Hi /his/ here!

Hi /his/ here!
The other day this man came to our board and started talking about how the Confederacy would have won if they bought Skyrim.
Could you explain what he meant by this?

Nth dimensional shitposting

Check it, its a 4

Thanks for importing all those nigger slaves who's descendants are wreaking havoc all across the US. Sherman should of put the entirety of the south to the torch.


The only thing wrecking havoc on the US is elected republicans m8. No amount of petty robberies touches them.

We should have just sent them all to Liberia, but instead everyone has to look at my 8

Close but not as close as I'm gonna get to my 2

How would Skyrim help the South when the North already bought Fallout 4 VR?
also check this 3


Hold on buckaroos, let's get off of divisive politics and back onto the Skyrim train!

By the 9 divine!

I pirated Skyrim twice! and I even left a bad review about it on steam!

Hi /k/ here!
The other day this man came to our board and started talking about how the US Army would have won Vietnam if they bought Fallout 3.

forgot pic

Easy 6

I'm surprised you /k/lips didn't lynch the guy on sight.

Fallout check my 3[/spoiler

He seems like a smart man. You should buy fallout 3 and 4. t. /Ka/non

You are rude. We /Ka/nons were very nice to mr todd. We even bought several copies of fallout 4.

Could any kind denizens of this image board help a newbie figure out how to fix posts if they messed up replaying? Also just bought the new edition of fallout 4, it was great! Well worth 70$.

>that kid who thought Toddposting was funny

Sup Forums here

Reminder that toddposting is just a glib facsimile of the many x-posting variants we have on Sup Forums.

Sup Forums will never generate anything the likes of Baneposting and its lesser ilk.


Alright i'm killing this thread with a simple picture and involves mothers

sorry you didn't get your free shit

I'm not gunna risk it

Jokes on you, I don't sleep.



I don't blame you.

I am Toddwise the DANCING CLOWN!

Would you like a copy of Fallout 4?

>thinks social security is "free shit" when people pay into it all their life and the government had a literal contract with the people regarding it
>Thinks medicare is free shit when it's literally so people who are disabled and cannot work don't die in the street
Welfare isn't medicare or SS.
Red state education



Fuck you

Don't die on me.

Can't risk it


>Hi /blank/ here!
Fuck off back there then, sage

No one is talking about getting rid of SS or medicare entirely you goddamn retard, shouldn't you be off chasing windmills or inventing things to victimize yourself with or something




Also check my 5


fug :(

Heck off user.


Superstitions are a powerful thing.

>looks like Dr.Light

MM11. pre-ordering right now!

Hey thats bretty gud


The funny thing is I don't do this for the mother ones.