Why this this game fail?
Why this this game fail?
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Retarded marketing.
Bethesda thought shitting on Trump voters was a good idea when the actual game has absolutely nothing to do with the election.
The usual. They thought that tumblr buys games.
I da don'ta know
Sup Forums made hourly threads on Sup Forums for over a month, bethesda never stood a chance
proofs? I actually played the game and didn't feel insulted as a trump fan/4channer
Did you drop your tinfoil hat or something?
It's not a good game and it came out at a bad time.
>It's not a good game
I disagree. It was fun
People don't like linear shooters anymore
They want 100+ hours of multiplayer content and microtransactions
Because the "le punching nazi" marketing had a heavy communist overtone to it which is suicide outside the radical left, who don't buy video games.
>trump voters
>game was anti-nazi
Really fires up those neurons.
Overpriced for a 6 hour game out of which 50% are cutscenes.
>nowadays when everyone who disagress with cucks is called a nazi
Nice try
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
>main characters calls the only outspoken commie in the game a bolshevik coward and degenerate moonshiner and blames him for losing the war
>heavy communist undertone
why do you insist on promoting fake news?
> "game"
It had as much cutscenes as MGS4 and gunplay was severely gimped.
Combat had to be approached with extreme caution because your healthpool was halved compared to New Order.
The dialog was cringy as fuck as well
"Come and get me you white ass fucking nazis"
The stronk black wymyn was annoying and obnoxious.
The ending was horse shit
Overall the game regressed in storytelling, writing and gameplay
Did i cover most of it?
main character*
Really nigga? That your question to justify your stupidity? Les me guess... you are forbes writer, right?
>The stronk black wymyn was annoying and obnoxious.
she was a racist stereotype so you fags should cheer for that?
>The ending was horse shit
how? killing that nazi whore was a long time coming, FELT good, and the speech wyatt gives is top tier
>Combat had to be approached with extreme caution because your healthpool was halved compared to New Order.
lolno. PLUS you get 100hp half way through so why comment if you didn't play the gaem?
>The dialog was cringy as fuck as well
agree 100000000%. anything anya related made me wanna puke. nvm that stupid blood scene and her going in warzones, what the fuck? plus she drinks while pregnant but I guess that's just banter because she's a pole
>say something
>wow! any source on that?
Why are drumpfcucks so dumb?
Awkward marketing combined with the fact that it really wasn't all that good. Felt like a real big step backwards l
It didn't, just Sup Forumstards trying to spread this as a truth, they are probably gonna reply to this post with some dumb sales from the first day or making a compariso to the first one. They actually don't know what the word fail means
>he's never gotten blackout drunk and pissed off and said shit he didn't mean
He was there to get their help moron.
actions > words
Aslo you have to 21 to post here.
>I laid my line on the line for freedom, justice and the american way while you and your bohemian friends were passing out bolshevik propaganda
>what good is your fucking equality if you can't muster the backbone to stick up for your people
>bolshevik cowards
all of these lines said by B.J in the game. apologize right now shitheads. APOLOGIZE
so you're butthurt because you get to kill nazis in the game. shush now you'll meet sweet soon 16 and maybe not be that fucked by your hormones anymore
DOOM was a better shooter, TNO was better for killing nazis.
Lol go back to rebdit dumptf falseflagging Sup Forumsturd
Communists ARE the good guys in this game, just like irl now deal with it weenie.
both mediocre tbqh. DOOM could have been great if they didn't have all that annoying upgrade shit and made the arenas more seamless like painkiller. still enjoyed both
ps. killing nazis is justice. same for commies. blow me faggots
it was actually okay, I pirated it because I knew it'd be too short to be worth the current price. I'll prob rebuy it when its cheaper and replay it once more.
Real firestarters. The gaming world quakes under the might of Sup Forums.
But really it isn't, if you took your wife's boyfriend's cock out of your mouth you would have realized that.
>I laid my line on the line for freedom, justice and the american way while you and your bohemian friends were passing out bolshevik propaganda
>what good is your fucking equality if you can't muster the backbone to stick up for your people
>bolshevik cowards
>she was a racist stereotype so you fags should cheer for that?
Don't know about them but I sure don't want to watch some ugly ass black lady with a dirty afro screaming MODAFUCKA for 5-6 hours.
How long did it take everyone to beat it? I'm curious because Sup Forumsidiots says it's 2 hours long with nothing but cut-scenes and it took me about 10 hours if I don't count the "side missions".
