Have you ever considered masturbating to a video game character?
Have you ever considered masturbating to a video game character?
Haven't you?
I'm about to do it right now, question is which one.
*blushes* maybe once... *Hides face in hands*
I just did
This is not ok, user.
This one
a man of culture I see. I too have masturbated to her
Why is her face melting?
I've lost more semen to D.Va than I can even begin to fathom.
Do you self-insert as the robot?
No, just as myself. I've waifu'd her too hard that I legitimately hate Lucio because of the shipping and feel like he is trying to cuck me.
I guess so. Nothing on-model, though, hardly counts.
I just did.
Gwynevere's tiddies are lovely
Ms. Rebecca Chambers in sportswear oufit.
ah I see you are a man of fine taste as well
She looks even better now that she is is older.
Considered it? I did it today
Yah, I got Xeno 2 today. That voice actor for Pyra sounds hot.
Don't hurt yourself in the long run user!
That's the gayest thing I've ever heard. Congrats.
I'm gonna go fuck a D.Va cosplayer in your honor.
>Korean hooking up with a brasilian guy
Let's be realistic and say it woulnd't happen in real life.
Y'know, I have still not played FF7 so everything I know about final fantasy lore comes from porn
she is a little slut who loves to get sandwiched between chris and billy
If you've read Hojo/Lucrecia/Vincent cuck porn that's actually canon.
This is one of my favorite pictures, how did you know
have you never been hot and bothered?
I'm not joking.
Go kill yourself you gay.
Basically every single female character model in FF12 desu
Fran and the Viera in general countless times
That's okay user we all have our weird ones. I jerked off to Minnie Mouse and Hello Kitty
I've amused the idea once or twice before.
Well she looks pretty slutty.
I fap to a lot of characters but Mitsuru is just perfection
I ended up accidentally spoiling myself on all Danganronpas because I could not wait to finish the games before looking up porn of the girls.
Do you know where you are?
Hi I'm Lucio
No you sick fuck.
Don't know mate, there are some brazilian men that even I would fuck. No homo.
no, never.
It's one of my favorites as well, big fan of musee
No, never.
Nope, can't say I have.
You're a good person user. Thanks for being cool
Got to admit that's really well drawn.
2B is not for lewding
Now 9S...
Bowser is for love not lewd.
She looks angry. Does she not like greek yogurt?
>not posting the better version
I'll hang on to that one.
9s what?
Any news about the game at all? King Knight campaign? Amiibos release date?
9S deserves a rough pounding
>human face
That's excessive.
I've already done it, everytime Niko had sex in GTA IV
What is it with these weird claw heels?
I know what they're there for, but they always look really unpleasant.
>literally a human in a bunny suit
you fuckers need to stop doing this lazy shit
Any good lewds of Enchantress?
kys furfag
Those are some nasty tits, they are like barely on her fucking body. Why do nip nips want big titties then their small dicks can't even handle 3 inches of cleavage?