of the Spire and how the heroes bloodline ended up secluded on Knothole island
>third part focuses on Nostro and the founding of the Hero's Guild

Scarlet Robe conquering the arena and Maze becoming Jack of Blade's apprentice/leading the guild revolt as DLC

You called?

well Fable 3 kinda had 2 villains, Logan and the Crawler.
the whole first half is rebelling and overthrowing Logan. Then comes the Crawler who is this impending doom that you can not prevent his coming, just try and survive it.
I quite liked the Crawler, that whole section after getting shipped wrecked was very lovecraftian (one of my favorite themes). but the final boss fight was kinda lacking, fighting a possessed Walter was pretty evil, but I wanted an epic battle, like Dragon Jack of Blades in TLC

yeah, thats TLC, just updated graphics

Maybe if you like the Fable 2/3 interface. Anniversary is a miss for me though. The "HD textures" look like complete ass. Everything is glossy and bloomy and the reworked NPC models look awful, and they don't even lip sync properly.

>an empty, boring, wasteland.
well... thats kinda the point. that place was nearly wiped out by the Crawler except for that one small cluster of civilization

Maybe when Microsoft figures out nobody wants their shitty hearthstone clone they'll make an attempt to revitalize fable with a game set in the Old Kingdom with you being William Black starting it all, then seeing what went so horrible that he wished for it all to be erased.

I did but regretted it and loaded another save. I didn't realize the women in this game were just as, if not more, masculine. She was also freakishly tall because I guess archery needs insane height?

>very lovecraftian (one of my favorite themes)

I agree. I just wish they could take all those good ideas and settings and multiply it by 10 for a proper sendoff to Fable.

>tightly written and tonally consistent fantasy RPG with a perfect story arc between the Hero of Oakvale and Jack of Blades
>shroom quests, AN ANCIENT EVIL AWAKENS, Disney-tier Summoners, Avo's fukken Tear for free, and ironic Fire Heart Prophets

If you can't tell which is better, get out

im probably alone on this, but I was hoping to see a game set farther in the future, to a 1920's Albion, with gangsters and tommy guns, but also still have magic and weird magical creatures and monsters.
Just imagine Mobster Hobbs

>liking the themes of some faggot who had an irrational fear of the ocean, impending our explorations of said oceans and who never fucked his wife because he was a chicken necked beta

Oh, so you're just mad that the Sword of Aeon's had it's damage reduced. Gotcha.

When albion reaches that point there isn't going to be any fucking magic anymore my dude. No they needed to stop it at Fable 2 and just go back.

>Adds an extra fourth to the main game, excluding the northern island.
The ONLY thing wrong with it is Jack's new voice.

Well he did fuck Ranmaru in the ass. Several times.


Fable TLC is ugly but has its charms. Anniversary is just plain ugly.
Why bother playing one ugly game for $40 when I can play the ugly game I already own?

>memegenerator watermark

they could have came up with some bullshit, like an old kingdom door buried underground opens up and spills out this potent magic into the world, or something like that

google image search

>Make the choice, hero. Will you throw power into the abyss and do what's right or make a choice even worse than Jack's and seize the ultimate weapon?
>The Lost Chapters
>Yeah we keep a bunch of these literal God-Tier weapons lying around. Go ask the corpses if they can share.

Man it's a good thing that Fable wasn't advertised as a game with choices or else The Lost Chapters would have turn the original game's climax into a pile of shit

Ro maybe we could have game to see the Old Kingdom alive. The Spire in fable 2 and that cutscene of Archeon making the wish to destroy it all was just a taste we'll never experience because of retarded industrial revolution crap.

>I have to be evilly oppressive and tax everyone to death to raise enough money to save the kingdom
>take over and treasury is nearly empty

he was fucking shit at what he did

Fable 3 was the first Fable I played, then 2, then 1, so I have a bit of a soft spot for it and still enjoy it.

Old Kingdom setting would have also been cool. I just liked what Fable was doing advancing the timeline with each game, it was something not many other fantasy games have done (or to a very drastic change like Fable).

The real crime of Fable 3 was not getting to kill fucking Reaver. Such an awful Gary Stu since the second game.

It remained intact with the final choice; were you a powerhungry asshole who will stop at nothing, even possession, to attain power? Were you regretful that power corrupted you, killing your sister in the process, so you throw the mask away? Were you benevolent but the call of the mask was too strong? Were you Righteous through and through wielding Avo's Tear in full bright plate while throwing the mask into the abyss? The two choices lead to several different meaningful endings.

So why didn't he just tell you doom was approaching from the get go? Seems like the whole situation could have been avoided with some proper communication.

arent Gary Sues and Mary Sues suppose to be liked by everyone?

>>Yeah we keep a bunch of these literal God-Tier weapons lying around.
The best weapon in both versions can be bought from a vendor in Bowerstone so that point is invalid.

>Theresa tells you you must overthrow your brother to save Albion
>Theresa also told your brother that he must save Albion or it will be destroyed
So why didn't Theresa just sit you and your brother down, have a little pow wow, say that you are taking control to placate the people and stop the rebellion, then work together to take down the crawler or whatever with Aurora rather than fucking around and wasting time and resources? Think of all the innocent people killed by you just doing their job that could've been prevented by Theresa.

because he's le epic and random xD

God I wish I could've just fucking killed him when I first ran into that cunt in 2.

He really was, he's not even funny on top of that. I wished throughout Fable 2 that there were the 3 obvious choices but you had the option or killing, or at least not recruiting, them leading to a second secret champion.