Plus I played it on the hardest starting difficult and took my sweet time. But there's atleast 2-3 hours of cut scenes so obviously Sup Forums is wrong again.
same. but I actually put 12 hours in it for 43% completion which was the campaign + one commander mission. hardest default difficulty. only died like 3 times tho but I like taking my time and tried to handle a few sequences all stealth like so it would probably take 8 hours if I just ran through
It was more of the same. TNO felt sort of fresh in the beginning, but using the same shit got really stale. Linear shooter with a lot of cutscenes and not a very interesting story. Not very long either, but still cost a lot
Source on what? Do you want screenshots of conversations of liberals calling trump supporters nazis? Do I REALLY need to link a video of people calling conservatives nazis?
Alright. I know this is a bait but i'm still going to answer. Imagine this:
You have a new Wolfenstein game in which everyone who is good is a white, Aryan looking guy and every Nazi you fight is a black guy/dyke/liberal/democrat/whatever.
Now, of course those groups would get offended by that and criticize the game.
What do you do then? It's simple.
"But you shoot Nazis in this game. Do you actually defend Nazis? I never thought that a game about shooting Nazis would be controversial. Are you a Nazi?"
If you don't understand what i mean you must be completely retarded.
checkif I tried 100% perfect stealth it would probably take at least 20 hours but I'm pretty bad at it : /
>of people calling conservatives nazis
sjws and tumblerites aren't people. so now that we have established that please do provide proof you made me curious
I didn't buy it because I didn't like the marketing Agency/groups tactics. Could be an amazing game, I won't investigate because my initial exposure was negative. If I do play this I'll wait for those under $5 deals on steam.
Too story/cinematic driven when it should've just been about running around shooting Nazi's. Short play time didn't help either.
You leave Tyrone out of this.
Only after you admit it is a bad game that failed to build on TNO. Wolfenstein games should not have that piss poor cutscenes:gameplay ratio
waaaay to expensive for what it is, wait for the sale.
If a game features cut scenes longer than one hour, I subtract the time from cut scenes from the estimated completion time. I'm not paying $60 for a game that's 3/4 hours of story gameplay.
I'm guessing the "make america nazi free again" slogan could be interpreted as an anti trump comment or implying that Trump and his supporters are nazis (and since it is from a Swedish studio, that's not hard to imagine it was meant like that). either way, it's probably not a good idea to throw things out there that could possibly be interpreted as a political statement that goes against a significant portion of your potential buyers
Go back to your conservative shithole retard
Yeah but the alt right are literal Nazis, silly.
the sale already came and passed, you dunce. it was 50% off only a few days ago
In 2017, a human being asked to see proof of conservatives and trump supporters being called nazis. Good fucking god you are retarded.
Also, can you please provide proof that sjw's and tumblrites aren't people? You made me quite curious with that claim
$30 is still to expensive for a 6 hour game. I'll wait for 10-15
>No new weapons
>AI is still really dumb, can sit with your back to the wall and gun down everyone
>Characters are not as funny as devs think, especially balding conspiracy nut
>Ad campaign was "fuck drumph" instead of remakes of old songs, now in German, and cool alternate reality
>Final boss was pushing X on an old women, previous game ended with your friend in a robot and a madman in a mech suit powered by lightning
>Too many cutscenes
>Game is all about 'American Revolution' but you have no connection to America because all you see are Nazi bases and ruins
No one cares
It was straight up not as good as the first and the original wasn't a massive success anyway. On top of that it came out at a rough time as well. I know a lot of people will blame the marketing entirely and while I can certainly see a decent amount of people being alienated by it I feel like it wasn't enough to make a huge impact on the sales.
I was originally going to buy Wolfenstein 2 when it came out, but after seeing it's marketing campaign I decided against it.
Good thing too, as the game is only 9 hours long at best with 4 hours of unplayable/unskippable cutscenes.
If you want to play a Wolfenstein game, Wolfenstein 3D is still playable on emulators or Steam.
Easy user, because it was boring and short, TNO is cheaper and actually fun
TNO had lots of cutscenes and was plagued by walking sections????????? none of them have a dime on RTCW but they're still pretty fun
I don't care to prove that to you. now can you show me a non sjw/tumblrite calling conservatives nazis? or better yet normal conservatives that aren't just big trump cocksuckers being called nazis? ps I forgot to mention that while sjws/tumblrites are definitely not human, alt righters aren't either :3
You can't deny there's an overlap between Trump supporters and nazi cucks. Just browse Sup Forums for 5 minutes.
yep i kinda approached most situations in a stealthy manner. The gun play was pretty satisfying though so I ended up running and gunning a little too
$30 is waay to expensive for what it was. that should have been it's original price.
>"why did this game fail?"
>"Because its a 6 hour game"
Nice try Sup Forumstards contemplate suicide
why are you so obsessed with Sup Forums, is it because you want to talk politics on a videogame board?
not really. Sup Forums are just a bunch of numales and so are outspoken IRL trumptards eg. milo and all the youtubers and twitter warriors who suck his cock
if you go on stormfront which has real neo nazis they all hate trump and putin since they suck jewish/muslim penis
why are you so mad that a few people enjoyed a somewhat decent shooter ? nobody is even saying the game was great or sucking it off, it was just a decent shooter with bad writing. A lot of the characters could have been written better and probably VA'd better too but that doesn't take away from the core gameplay
>"Make America Nazi-free again"
Some retard decided to market this game like it was literal Communist propaganda in the vein of "let's defeat Trumpfler and the Whitezis to make way for a browner and more faggy America", when it was actually just the usual cartoonish WW2 US patriotard fare. But the game isn't good anyway, so no real harm done.
I understood your point, user. The faggot you were answering probably has Soros' shriveled dick so far up his ass he wouldn't see reason anyway.
>Game all about killing Nazi's
>Article is basically just overexplaining the basic thought of "Nazi's are bad"
Unless you are insinuating Trump Supporters=Nazi's there is literally no reason to get insulted/outed.
No one feed the retarded concern trolls, thank you.
>shush now you'll meet sweet soon 16
buddy, a word of advice.
don't try to get clever with your insults when english CLEARLY isn't your first language.
just stick to calling him a faggot.
Why do I even respond seriously in these threads
shut it faggot I'll get clever however I want
clearly you've never been to Sup Forums because they hate Milo and youtubers like PJW etc.
also Stormfront's owner said that he repected Putin iirc
The game's fine and fun. The only people bitching about it are Sup Forums snowflakes.
>if you go on stormfront
You're not a Sup Forumstard you are just retarded, it got shutdown for being filled with murder fantasizing hatemogerers a while back.
>TNO had lots of cutscenes and was plagued by walking sections
why did you ignore this important section? because you got proven wrong????? retard
stormfront is constantly changing domains but it's still going
they had a thread with lots of links and proofs as to why he is bad for the white race. those niggas were pretty serious unlike Sup Forums
I'm not a regular so I didn't know it shut down. I don't browse Sup Forums since I'm not an easily offended numale soyboi cuck etc
most people on Sup Forums are retarded and don't understand geopolitics. US isn't a puppet of Israel, it's literally the other way around. It's always been a colonial foothold and tool of the US, UK and Saudi Arabia. They literally refuse to read any kind of real history on the creation of Israel and rely on youtubers and infowars.
Idiots will blame the marketing but the truth is it wasn't near as good as the first and first one didn't make a huge impact anyway. It came out barely a few days before CODWW2 as well, another far more popular game about killing Nazi's. It could have had the best marketing in the world it still would have failed.
why are you typing like you're on twitter??????
Jesus christ who the fuck would support literal murderers?
The game failed because it was 6 hours long and plagued with badly written cutscenes. Sup Forumstards think it failed because the marketers talked shit about Trump (they didn't btw)
why do you fags try to claim like TNO was anything but a mediocre shooter just like this one and that it sold billions or some shit? biggest fault of this new wolf game was being released at the same time as actual big titles
why not??????????????????
It was an ok game but at the end of the day The New Order was better.
also this whole Nazi outrage is just fake news, nobody cared about that. But characters like Grace turned a lot of people off to the game.
The problem is that you weren't given a level where you turn your gun on the communists and eradicate the piece of shit "good guys" before proceeding to go fight nazis. take out the soviet subversives and opportunistic backstabbers in your midst before taking on Mecha Hitler
>claims others don't understand geopolitics
>claims Israel is a US puppet
wew lad
what benefits has US gotten from their "colony" other than a "greatest ally" in the middle east?
They thought they could get away with charging full price for 4 hour campaign with no multiplayer.
Why are all trump voters obese?
The ratio in TNO is a lot better. There's also the fact that the story, characters, and presentation is flat out better in TNO. and you ignored the other point. TNC failed to improve on the foundations laid before it. Wolfenstein 2009 is better
>But characters like Grace turned a lot of people off to the game.
racists aren't people try again
>Bill Clinton
US-NATO bombing of Yugoslavia 1999
>Barack Obama
intervention in Libya that destabilized one of the only civil countries in it's region, turning it into terrorist nest 2011
>who would vote for literal murderers
your retard population votes for them every 4 years with career war monger politicians on both sides
I agree on all of that except like 40% of TNO was cutscenes and walking scenes down boring corridors so suck my cock?????????????
>before taking on Mecha Hilter
user... i...
the final boss was a quick time event